Novissima verba: last words 1920

발행: 1921년

분량: 251페이지


분류: 미분류


withholdin adequale explanation Oi ur Wn RSO. France, taly, America have never ad true under- standin Oi,hat is ou uetua condition and what areoti rea aims There is a conventiona bar on a



land It is done illi rare lucidity and judiciat impartiality, hirhin no speet of the problem, and examining eaeli scheme in detail. He combines in himseli man quassicutions for is judgment-a

eminent nanciat authority, an id meta in both Houses, a great industria chies, an an ardent Liberat. A might be expecte es a public man offuch Wide ange of interesis, the whole essa is composed illi scrupulous moderation entire virneSS,

and the weight o judiciat decision. Lord mmoti egins illi a thorough an trulyLibera examinatio of the cause of Industria LInrest. He hows that nationalisationis uli industr is mere tyranny-as the olfhevist Xperiment proves -beeaus universa an rea Communism, ein in incessant confliet illi the aequisitive instinet os human nature, an only be maintaine by ruthlessuniversa coerelon. his Englisti an FrenchSocialis leuders have at ast come O see. Lord Emmoti then passes on to examine the organisationo nationalisation, a proposed in Variola Sehemes. He proves that the virus O coercio must ut in any type o nationalisation, and that an formis coerciono an industry necessarii implies bureaucracy. tris sutile forma bour leaderct repudiate bureaverae in wordscit the astator the nationat organisation, hicli,


whateve it e called is nothing ut a monStrous, disciplined, ard-and-sast meia staff. Hemoes onto stio how this staffirows and hardens, an ho itreaeis O polities, and lio industria nationalisation il demoralis Movernment, eadin to a Systemwherein Parhament and inistrie beeome the resoris of those ho promis mos to thei electors. In anultra-democrati Constitutio the ultimate essed os nationalisation is to place the pay the liours the Ponditions of eaeli industr in the haud of the workersthenaseives. ominister o nationalised industrycould eius the demand of the workmen actingdirecti on the M. P. 's the eleel. one o our burning question is ureaveracy fortite advanein armies of Socialism ave anners whicli, hateve may be thei professiones, necessarilyinvolve a multiple systemii bureaverae Pand on theotheriand all,lio hold by our sociat orde repudiate the extensio os ureaverac camouflage underanotheriame. And no we have a very timet bookabout the eminent civi servant of Our age by one fili mos eminent of them all. Si Algernon est's Contemporar9 Ortraiis is at ne a memoir of the



sonae forty ear Sir Algeriton ius abi servet his Country, a been ut the ver centre of the metalwOrid inde ali administrations and as a member of

everyone an has ear of ever3thing oing. heresuit is a vivi pietur of that ast an silent stas ofossiciat who in praetice or the Britisti Empire, but

able energy, conseientiolis sacrifice to duty, patience, taet, and fairness, of hieli, may be proud. o Civit Service in the world-none perhaps, in history-can Sho a belle series of able men servin their Coianir Withou any adequale reward and without reeognition excepi frona the statesmen and the SOVereigns hos bufines they arrie On. I caninysel bear itnes to the truth of these Ortraiis. Though I have nos retension tot a Civit sei Vant, et, nso have serve onow Hoya Commission and standry meia Committees, and o the London Count Councit, an have been a member of many clul, and societies. I have known mos of the persons


ali da troni 10 to 4. Alsred Montgomery thelas of he old dandies rebuked a ter in his hirt- fleeves by suggestinet that he mi hi 'ahe o his



For the moment, Ireland is practicali a separate Republic unde military oeeupatio an sporadio civil var. Is his ere to last, hat he omes os urmonarchie Constitution os ur Imperia positio in the worti I say that this is the orsi crisis that has besalie Britat for centuries. In thes pages Pliave foreborne to eddie illi theoristi dilemma, sotan led, o obscure so inexplicabie are the facts and Innown forecas of the future seemed solopeles that



men and with at the spirit of goodu ill and of peace


in drastin the Bill It was proposed by an Englishman, a resident lando ne in the disturbed est os Ireland His idea a this Let reely- hosen delegates si omesi elimi meet an qua hody o delegates froni Britain, and try to frame a reat of eaee, Sis the were sent by two nations thalaad been Carry-ing on a desultory war. The Iristi delegates ere notio be nominated by the British overnment, nor usan condition to e imposed on them by the ritisti

Parhament. They ere' be re representatives Of

at nee There are ut present 105 ut elected M. P. s frona reland of hom unfortunately, eoni se at estininster a very mali Contingent.

Suppos that the whole os thes Iristi M. P. s hose in Dublin, say, ive or even delegates, and that the

Britishmous o Commons infestia inster hos an equa number. et the hose meet in friendlyinterviews in an independent pot-say the si of lan with an independent chairman-sa frona noversea Dominion, sueti a Generat inuis It is nod ubi a hi lily unconstitutiona vision thoughs ardet more il&than that os sonae Current Sehemes.
