장음표시 사용
206, 207. his geat for the monastery, 226. intended to aci as a chech upon Theodore, 243.
his death and epitaph, 293. Adrian IV., Pope, bulis os 408, 4ll. Adulph, hing of East Anglia, I 68.
testimoniis respecting him, 339. rights of the see sully restored is him,
os Mereia: letter of Pope Boniface in him, 302, 303, 304, 305. his gist os exemption stom toli in theabbey of Ali ter, 310, 3II. is flain by Beornred, 333. Ethelberga. Me Ethelburga rite AEthelberi I. Ethil intus, Melbertus, Adelbertus, Eathelbertus, Egel-birthus, Eadbertus , hing of Rent: his baptism, 78. locality of his baptism, 78, 84. granis landa to St. Augustine, 8 I. letter to his stom Pope Boniface, 85,
his reception of St. Augustine, s0, sl. receives presenta and a letter Dommpe Gregory, I 02. gives the presenta to St. Augustine's,
his charter to St. Augustine's, 109,
his territoriis, 14 Lhis seeonu marriage, i 42 his epitaph, I42.
Alexander II., Pope, granis the mitre andaandala to the abbot of Sti Augus
Alexander IIL, Pope, bulla os 413, 4I4,4I5, 4I6, 4I7, 418, 4Is, 420, 422, 423, 425, 426, 427, 428, 42s, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 43s, 440, 441, 442, 446, 447, 44s.
MilanJ. consecrates Birinus, 180.
Atholatan. See Ethelman. Augemundus, the referendary, II 2, II 6. Augustine, Sti :his bun to the monastery os St. Augustine, 2, IIs, I 20. translation of his body, 30. preservation of his hein, 62. mission os missi his companions, in
London originalty contemplated as theseat of his archbishoprie, 95. his interrogatories to Pope Gregory,
his Psalter preserved in the Librav
his fidit colloquy With the Christians of Britain, Io3.challenges the primis ot the Britonsis the performance of a miracle, Ioa..hich they decline, and he perso sit, I 03, I 04.
holus a second conserenoe vitii them, i 04. his discussion mith the monks of Bangor, I 04. his eonduci on this occasion justi d, Iob. sulfilment of his prophecy, l05. his Eeat, I 06. his mode of lise, I 06. his miraculous deeM, I 06. namea Laurentius his inecessor in thesis of Cantectury, I . inius a confimation of the righta and prerogatives of the monastery, III.
signa the deed os gist of Langmrt, i 2. a parallel dra n bet ren him and SL Martialia, II 6, Il7. exempta the monastery diom episcopalauctority, III, Il8. granis a buli os exemption to that eruet, Iis, illo, III. his use of the leaden bulla considered, 122, I 23, i 24. his death and epitaph, 8 l. l25. Augustine, Sti, bulls M to the seast os. 66
exulistion os the motiva. so. versea on the Mundation of the --
Augustine's, St., the monastery of Ovi. the monasteryla righis and prerogatives confirmet in a eouneu of the
AEthelbert's affection sor St. Augustine and the monastery, II 7. he destres to be buriel there, II 7. St. Augustine exempta the monastery lsrom episcopia auctori , II7, II s. lliis buli to that emet, IIs, I 20, I 2I. 'the genuinenesa of this buli questioned, i
uescription os a leaden bulla presented lis the monastery by the eari ofriandere, I 23.
gin by ehario by hing Eadbald, of themanor of Northbourne, I 44, I 45,i46. benestra meeived from hing Eadbald, IQ, 147. Augustiue's, St.. the monastery O coni. Math and sepulture of Abbot John, 147. Rufinianus elected and consecratinab L I48. archbishop Mellitus buried in themonastery, I 50. deam and sepulture of Abbot Rufinianus, I 53. his epitaph, 154. Gratiosus elected and consecrated ab L I55. receives Paulinus, I73. death of Abbot Gratiosus, 174. Petronius et ted ab t, 175. an interregnum here of tWo years is observet in the chronicies, 175. Math of Abbot Petronius, 183. his buriat place unknOWn, I 83. Nathanael consecratin ab L 184. the story controveri in os Benediet Biscop's allegeo connection mith themonastery, I 86. Abbot Thos. Fyndon alluded is, 186. Abbot Elatan alluded to, I 89. the body of SL Mildreta translated in the monastery, I 8s. death of Abbot Nathanael, I99. reason Why go litile is recorded of the early ab is, Iss. degeneracy of the ab is and prelatus in the writer's time, 200. the abbacy vacant sor tvo years, 202 Adrian elected ab L 202. 205. his Diendahip sor archbishop Theodore, 205. dispara gement of the monastery eon-
temporary missi the losa of royalpomer in Kent, 222 Abbot Mouand alluded is, 224. William the Conqueror's morda con- eerning the monastem. 226. grant by charter to the monastery
INDEX. Augustine's, Sti, the monastera o eon privileges grantin to the monastery
by Popo Meodatus, 244, 245, 246. and is Pope Agatho, pla a ii
mediately undar sta iurisdiction ofina Roman Sem 246, 247. grant of lanas at and near Stoemerach, 248, 249, 25 I, 252. Me is p Theodore buried inere.
the great meriis of Abbot Adrian, 286,
Hugh, a monk of Rochester, thenem ab t, 363. charter eonfirmatory of the ehurchea and tithes of Faverinam and Miltone, 364. charter confirmatory of the renis and customa and thureh os Nemingtone,
and of the ehurches of Renham. Faver-sham, and Northburne, 365. grant os a market at Minster, 365. 366.
to hing Stephen. 372, 373.senda a letter is Abbot Hugb, 373, 374, 375.
senti a buli in the bighops of Win-ehester and Heresore in reserenceto the dispute of the monastery vitti
hishop Theobald, 378, 379, 38 o. confirmation is king Stephen os sile
Lanmone, 382. grant of a Iair on the seast of St. Peter and St. Paul, 383. charter confirmatory as to thurches and tithes at Faveraham and Milione,384, 385. charter eonfirmatory as to landa atratonores, 385. bult os Pope Lueius II. confim ingsto liberties of the monastery, 386, 387, 388. bael of Pope Lueius II. as the agreement made belueen the monastery
and archbishop Theobald, 390, 39l. bnil of Pope Lueius II. as to rentiassor the supply of lighis and books,asI, 392. buli os Popo Eugenius III. confirmingsto liberties of the monastery, 392, 393, 394, 395,3s6. buli os Pope Eugenius suspending the prior sor contumacy, 397, 398.buli prohibiting the celebration, during the laterdici, os divine service, 398,
buli in archbis p Theobald sorgranting benedietion to the ab t,
Augustine's, 8L, the monastery of Ont.buli diseeung the convent to pay elleneo to the ab L even thoughhe have nes received archiepiscopalbenediction, 40 I. buli eonfirmatory to the Hospital of SL Laurenee of tanta at L mori, 402, 403. buli mandatory M to concora Miseenthe monastery and the ch oh of the
him in consecrate Abbot Sylvester, 405, 406. buli os Pope Adrian IV. M to thegrant of the ehureh of Noroeburne,
425. buli as is sees of the eonveni. 425
Augustines, St., the monastery o conι. t Augustine S, St., the monastery o coni.
archdeaeon in receive persons Pr
sented in the ehurches of the monas- itery, 437, 438. buli directed to the ab t to the like semct, 438.
areMeacon ot Cantectury not to ordian intrudere in the Vaeant ichurches of the monastery, 440. lbuli erioining that the benefices of the monastery shali not be to lam let, 440, 44 I. bulis directory as to examination of the privileges of the monaStery, 44I, 442, 448, 444, 445, 446. buli directed to the archbishop and archdeacon, as to institution ofeletas in the ehurches of the m lnastery, 446, 447. buli directory as to the convention villi tho monks of SL S.Ithun at inchester, 447, 448. buli confirmatory as to the grant of ithe ehuroh of Northburn to the jalmonry of the monastery, 448, 449.etarier preceptory frona Ling Henry II. to the homa re os maneti 449. charter eonfirmatory os the agreement s t. n Ricbard, arohbiahop of Can- flectum, and Abbot Roger, 44s, 450, 45 I. bulla confirmato of ripe Lucius III., directed in Λbbot Roger, M to benediction of the abbot, 462. 453. 454.
bou of Pope Lucius In endoining the
buli in the honiagere of the monastery, signisying to a like effeci, 456, 457. buli exempting the monastery stominterdici, 457, 458. buli en Oining that the beneficiaries of the monastery ahali take the oathos sint . 458, 4bs. buli prohibiting elorhs vlio hiad benefices of the monastery diom vict-holding their yearly payments, 4bs,
buli of Pope Urban IIL prohibiti ligtho gist os certain churches topersons not presented by the monastery, 466, 467. buli eonfirming the church of Nortliburne to the almon of the monastery, 467, 468. buli confirming the ehureb of Sellinseto the vestiar3 of the monastery, 468, 46s. buli eonfirmatory as to benedietion os the ab L 46s, 470. buli eonfirming the churches os Thanet, Faveraham, and Middelton, to the meristy of the monaster , 470. 47 l.
Augustine's, St., the monastery o con
eharier of hing Riehard I. of me and soc. and Mith-brye, 473. charter eonfirmatory of the ehurehes of Middelton and Faveratam, 474. charter confirmatory of the liberties md instoma os the monastery, 476. jeharier Manting a maricet at Stanores in Thanet, 476. charter eonfirmatory of the tithea os l
bulis of Pope Coelestinua III. eonfir- lmatory of the libertim of the m lnastery, 477, 478, 479. Me atio Abbota, Augustine, and Can-