Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis

발행: 1858년

분량: 615페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


population, I 38.

expelled by ving Egfrid, 275.

his career aster his expulsion stomTork, 278. his tomb at Rippon. 27s. his restoration to his see, 280. and his seeond expulsion, 280.


William the Conqueror: seta up the sere and abbacies os Eng-land sor sale, I 67. his mores respecting SL Hildrata anacte monastery of Sti Λugustine,

his death, 345. havlour of his sons, 343. Roberi mages War against his, 345. Manis a charier os fac ana me to StΑngustine's, 347. grania by charier tithes at Faverinam and wlton, 348. eonfirma the grant of the mmor o Plumstede, 350.



William Rufus, hing os England rhis accession, 345. his coronation. 345, 346. granis to Sti Augustine's a charier offac and we, 355. confirma the monastery's titie to lanciat ratanores, 355, 356. confirma the monaste 's liue in e toma at Ne innone, 356. Miltiam, bishop es Exeter, 357, 358. William te Meneteri charter as in the lanosos 60. Winchemmbe, 338. Winchelaea. Me Wynelielme. Winchester, buli os excommunication adindressed to the bishop os 57. the episcopia see of Wes sex est lisheclinere, I 8 I. iis jurisdiction, 267. convention of the monastery of St. SWythun a ith the monastery os Sti Augustino's, 447, 448. Wind, stom os on the Feast a Sti Maur,


Trinity college, Cambridge.


Chaplain os Trinity College, Cambridgo.