Vitae excellentium imperatorum;

발행: 1844년

분량: 256페이지


분류: 미분류


ΑΤΤICUS. 53stituta, vetustate atque incuria detecta, prolaberetur, ut Attici admonitu Caesar eam reficiendam curaret. Neque vero a Marco Antonio minus absens literis colebatur; adeo ut accurate ille, ex ultimis terris, quid ageret, quid cursu sibi haberet, certiorem faceret Atticum.

Hoc quale sit, facilius eXistimabit is, qui judicare poterit,

quantae sit Sapientiae eorum retinere usum benevolentiamque, inter quo maXimarum rerum non armulatio

solum, sed obtrectatio tanta intercedebat, quantam fuit incidere necesse inter Caesarem atque Antonium, cum se uterque principem non solum urbis Romana sed orbis

terrarum SSO Cuperet.

2 l. Tali modo cum septem et Septuaginta anno CompleSSet, atque ad X tremam Senectutem non minus dignitate quam gratia brtunaque crevisset, multas enim haereditates nulla alia re quam bonitate St OnSecutus,)tantaque prosperitate usus esset valetudinis, ut annis triginta medicina non indiguisset, nactus S morbuna, quem initio et ipse et medici contempSerunt, nam puta-TUnt SSe τ*νEcritaον teneSmon)β; cui remedia celeria faciliaque proponebantur. In hoc cum re mense Sine ullis doloribus, praeterquam quo ex curatione capiebat, consumpsisset, subito tanta vis morbi in unum intestinum

prorupit, ut eXtremo tempore per lumbos fistula putris eruperit. Atque hoc priusquam ei accideret, postquam indies dolores accrescere febremque aeceSSiSSe Sensit, Agrippam generum ad se arcessiri jussit, et cum eo Lucium Cornelium Balbum, Sextumque educaeum. Hos ut venisse fidit, in cubitum innixus, Quantam, inquit, curam diligentiamque in valetudine mea tuenda hoc tempore adhibuerim, elim vos testes habeam, nihil necesse pluribus verbi commemorare quibu quoniam, ut spero, satisfeci, nihilque reliqui seci', quod ad sanandum me pertineret, reliquum St, ut egomet mihi consulam. Id vos ignorare nolui; namque mihi stat/, alere

morbum desinere; iamque his diebus Auicquid cibi


l5 CORNELIUS NEPOS. potionisque sumpsi, ita produxi vitam, ut auXerim d0l

re Sine spe salutis. Quare a vobis peto primum, ut consilium probetis nicum, deinde ne frustra dehortando conemini 22. Hac oratione habita, tanta constantia vocis atque vultus, ut non e vita sed ex domo in domum

videretur migrare cum quidem Agrippa eum, sens

atque Sculan S, oraret atque obsecraret, ne id, quod natura cogeret, ipse quoque ibi acceleraret, et quoniam tum quoque posSet temporibus superesse', se sibi suisque reSeoaret prece Hu taciturna sua obstinatione compressit. Sic cum biduum cibo se abstinuisset, subito febris decessit, leviorque morbus esse coepit tamen Pro

positum nihilo secius peregit. Itaque die quinto, postquam id consilium inierat, pridie calendas Aprilis, Cns o Domitio, Cato Sosio consulibus, decessit Elatus

est in lecticula, ut ipse praescripserat, Sine ulla pompa funeris, comitantibus omnibus bonis, maXima vulgi frequentia. Sepultus est uXta viam Appiam', ad quintum lapidem, in monumento Quinti Caecilii, avunculi sui.

Temporibus superesse, clive egu by Appitis Claudius, thesome time longer decemvir an inished by Au- Calmidas, besore the calends gustus As the claWs of the e calend were therars da of twelve tables renderexit unlaweve monili su to inter an person ithin iam Appiam. thes Appia the omidaries of the ity the Way, in med road three hun clites families of Romela burydred and fift miles in tength, ex ing-places at Shori distance tendinistoni Rome to Brundii si om it, and mos of these eresium, a cit os Calabriari it eas adjoining the Appian Way.



PRAEFATIO. At what period did Cornelius Nepos live lWherocis Hostilia

Where is Olympia, and What is it modern ameWhicli of tho Greel festivat was the mos ancient and the mos celebrated BDwhom and a What period were the Olympicaames instituted Who a Iphitus, and at what period dida livo How osten ore the Olympi games celebrate dWhat were the principat sporis an contest exhibitodin the Olympicaames What is an OlympiadIn hat ea di the reclis egi to compute thoirtim by Olympiads, and when a this mode os computation discontinuod What oints of dissereno belween the Gree and the Roman UStom are mentioned by Nepos


O What cit Was Miltiades a native What was the objectis the sirs expedition in hicli Miltiades as employed What is the meaning of the ord Chersonesus In hat country a Delphi situaled, and liat is ita

modern name

s or hat was Delphi long celebrate dv lio a Pythia Whoroe vas ancient Thraco situaled, and what is it pre-

Sent nume



potionisque sumpsi, ita produxi vitam, ut auxerim L 0lc res sine spe salutis. Quare a Vobis peto primum, ut consilium probetis me uin, deinde ne frustra dehortando conemini 22. Hac oratione habita, tanta constantia vocis atque vultus, ut non X vita sed ex domo in domum videretur migrare cum quidem Agrippa eum, sensatque Sculan S, oraret atque obsecraret, ne id, quod natura cogeret, ipse quoque sibi acceleraret, et quori iam tum quoque posset temporibus superesse', se Sibi suisque reSemaret prece ejus taciturna sua obstinatione compressit. Sic cum biduuna cibo se abstinuisset, subito febris decessit, leviorque morbus esse coepit tamen propositum nihilo secius peregit. Itaque die quinto, postquam id consilium inierat, pridie calendas Aprilis, Ciam Domitio, Cato Sosio consulibus, decessit Elatus est in lecticula, ut ipse praescripserat, Sine ulla pompa funeris, comitantibus omnibus bonis, maXima vulgi frequentia. Sepultus est juxta viam Appiam', ad quintum lapidem, in monumento Quinti Caecilii, avunculi sui.




At what period did Cornelius Nepos live lWherocis Hostilia

Whsero is Olympia, and What is it modern ameWhieli os tho Greel festivat was the mos ancient and the mos celebrate dBy hominia a What period were the Olympicaames instituted Who as Iphitus, and at what period dida livo How osten ore the Olympie ames celebrated What were the principat sporis an contest exhibitodin the Olympiclames What is an OlympiadIn hat ea di the reclis egi to compute thoirti me by Olympiads, and whe was his mode of computation discontinuod What sints of dissereno belween the Greeli and the Roman custom are mentioned by Nepos


Os what cit was Miltiades a native What was the object of the sirs expedition in hicli Miltiades as emptob edWhat is tho meaning of the word Chersonesus In hat country a Delphi situaled, and what is ita

modern name


potionisque illi res Sine spe

UENELIUS NEPOS. roduxi vitam, ut amerim Vl luare a vobis peto primum, ut 6 mn, deinde ne frustra dehortando 22. Hac oratii habita, tanta constantia vocis atque vultus, 2 In e vita sed ex domo in domum videretur migrare cum quidem Agrippa eum, sensatque osculan, O re atque obsecraret, ne id, quod natura cogeret, ipS quoque sibi acceleraret, et quoniam tum quoque posse tena poribus superesse', se sibi suisque reservaret prece us taciturna sua obstinatione compressit. Sic clim dii una cibo se abstinuisset, subito ibbris decessit, levi lue morbus esse coepit tamen pro-liositum nihilo secti peregit. Itaque die quinto, postquam id consiliun taleiat, pridie calendas Aprilis, Cno o Domitio, Cui Sosio consulibus, decessit Elatus rast in lectieulti, ut pse praeseripserat, Sine ulla pompa funeris, comitanti bi omnibus bonis, maXima vulgi frequentia. Sepultus si juxta viam Appiam'. ad quintum lapidem, in monum to Quinti Caecilii, avunculi sui.


What ore ille boundaries os ancient Thrace lWhat was the character of the Thracians Whieli of the citios os ancient Greece Was the ostillustriouSBy hominii a What period was Athon bulli What changes did the overtament of thens undergo For hat were the Athenians long celebrate l hat war is calle the eloponnesian war, and OWlonidi it continueB whom and at what period was Athens sirsi ahenWhen did the Romans gain possession of AthenS What is the modern Danae of Athons What was the origina meaning of the word Barbarus


hat were the ancient boundaries of Caria ha is the modern amem Caria In hat se is Lemnos, and what is it modern name How di Miltiades gain possessionis Lemnos Where are the Cyclades What wer the ancient names of the chie istand among

tho Cyclades By whom an at what period was the hingdomi Persia Dunded


QUEST1oNs. 157B whom and a What period was Ionia solandoda To hat states ere the Ionians successivel subjectWhoro is otia siluated B What was ancient Greece distinguished Into hat our provinces a Greece dividod B whom,as ancient Greece conquere an ensiaved T What must the conquest o Greece in Philip 40 principali attributedo what modern country does ancient Greece sortii a Part

Darius hadauit ove the Danube O What country a Miletus the capital, and what is

Wh did Miltiados leave ChersoneSUS In hat enterpris di Darius erigage aster his return rom Asia into Europe Os,hat hingdom a Sardis the capital, and what is iis

modern amo

V here is thesisland Negroponi, and what ascit ancient

In hat count1 es ere the citius Chalcis, Aulis, and Eretria In hat province of Greece was Attica siluated What is the moderniam of the Saronicus Sinus What is the modern name, and What were the ancientnames of Lacedaemon o Sparta Where a Sparta silualed hat was tho character of the ancient Lacedaemonians

By hom and at what period was Sparta destroyed Where a the lain os arathon Who 'erae thoe contending parties in alio batile is Marathon What was the result of the batile osmarathon B Whom an in hat Engagement ere the Persian generat Datis and Artaphernes des eated What were tho Gree Hemerodromi Whero a the cit Plataea What re varii id Miltiades recesive Dona the Athenianssor the victor at Marathon


Who is Demetrius Phalereus lIi What expsedition a Miltiades employse aster hobatile of Marathon Where is Paros silualed, and What was it ancient nam e What aro the artan or Arundelia marbies How a Paros aved romaein talion by Miltiades What wer, thoe vineae and testudines imployed in

ancient War

Wh was Miltiades sane and cast into prison Wh di tho Athenians isti for the condemnation os Miltiades What was the endis Miltiades

What is supposed to have been the value os a talent Who was Pisistratus By homoere the ambitious desigiis of Pisistratus Opposed What was the character of Pisistratus How long did isistratus ut ove Athens, and in hal


Os what cit was Themistocles a native Who ere the parent of Themistocles Where is Halicarnassus, and what is it modern nameWho was Artemisia Why ore splendid sepulchre sirs called ausoleumsHow ere the vices of Themistocles punisho b hissatherHow id Thomistocles aci, hen e ound that he was

disinhorited by his atheros hom did the public assembly of the Athenians consist and homosten did it moetWhat degre of authorit had the public assembl os the Athenians, and sor ha purpose dixit moetWho a Thucydides horo is Amphipolis By ha histor has Thucydides perpetuated his sanio What arcis generali calle the Peloponnesian ur