Vitae excellentium imperatorum;

발행: 1844년

분량: 256페이지


분류: 미분류



NON dubito sore plerosque, Attice', qui hoc genu Scrip

turpe leve, et non Satis dignum Summorum Virorum personis, judicent, chm relatum legento qui musicam docuerit panainondam, aut in eju virtutibus commemorari SaltaSse eum commode scienterque tibiis cantasse. Sed hi erunt sere, qui e Xpertes literarum Graecarum, nihil rectum, nisi quod ipsorum moribus conveniat, putabunt. Hi, si didicerint non eadem omnibus esse honesta atque turpia, sed omnia majorun institutis judicari, non admirabuntur nos, in Graiorum virtutibus AponendiS, mores eorum secutos. Neque enim Cimoni fuit turpe, Athe nienSiU11 Summo Viro, sororem germanam habere in matrimonio, quippe tum cives ejus eodem uterentur in-

Cornelii Nepotis, o Corne cal shetches, whicli are distin-lius Nepos, a celebrate histo guishes of the purit3 preci-rian who flotirished in the reigns Sion, an elegance of the Style, o Julius Caesar and Augustus in hicli the are CmPOSed, SH is aid o have been or at et a so the genera accuracyHostilia, in town in the river of the facts related in them. Ne-Po, and 4, have early distin pos is sal to have diei in theguished himself a Rome by his si xili ear of the eigii of Au-literar talent s. His imi able gustus. disposition ans superior ibili 2 Allice, Atticus, a learnedio-tie Soon procured for in the man, hos lis has been writtens Hendshi Cicero. Atticus by Nepos, an addet to thesean other illustrious en, and lives os illustriola generalS. recommende him a tength to 3 Chm relatum legent, 'henthe avor of Augustus Under the finxit recorded.

historica worksu ut non eis his β Germanam, havin the Same riting. have ieem preserve fallier a. himself, aut no theeXcept the solio in biographi fame mollier. Ihough the laris Corn. NeF. B


PR EPATIO. stituto; at id quidem nostris moribus nefas habetur. Nulla Lacedaemoni tam est nobilis vidua, quod non adscenam Oat, mercede conducta. Magnis in laudibus

tota sero fuit Graecia victorem Olympiae citari in

M'enam Vero prodire, et populo esse Spectaculo, nemini

os Elis in PeloponneSUS HOWcallud Longanito. In theraeigh-bor hood of this ity the celebrated Olympie ameS Creheld. The originis theS gameSi involvet in obscurity, ut the are generali suppo Sed toliave been institu ted in honoro Iupiter Olympius by Hercules A. . t 222 aster his victoryOver Augias, the in os Elis. At hateve period the were fit si stablished, it is certain

that the wer no regulari celebrated nor much requente ltili the time os Iphitus a Lingo Elis and a contemporary illi Lycurgi l S, Who re-es tablishod them illi much solemnity, A C. St. The OlJmpi games Were the mos ancient and themost solemnis ali the Grecianfestivais, and ere ConSequentlyattended by immense multitudes, no Ont of the inhabitant of Greece, ut also of oreignersi rom the eighborin eo tinti ies. The period o celebratin themwas therars monili in every fifthyear, and the time fritiei con

principat sporis exhibited to thepeople, ut a consi lerable attenti On was also liuid to thehors and chario race, an tocontentions in Poetry, Et quence, and the fine aris. Besore the competitor mere al

Selves te monilis in reparator exercise at the gymnaSium in Elis. No person a admitted as a combutant, hohau sorseited his reputation by

no however re frona those immoralities hicli attende levery eathen rite. Amongother violation o propriety

allotted to the conqueror aSoni a crown of Olive, ut thegior attached to even a single victor Wa S great, that themost illustrious of the Grecianheroes ere ambitious to obtainit. The statue of the happy


MILTIADES. in eisdem gentibus fuit turpitudini; quae omnia apud nos partim infamia, partim humilia atque ab honestate

bus sunt decora, quae apud illos turpia putantur. Quemcnim Romanorum pudet Xorem ducere in convivium lAut cujus materfamilias non primum locum tenet aedium, atque in celebritate versaturi' Quod multo sit litor in Graecia nam neque in convivium adhibetur . nisi propinquorum neque sedet, nisi in interiore parte aedium, qUC γυναικωνιτις gynaeconitiS appellatur, quo nemo accedit, nisi propinqua cognatione conjunctUS. Sed plura persequi tum magnitudo Volumini prohibet,

tum festinatio, ut ea explicem, quae XorSUS SUm. Quare ad propositum veniemus, et in hoc exponemus libro vitas excellentium imperatorum.


I. MILTIADEs, Cimonis filius, Atheniensis. Cum et

antiquitate generis, et gloria majorum, et Sua modestia, unus omnium maxime floreret eaque Sset aetate, ut non jam solum des eo bene Sperare, Sed etiam confidere, cive possent sui, talem futurum', qualem cognitum judicarunt, accidit, ut Athenienses Chersonesum colonos

Christian era Scenam, stage. Talem futurum, that he tonuntur, are accounted. ould alwaysie found the same αλὶtra ea, Sed for the ad excellent man, ache hadiltherio Veri, contra, o the contrary. appeare to them tote. Iu celebritate versatur, mees Chersonesum, et, Chersone-



vellent mittere. Cujus generis ' cum magnus numerus csset, et ni ulti ejus demigrationis peterent Societatem, ex

his delecti Doli, lios' deliberatum missi sunt, qui consulerent Apollinem, quo potisSinium duce uberentur: nan tum Thraces eas regiones tenebant, cum quibus armis erat dimicandum. His consulentibus nona inatim 'thia praecepit, ut Miltiadem sibi imperatore in sumerent id si 1 ecissent, incepta prospera sutura. Hoc oraculi responso', iltiades, cum delecta manu classe

Chersonesum prosectuS, Cum acceSSisset Lemnum', et

incolas ejus insulse sub pote Statem redigere vellet Athe-

were nothin more than gross

tradictor interpretationS, and conSequently unde any circum-Stance the appetire to corresponit, illi the event. Thraces, the Thracians the inhabitant of Thrace, countryin European urhey, whichiso sorm the province of Romani a. Ancient Thrace extended romthe rigean ea n the ouili totheessierin the norit, and si omMacedonia and the rive Strymon in the est to the Euxine se and the Hellespont in theeast. The sol of this countrywas in generat barren, an iis

Hoc responso, in conSequence

of this rePly. Lemnum, Lemnos, an Standsitualed a the solith of hrace and westis the Hellesponi.

principali frona the magnificent temple of Apollo, hichadorneu it, and the celebrate loracle of Apollo, hici constanti brought to it visi torsi rom ver par of Greece an deven rom sol eigia nations Theans vers, hieli his rael gaveto those ho consultet it, ere letivered by a priestes called Pythiari and o reat was thes me of this pries tess, that the


MILΤΙΑDES. 5niensi una, idque ut Lemnii Sua sponte sacerent postulasset illi irridentes responderunt, tum id se acturos, cum ille, domo navibus prosciscens, Vento Aquilone

venisset Lemnum hic enim Ventus, a Septentrionibus oriens, adversum tenet in Athenis proficiscentibus. 1ltiades, DorgipdUempus non habens, UrSum direxit quo tendebat, pervenitque CherβODe V Ibi brevi tempore barbarorum copus d1fectis, tota recione, quam petierat, potitus, loca castellis idonea communivit; multitudinem, quam Secum duXerat, ina ris collocavit, crebrisque X cursionibus locupletavit. Neque minus in ea re prudentia, quam elicitate lutus

in the gean ea, o called Stali mene. his fland was acred to Vulcan, hocis sal toliave fallen on it heri e mlhrown frona heaven by Iupiter. It was endere rem arkable bya dreadsul massacre, committed by the Lemni an omen On thei rhusband an ali the male inhabitant of the istand. Id facerent, Ouid ecomesubject to the Athenians.

Athenis, froni Athens, themost illustrious cit of ancient Greece. It was hvili et weenthe river Ilissus and Cephisus in Attica, b CecropS, abolitI556 years ei ore the Christianera The monarchical orna f

blislied in it, ut aster a periodos early 500 years the regal



est; nam, cum virtute militum devicisset hostium vercitus, Summa Dquitate res constituit atque ipse ibidoni manere decrevit. Erat enim inter eos dignitate regia, quamvis carebat nomine'; neque id ni agis imperio, quam justitia consecutus' neque eo Secius Allienion sibus, a quibus erat profectus, ossicia praestabat.' Quibus robus fiebat, Ut non minus eorum voluntate perpetuo imperium obtineret, qui miserant, quam illorum , cum quibus erat prosectus Chersoneso tali modo constituta Lemnum revertitur, et e pacto' postulat, ut sibi urbem tradant; illi enim diXerant, chim, vento Borea domo profectuS, eo pervenisset, Sese dedituros se autem domum Chorsonesi habere Cares', qui tum Lemnum incolebant, etsi praeter opinionem res ceciderat, tamen non dicto', sed Secunda

fortuna adversariorum capti, resistere ausi non Sunt,

atque e insula demigrarunt. ari selicitate caeteras insulas, qua Cyclades , nominantur, sub Atheniensiuni

3. Hisdem temporibus Persarum' reX, Darius' ex Asia

reigners ere called barbarians by the Greelis and Romans, and the Same nam Was a tengiligi ven to any ignorant and brutis li

Id the regat authori ty, which

Neque eo secitis Voestabat, nor achein his account essi eady to per rm. Illorum, voluntate underStΟOd. Eae pacto, accordinito their


Autem diaei is underStood. Cares, the Carians the inhabitant of Caria, a countr of Asia inor, bounded on thenoriti by the eander, O theso uti by the Mediterranean, n the es by the gean ea, andon the eas by Phrygia an Lycia. he inhabitant os Caria ere considered by the Greeksas barbarous and despicabie, and

Caria is no called Aldinelli.

Cyclados the Cyclades, ncluster of sty-three istantis in

the gean ea, Surrounding Delos in a semicircular Orm,srom hicli circumst unco thev derive theirmanae. he principalo these fland were AndroS, Ceos, SeriphoS, Melos, aXOS, Paros, and Delos. Persarwn, of the Perstans, the inhabitant os Persia, a celebrate laingdomis Asia, o unded


MILTIADES. in Europam exercitu trajecto, Scythis belluin inserre decrevit. Pontem secit in Istro sumine, qui copias traduceret. Rus pontis, dum ipse abcSSet, custodes reliquit principes, quos Secum ex Ionia' et Eolide' duxerat, quibus Singulis ipsarum urbium perpetua de dein

by Cyrus ille Great abolit theyea A. C. 559, and conquered by Alexander the reat, A. C. 33l. Darius, Darius the Trst, the son Hystaspes Aster thes deati, o Cyrus, the OVe- rei gnt is Persia devolved in

narch distinguished himself byliis activit and militur talentS. Sorythis, against thes Scythians the inhabitant of Scy

tuaied in the orther paris os Europe an Asia, and comprehending the modern ingdoms

Sweden, Norway, and par os Germany It was divide into Scythia intra rimaum mes Scythia o the wes of the chain ofmΟuntains, calles Imaus, indScythia extra Imaum, Or Scythia o the east o Imaus Theancient Scythiaris,ere a hardy, temperate, uncivilised, and wandering peopte divide into many

nations o tribes, an obeyingwith implicit subjectio their

various kingS. Istro, the steri Danube, the larges rivor in Europe. The Greelis calle this riverthe Ister througi: out the wholeo it course, ut the Romans gave it themanae of the Danubesrom iis ource to the part here it passes ea Illyricum. I rises bout hiri miles rom

ence, ill the were ver ome

ance of the Athenians the were enabled to recove their ree-

Xerxes in his invaSion o Greeco, an mere aster ard tributa to the Perstans. The conqueSto Darius by Alexander nee more restore to them thoir


s CORNELIUS NEPOS.rat imperia sic eni in putavit facillimo se Graeca lingua

loquentes, qui Asiam iii colerent, Sub sua retenturum potestate, si amicis Suis oppida tuenda tradidisset, quibus, Se oppreSSo, nulla Spes salutis relinqueretur. In hoc fuit tum numero Miltiades, cui illa custodia crederetur. Hic, cum crebri asserrent nuncii male rem gerere Darium premique ab Scythis, Miltiades hortatus est pontis custodes, ne a sortuna datam, occasionem liberandae Graecis dimitterent; nam si cum his copiis, qua Secum transportaverat, interiisset Darius, non Solum Europam foreri utam, sed etiam eos, qui ASiam incolerent, Graeci genere', liberos a Persarii ui futuros dominatione et periculo id o faciles ossici possera ponte enim resciSSO, regem, vel hostium erro vel inopia, paucis diebus interiturum. Ad hoc consilium chim plerique accederent, Histimus Milesius , ne res conficeretur, obstitit, dicens, non idem ipsis, qui summas imperii tenerent, expedire'

the retesne tit the arm os Sylla subjecte them to the

7 Esides, Eoli or Eolia, acount of Astu Iinor, on thenorthis Ionia, and likerit, eo-pled by colonies sona Greece. Graeca, o Greece, a count of Europe, iace distinguishedabove every the nation of theearth by the natural a luant esos iis fertile sol an salubrious climate, and by the virtve, learning, and militar glor osit inhabitanis It was divide lint mur provinces, Achaia orHellas,PeloponneSUS, Macedonia, and Epirus Severat istandMalso in the Egea se forme a parto the enal)ire, and the weSterncoasis of Asia Minor ere e

pled by colonies rom it. In the eight of thei prosperityan reno , he states of Greece trum e their arma

against acti ther; and beingweahened by thei dis union and

continuat contention S, they ere

o Tui ke in Europe.

ducti niliis enterprise against the Scythians unsuccesSsul ly. Europam divit underStood. Graeci genere, ein os a Grecian origin. Id, ait understood. Milesius, the Milesia ornative of Miletus, o called Melaxo or Milago, the capitalos Ionia, and the birthilace os Τhales, Pittacus, and other illus

trious men.

Summas martes imperii, thechiesio e in the varioli cities. Eaepedire, a no expedia


MILTIADES. set multitudina, quod Darii regno ipsorum niteretur dominatio; quo X tincto ipsos, poteState XPutSoS, civibus

suis poenas daturos itaque adeo se abhorrere a caeterorum consilio, ut nihil putet ipsis utilius, quam confirmari

regnum PersarUm. Hujus cum sententiam plurimi essent secuti, Miltiades, non dubitans, tam multis consciis', ad regis aures consilia sua perventura, ChersoneSUm reliquit, ac rursus Allienas demigravit cujus ratio etsi non aluit, tamen magnopere est laudanda, cum amicior omnium libertati, quam suae fuerit dominationi. 4. Darius autem chria ex Europa in Asiam redisset, hortantibus amicis, ut Graeciam in suam redigeret potestatem, classem quingentarum naVium ComparaVit,

eique Datim praefecit et Artaphernem hisque ducenta peditum millia et decem equitum dedit cauSam interserens' se hostem esse Atheniensibus, quod eorum auxilio Iones ardes' X pugnassent, Suaque praesidia interfecissent. Praesecti regii, classe ad Euboeam' appulsa, celeriter Eretriam' ceperunt, Omnesque HUS gentis cives, abreptos in Asiam, ad regem niserunt. Inde ad Atticam accesseruiit, ac sua copia in campum

Marathona deduxerunt. Is abest ab oppido circiter millia passuum decem. Hoc tumultu, AthenienseS, tam propinquo tamque magno permoti, auXilium USquam,

infideli ty the light of the Gospe norit, of thes Saroni cui Sinus,

vas illi drawn rom it, and it is or, as it is no called the gulf no a mali village, calle Sari, o Engia. Without even ne nominal Chris Marathona, o Marathon, attan incit. mali village of Attica. Euboeam, Euboea, or, as it


curSorem ejus generis, qui Henae rodronii Vocantur, Lacedae in onem miserunt, ut nunciaret quam colori opus

esset auxilio Domi autem creati decem praetoreS, qui exercitui prodessent in eis Miltiades : inter quos magna fuit contentio, utrum moenibus se defenderent, an obviam irent hostibus, acieque decernerent. Unus Miltiades maxime nitebatur, ut primo quoque tempore' ecastra fierent id si actum esset, et civibus animum

acceSSUrum, cum Viderent de eorum Virtute non despcrari', et hostes eadem re fore tardiores, si animadverterent, auderi adversiis se tam exiguis copiis dimicare.

5. Hoc in tempore nulla civitas Atheniensibus auX-ilio fuit praetor Plataeenses o mille misit militum. Itaque liorum adventu decem milua arniatorum completa Sunt, quae mainas mirabili flagrabat pugnandi cupiditate; quo factum St, ut plus, quam collegae, Miltiades va-

7 Lacedae nonus, the Lace laemonians the inhabitant Os Lacedaena on O Sparta, an illuStrio usci ty in Peloponnesus, and thecapital f Laconia. his ityi O many years a the rival of Athens Inserior loci in civilisn-tion and earn ing, it Was notwith- standin equat lo it in cortrage and love offreedom, and superior in temperance, sortitude, and juStice. The morais of iis outh

Wa repented ly Succoured by thiar artus, and was osten oblige lio tol l to thoi influendo in the

aster artis, it a conquered,

and made a Roman province . The modern nam os Sparta is Misitran iis ancientiam 2 Were Lelegia, in balia, and Hecatompoli S.

mediately. Nou osperari, that thei generuis didis ot despuir. 2 Audori, that the dared. Plataeenses, the PlataeanS, tho inhabitant os Plataea, utow of Boeotia, bout ourteen miles Dona AthenS.