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sive hoc ineptum, alvo Iaudandum est opus, Invovit ILLE, nostra perimit manus.-Phadrua. ELEVENTU EDITION.
WHEN LooKE prepared an Interlinear tran lation for the heis of those that have a miud tounderstand Latin Books. ' he did not mean that the aid of grammis mas to be despised, but merelythat the young student aliould never be disgusted by formia reses of grammar, besere he had acquired some interest in the object of his studies. Hesays expressty - It mill help to facilitate tholearning of the Latin, V he, that reada these fabies mi in that desim, mill every noW and then rein the
both as a synthetical and analytical companion: but, sor the gahe os clearer distinction, we preserassigning different depariments to. a plurality os
Accordingly, We confine the reader os the Fabies of Phaedrvs to the earlier acquirement, deserring the process os analysis to the Pari devotod tollio Firat Book of Virgil's AEneid: and in like
manner, the more ad vanced stages os scholarshipwill be severalty committed to the direction os separate classica os the highest character. Τhis mention os Loche's Interlinear Τranslationleada us to say a seW Worda on the particular book
and iis numerous barbarisma Mould tend rather tocorrupi than to refine the iaste of the classio student. But, at the time when Loche made this translation, it Was sar more requisite to establislithe generat principie of the method, than to furnishRn uneXceptionabie specimen of the delatis of thoplan. The mind of this great philosopher Waschiefly devoted to metaphysica; and he does notappear to have given exclusive attention to cla sical learning as an ultimate objeci. Perhaps, onιhis very account, he was beller capable os forming
generat notions in the subjeci; and it Was doubt- eas as much in consideration os generat utility, asin consormity to the usage os schoola in his o ntime, that he adopted a work which would fix thoattention of the youthsul student by iis easy and familiar matter, though not recommendabie as amodet of Latinity. The fame motive for selection can scarcely bealleged at the present day ; and it certainly cannot be supported on the fame ground . Τhese dead letters have, in great measure, ceased to be practi- catly usesul, excepi in so far as they infuse into modern style a purity and elegance os Word and thought; excepi in so sar as they enable us towahe into new lise, and hold a eet converse With, A the great os old'
scrupulousty confino our volumea to the illustration os received authorities. Τhe generat character of the writinga of ΡΗJEDRus is too well known and approved, to require many observations in thia place on his matter orliis manner. Our Fabulist professes himself a
that he came early to Rome, on the internat evi-
is scarcely consistent with a provinciat education. In Worldly station he was not sar removed hombis famous original, IEsop, the Phrygian flave, being himself a heedman os Augustus Caesar. And it is probabie, Dom some os his orin prefatorynosces, that this similarity of condition had some influence in directing his genius to the fame su
Equidem omni cur1 morem servabo SENis faesopiJ : Sed si libuerit aliquid interponere Diversum, sensua ul delectet varietas, Bonas in partes, Lector, accipias vel
In faci, Phaedrus may almost be considered asan originat author; though he only claima the
At any rate, tho seM adaptation os his recogniged exemplar in the nationat character of the Romans, including hia frequent allusion to forma and customa unknown to the Greeta, seems injusti0 our titular description that the sabies areuot verbalty Latinised but essentialty Romaniaed. In aliori, his own desenee might be gium in these
logy lar the liberties .e have inven relin thelegitimato ompring os Phaedrus himself. It is
firstly, sor the firat counte We have not distributed these fabies into sive distinct Books, according in the arrangement os our auctor, Who produced the severat parta at different intervals of time. This format discrepancy Will scareely require further notice in the case of a translation, as there is in the original no exclusive classification os materiet for these particular divisions. - Again: we have not included ali ilis sabies in this publication: this partial omission has Men made, not hom any disregard to the merita os ali, but Mith a vie in the conaistency of our plan. Our volume being