장음표시 사용
LOLLARDI. Distinguished Dommelenistae, ras. M a later sect
are called manente3. ris, et al.
Explainod in p. 83 ; illo Spiritus Sancti σπα- anneto videlicet, Gregorio,
gios ; ' let illem M put in bail. Plogii dicuntur permnae, quae se obligant ad hoc quod qui eos mittit, tenebantur.'-Du Cange ;cf. Fr. plesse and Eng. pleise. POLIANDRΓΜ sor Uandrium. Aburiat ground sor the many. A
80, 88, 10ο, 141, 182, 283, et M.
Q. QUIA, osten used like quod, With an
that foema tho most naturia, Which mahos it reser in the protection and privileges grantedat Romo in the monks of St. Augustine's. Perhaps rota is tobe here tinen in the sense os stand ' as in the phraso rota bibliothoeae,' a book-stand Vor book-cage.' See Du Cange,
SACRISTA, SECRETARica. The sacrist. m. SACRIATIA, SACRISTARIA, SACRIs-TANIA. The -- os sacriae. m. v. 40 4 s. Me m Cange.
quorundam opinionem, et vulgare antiquorum et modernorum dicinium, creditur studium apud Grantecesue sedem juxta Cantabrigiam a venerabili Beda esselandatum,' etc. Severia ex- amples of the fame usage millbo sound togother in Riehard FilaRalphys Desensorium Curatorum,' &c. Brom's Faseiculus,
TEM, TRAM. Lit. progeu; succession or chilisen. Reyner'κ explanation os the technical usageis as solioWs: Regalo privilegium est, quo qui fruitur habet villanorum, Le. servorum et mancipiorum intra seudum suum propaginem, et potestatem de illis, ut de caeteris suis, seu liberis seu bonis mobilibus vel immobilibus, pro libito, disponendi.'
dary ; his terminibus.' II 112. TEXTUs. Apparently in the senseos Moh, e.y. Textus Μildrodae: Textus Adriani; Textus Μerlini. THELONEUM, TOLNEUM. s. σι M. The
VENELLA. M. Somer interpreta thia mota in mean a lane' and refers to a passage in Thorno eol. 2I43 ; quandam risellam vocatam Clementissene VEsPERAE. Vespera, construed asa neuter sing., With factum est.'
VEsTIARIUM. The vestry. m. VATILLUM. Used as equivalent tosignum crucis). IM. VIscERALITER. Meetionalely. R. WARENNA, WARRHIA. m. - Haeo apud nos poteria in a nificat, vel charta regia, vel praescriptione obtentam, venandi sibi cuniculos, aut lepores, Teletiam aucupandi pharianoa et perdices intra limites laudi sui.
ho enlarges the church, 28. do, Who effecta great alterations, 29.
is consecrated at Lambeth, by the biinop of London, 30. Hugo II., sumamin Troiliscleue, and formoly a monk of Rochester, 32:R Rigrin certain reninis to certain
mith restitution of the mure, ring, and sandala, 37. Alexander, 4l: ho receives the papia benediction,