Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis

발행: 1858년

분량: 615페이지

출처: archive.org

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the diffusion there a Christiani ty is

his Math and epitaph, 3i2.

tine's, distinet renis firet assignin tothem, 32.

erioined by buli in be regular in their

Osberi de Camera, bull eonfirming thaehuris of St. Maryla. Faverinam,to, 475, 476. Osfrid, son es Eduin, his Math, i 78. Glaua, vise os Ermenred, I76. inmund. bishop ot Salisbury and Chaneellor, 354. Osred, hing of Deira, his premature deat


his victories, I 88. dea Muthern Maresa in Woda, I 88. leuero Pope Vitalianus to, Is4. I95,

his grant in Sti Augustine's, 226, 227. his jurisdietion in Kent, 227, 228. his influenee, 228. and support of Christianity, 229. his inare in the appotniment of Theodore and Adrian. 2So. Beda a Meount of hia death. 23 I. Oxsord, the ab is of the Blaeh Monhaeo venia at, 4 I. Oxnaim, 29s. P. Pallium, the, 92. 95. ita symbolieal meaning, Io2. Neovered sor York, 28 I. Me alas Paulinua. Palla, buli as to the benediction os 4s, Palmeri Thomas, his rentia in St. Aum tine' , 69. Panema Pancratiua . St., the martyr, M.

eonverta Ling Eduin. I 42. his xeat in disseminatius Christiant .

28 I.


in reserenoe io, 58.

Peten Sti, and SL Paul, erection of the oh oh os, at Canterbury, 8 i. consecrated by are linop Laurentius,


description ot it, I 23. Philip de late in , eharier as to his lanes at East Sinton, 60. Ρhocas, theemperor, l24, lat. Pieta, the, made tributary by Os y. l4l. their progress in Christianity, 308.

chartere M to the right of SL Augustine, to the lands and minor es, 2I, 28, 3b, 45, 48, 49. 62, 350.eharier sor a lair M, 52. the mmor fraudulently tahen sum thomonastery by eari GodWin, 350.

Preachere, Friare, institution of tho Ordero , 40. Presentation to churehes, buli in referen is, 47.

Prestone, bulla as to the appropriation and privileges of the churAE os 4s.



Quenburga, sister of Ina, 267. Quendrina, sister of Kenelm, 343. ineltes Heskeheri to sisy him, 343. her miraeutous punishment, 343. Quenegate Quengate , charto as to landa




Rochester, the we os est lished, 92, 108. Romanus made bishop os I 50. Paulinus, bishop os 173. Putta, bishop os 23s. iis succession os biinops recapitulates, 262, 263.


Roger, bishop ol Salisbury, 357, 358. Roger, Abbot of St. Augustine'a, his disputes missi Richata, Mehbishop of

Cantectury, 44s, 450, 45 I. Romanus, made bishop of Rochester, byJustus, I 50. dro ned at sea, 173. Roman See, buli tising the monastery of Sti Augustine's under the protectiones the, 44, 46. Me also Sehlam. Roum, capture oc 73. Rufinianus: his mission, s2, 94. elected and consecrated ab L I48. his character and actions, I 48.

his death and sepulture, I 53. his epitaph, Ι54. Russet, Walter, eliarier as to the lanci os

SL Augustine's, 29, 33, 36, 4I, 66, 347, 348, 355, 36l, 362, 368, 4i0.473, 474. Sacriat of Sti Augustine's, the ossice os, notis be in lam let, 37, 39. Saeberi Seberi , hing of the East Saxons,

the three pagan sons os, 143. Who expel bishop Mellitus, 143.

Minis, Translation of the dies os at St. Augustine's, 29, 30. Salisbury, the we os estabitineri 267. Salmeston, charier M to, 56, 62. Sand ich, eharier as to lanus nor thee roh of St. Peter ah 42. composition of Abbot Roberi .iththe barona os 42. composition of Abbot Thomas victthe homuers of, 67. buli confirmatory as to the si ch os 434. Saraeens, their raVages alluded in hymniface, 304. Sarre Sperre, Morre , 208, 322. Saxon languam, ita tendeney to translamnames. 338.


4I, 43, 48, 49, 58. chartere in reserenee in landa ah and the church os 26, 66, 468, 46s. mentioned, 407.

Sergius L. Pope, baptiam Cadualla. 253,25 .

reti res to a monastery, 168.


oves a li nee to erenellate, 367, 368. granis a charier of ine and we and

mpo era the people of Canterbury togrind at tho monastery mill, 383. oonfirma the grant of his vise Mallidato Faverinam, 384. eonfirma hing Willianea Oharier as in Faverinam and Milione, 384, 385. M to Eatonores, 285.

ren M, 32, 53, 56, 5s. 60, 61, 6s, IIa, II 4, II b, II 6, 229, 232, 234, 237, 249, 250, 363, 4os. Sturrey, Robert de. Me Roberti Sturione, gist is Sti Augustiue's of tanta


Ganges in the wes os, I 66, 167, 24 I,



274, eons rates prelates in Northumbria,275. defenee os in reserenee to the deposi

translates the body of M.ard the Consessor, 35. his disagreement missi ving Henry II.,

io the hing by the Pope, 48. Tobias, pries . 297.


Waltham, bulla addis in to tho Ah e M. 48, 5b, 57.