Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis

발행: 1858년

분량: 615페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


Bessieran, grant of tithes at, to the mona tery of St. Augustine's, 29, 353. Beere. Me Richard. heti Me mehet, and Thomas, St. Briden son os Woden, I 4 I. Benedici Biseop. See Bis P. Benediet, M., his deast, a. Benedieti ne obsereanee, When establiinedin England, b, Is8. Benediction os and by the ab is of St. Augustine's, bulla upon, 34, 87, 4b, 50, 51, 65, 7 I. Me also Augustine's, Stimo , hing of East Anglia, I 68. Beornred flays AEthelbald, hing of Μereia,

Bible a Sti Gregory in the library of Sti

sent is Pope Honorius into Britain,

flest bis p es Dorchester, I 8 I. hia death and buriat there, 8 I. Biscop, Benedictrtutor of Beda and a patron es aris and religion, I 85. inaccuraoy of Himen's account of him, I 85, I 86. the Mory of his conneetion missi St. Augustine's imputed in the rivias of



granis of Dee manen there, 32, 45, 363, 40s. various charte re sn referenee to the

iis rival mith sti Augustine s. 86,

Thomas Cheliumene, prior o 89.



Dalmatis, bulla as to mearing tbe, 4b, 5o. Damasus, Pope, his book De Synodis quoted, 243. Danes, the et their strat ravages in Thanet, 10. their seeond arrivia in England, 7. they overrun Kent, 24. devastations committed by them, Iol.

in Mat Anglia and Emex, I 68, Iss. expelled by M ara the Elder, I 6s. their devastationa in Thanet, 22o,

they destroy the eonveni at Minster,

Daniel, bishop ot Winehester. 266, 300, 807, 308. De Mos, Emelina, eharier to, by Henry IL,


De Mos, William, eharier is, by Henry II., 408, 40s. Debis, the inmates of SL Augustine's notto M obliged to pay their, 45. Dene, dein os gist of the manor os 66. Denis, St., Invention of his body by king

Dagoberi, I 33. Denisesburn, the batile os I 78. Derπent Dor ventio , the river, l65. Deusdedit: consecrated archbishop of Cantectu ,


establishment of the blahoprie os 24 l. Duvianus converta hing Lucius, I 34.



Matanores. See Stonore . Mater: papia rescripta as to the observante

Eata, bishop of Lindisfarne, 275. Eat retus, first bis p of the Muth Saxons,

flain by the Danes, I 68. marvellous stom os and his uise, 22 l. Edmund's, Sti, the monastery of rbuli to, eonfirmat y of the composition of the monastery or Sti Augustine's With it, 44. buli is, directing that the monis of SL Augustine's stati not be datained by litigation more than three Mys stom home, 47. buu to the abbot os as to the statuissot Pope GregorT IX., 48. bun to the abbot oc against provisio and pensio , 48.


Eme, hing of East Anglia, s in by hing




Estanores. See Stonores.