Life Of Agricola And Germany

발행: 1889년

분량: 161페이지


분류: 미분류







Entered accordinito Ac o Congress in the year 188o byW1LLIA FRANCIS ALLEN, in the ossice of the Libraria o Congress a Washington.






Roman historians, flourished in the eignis the Emperor Trajan A.D. 98-117). There is no positive viden eos tolli place of his birili, or iis date, o the time of his death. tradition o no great value mines hi a native os Interamna. This,as the birthplace of the Eniperor Tacitus, who laimed hinshi With the historian As to the ear of his birili, weanow oni that he was omewhat olde than his intimate friend theyounger liny Who Wastorii A.D. 61 or a. lin himself says Epp. vii et o that the were prosemodum aequales p ut adds

adulescensurus, cum jam Iu fama gloriaque floreres se Sequi ... concupiscebam. These expression mayioin to a dissereno in age of soli or sive possibi even ight or en, earS Cannot weli place the birthi Tacitus earlier than 31 or later hans 6. The est authorities are generali agreed PO A.D. 54. I Wo or three considerations teli in favor of an earlier

date. In the Lis of Agricola Chap. III. he appears to rechon himself amon those lio, ein juvenes a the accession ofDomitian, ad arrive ad senecfusem unde the rule of that tyrant. o sorty-sive a the age of senectus accordinito Roman in and a Domitian die in 96 Tacitus an hardlyhave been or much later than 1. 'gain the narration of

His praenomen has been usuali give a Gaius, but is no generallyacceptexto have been Publius, o the authorit of one of the est manu


llet much before the traditiones age. I may be added that Ρliny was probabi notria fromisty-sive hen he made use of the expression propemodum aequales and that this term might appl very wel to tW men o fifty-sive and siXty-three o sive. He probabj die aboli A.D. ΙΙ6. O the evenis of his lis ver litile sanown He married thedaughter of Agricola in the ea A.D. 78 Chap. IX.), an ithas been Conjecture that he was a member of his militarylamit durin his administrationi Aquitania the three previous

Dialogue os rasors De Oratoribus), an early Composition, Sodisserent in style sto his later Works that an have thoughtit could not have been written by him. . The Lis of Agricola. 3. Germane a description of the nations o Germany, whicli forins ur est fource of informationis to thei early condition. It is about as large a Wor a the Agricola. 4. The His ories, in Murteen booksci a delaile narration o evenis


TH me of Agricola.

srom the deati, os Nero, A.D. 68, to that o Domitian A.D. 96. Only the rs Mur book an par of the fifth are extant. 5. The Annales properi an introduction to the Histories, essi ut an minute, ut in a more finished an maturer style. It Consiste os siXteen books, and embraced the perio froni thedeath of Augustus Α.D. 4, to that O Nero, A.D. 68. Ourbooks an paris os fou other are missing. He lanne also aliistor of the good times aster Domitian, ut Seem neve toliave underlahen it.

Tacitus Was in theor a republican and had n likin for theempire. Heane ver Wel that he Republic could neve berestored, and was satisfied that he beneficent rulei Nerva and Tra an had solve the problem o goverriment so the RomanS, and that he no ei oyed the est practic te combinationis liberi an authority. uti Could not orget the horror of the vi times that had gone es ore, and he gives fui an unre-strained expression to his atred of the tyrann o Tiberius, Caligula, ero, and Domitian. His style Hows illi intensi tyo feeling,henae speis of them an he osten rises o these

occasion into a ster an passionate eloquenCe. his appearsalso to have been his Characteristi as an orator sor lin Saysthat he engage in the prosecution o a cruei and unjustprovincia governor, he spoke loquentissime et, quod eximium orationi ejus in I, or μνω--Whicli ast ordis may render, in a stately, earnes style. ' A. Writer, he had the sam Characteristics; he excels in graphi power, though hecis osten obscure rom XCessive Condensation but the student is alWays

repaid soriis efforis by the intrinsic excellence of his Mitings. The Lis of Agricola stand by itfel in ancient literatur asa biograph of the modern type, mot meret the orthilyrelate lis of an eminent an like hos o PlutarchondΝepos, ut a persona tribute of affectio an admiratio by


introductisen. one of his own household. o classical Wor is there re ebter fitted o forni par of a Course which ainis to containinlywhat is intrinsicali best an mos characteristic. It is one ofilios Ionic Writings,hicli eis to elevate an strengthen themora natur an licit u CharaCter.

Μ aim, in the present edition has been to meet the needso suci a Course. I have est specia philological training tolli teacher, ni mahin occasiona referetice to the leadinggrammars. On the ther hand I have underia hen to explain the historical referen Ces,ith great ulness, an to give needi ulassistanc in ali rea dissiculties. In the ex I have so themost par followed ritZ, ut have no hesitate to ar stomit,hen there seeme to e good eason, especiali in severat Cases to restore the readinio the manuscripis. In preparing the commentary, Phave been chien assiste by Mitz, ut have also made se of Drager, Church and rodribb, an Freund. M specia thank are due to ros. TRAC riC o Corneli University, who has Caresuli read the whole proos, and whose suggestions have frequently caused me to change or modis my

It is, intention to solio this, as early a possitae, With an editionis the Germania o Tacitus.



I. CLARORU Virorum facta moresque posteris tradere, antiquitus Sitatum, ne nostris quidem temporibus quamquam incuriosa uorum aetas omisit, quotiens

magna aliqua ac nobilis virtus Vicit ac supergressa est vitium parvis magnisque CiVitatibu commune ignorantiam recti et invidiam. Sed apud priores ut agere digna memoratu pronum magisque in aperto erat, ita celeberrimus quisque ingenio ad prodendam Virtutis memoriam, sine gratia aut ambitione, bonae tantum conscientiae pretio ducebatur . Ac plerique suam ipsi vitam narrare fiduciam potius morum quam arrogantiam arbitrati sunt, nec id Rutilio et Scauro citra fidem aut obtrectationi fuit adeo virtutes iisdem temporibus optime aestimantur, quibus facillime gignuntur. At nunc narraturo mihi vitam defuncti hominis, venia opus fuit quam non petissem incusaturus tam saeva et infesta virtutibus

11. Legimus, cum Aruleno Rustico Paetus Thrasea, Herennio Senecioni Priscus Helvidius laudati essent, capitale fuisse neque in ipsos modo auctores, Sed in libros quoque eorum aeVitum, delegato triumviris ministerio, ut monumenta clarissimorum ingeniorum in comitio ac foro urerentur. Scilicet illo igne vocem populi Romani et libertatem senatus et conscientiam generis humani aboleri arbitrabantur, Xpulsis insuper