장음표시 사용
God yn, Garier as to the messuages os 67. Oos vidus, gin by, is Sti Augustine's, 382. Oovela ol si Mildreda, s7. miraculaus Viriues of the book, 97, 98. Gotha, stela conquest of main, I 40. Graphio. Me Orapho. Ur bo Graphio , eari, Il2, II 6. Gratiosus :eleeled abbot of Sti Augustiness, 155. re ives Paulinus via great honoura, 173. his Math and epitaph, 174. Gregoriana, their dentia of the assertio a ut Sti Hilarinca remaius, 2 8, 225, 226. Gregorianus. See Gregorians. Gregory, Sti: Popo os Rome, 77.senda Augustine into Britain, 78. and Mellitus, 33. senos the pallium in Augustine, 92, s b, IOI, Io2. his renemed interest in the mission o Λugustine, 94.senda presenis to the Engliis Church,
and letters missi the pallium, sb. oontemplatea minius London the sint of the archias prio, s5. his reply to Augustine's interrogatories, s6. his Bible inven to the monastery, 96, 97. oves mae and silver vesseis to Augustine, IOI. and certain relim, IOI.senda letters and a present to king AEthelbert, 102.
requent allusions in his vritium tothe English mission, Io7. his letter is hing AEt Iberi, II 7.no buli or privilem granted hy him to the monastery of Sti Λugusti 's,
eonfirma grant of renis and inura at Wingtone, MF. granis a mainet at Hi ter in Thanet, 365, 366.
the pallium is sent in iam by Pope
Horsa the Saxon: invited into England by Vortigero,
INDEX. Infideis among the elemy, buli against,
Inguald Yngualdus , bishop of London,
his hali in reserenoe to the disputevia arehbiinop Theodore. 375, 376. his buli is arehbiinop Theodore, 378,
Institution os eletas, buli as to the, 5s. Inisberrae. See Philip. Interdicti papes privilegis and exemptionasmm, 34, 35, 4o, 4I, 3ss, 42b, 433. 457, 458. Iona, the laland ot alluded is, 88. Irelane, I 4 I. Irregularities of the monus, bus en lingthe ah t of SL Augustine a to
Lanmone Gangedone , bulis and ehartem relative to the landa os 32, 34, ο7, 62, 63, 65, 67, 362, 382. See iam Augustine,, Sti
Lateran, ediet stom the murinos as toobservanee of the Benedietine rute,
tion to the monastery, III. eona rates the ehureh of the mona
his friendisip lar Rufinianus, I 4RI49. his Math and sepulture, I 4s. his epitaph, 14s.
Lomhard Lumbardus , Peter, eompiles his
the History of the, by Paulus Warnemdi, quoted, 286.
the bishoprie os est lished, 92. eontemplated by Pope Gregory asthe sint of St. Augustine's bishoprie,
previora bishops of the see, 27 .suecession os ira biinops, 273, 274. See also Mellitus and Paul's, St. Lonoa es, 332. Longinus the Martyr, an early monh. Ias. Mainga. Herberi, his simoniacat practices, 167. hia repentanee, I 67.
Lucius HI., Pope, bulla os 452, 454, 455. 456. 457, 458, 4bs, 462, 463. Lumbardus. Me Lombard. Luminosus, Abbot of Rimini, il7. Lymnium. See Limne.
hia Chroniele assuled to. 3Ia. an error eommitted by him, ado. his Chroniola quoted. 276. Marh. the Evangelist. estabitatiel a community of monia, Ia6.Μarhet, grant of a. at Minster in Thanet. 322, 365. 366.
grant of a. at Stonore or tatanorea, Ss, 476.
his death and sepulture, I 50. his epitaph, 150. innavian lales, conquered by hing EdWin,
Μerlin, his prophecies, 254. their miniment, 257, 258, 259.
miraculous viriues attributin to the
Milton Milione, Middieton, Middietone, Middelton, Middeltun :
tithes of 28, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 5s, 62, 63, 348, 364. 384, 285, 416, 420, 60, 470, 47I, 474, 475, 477.gisi os eheese hom the manor Os 67. Minster Menstre), m Thanet:
bulla and chartere in St. Augustine's, relative to iis possessiona at. 25,32, 38, 43, 66, 58, 60, 63, 322, 365,
224. the nuus transferrin to the ne. eonveni, 2Is.
death of Eadburga. 220. Sigeburga, the so in ab is, 220. decline of the eonveni, 220. death of Sigeburga, 22 I. Silodrista, the fifth a ess, 22 I. the eonvent destroyed by the Danes,