장음표시 사용
and are illinito accepi it though it is stili attingdemonstration by final tests. ut to assume that this is to nod the bottona ut o solende is indeed Ohildisti superstition. I have done in best to tollo vir. instein s ne book and the various exposition it has calle sortii. An I,illini say that the extensio therein givento the doctrine of Relativit eauses me no difficuli toaccepi, fores have been a firm belleve in an extremeformis Relativit ali in lite Even at Oxsordes neve could bring my inda belleve in any Absollite
hi h the probability that our scientificanowledge Wascorrect in faet. I have neve known an limit toRelativity, i. e. to the truthi thingsieing true, o fur Onlyis humari powers and condition admit. Aecord- ingly hail Dr. instein' enlarge Relativit os Time and pace, hieli to me have alway been mere Morkin fornis of the human understanding. But vhen, in Par ΙΙΙ., p. 105-114 , he determines thestruetur os pace in se, and dentes that the stellaruniverse is a finite stan in the infinite dea os space, ' ut postulates a finite universe, e stoingto sar Geometry ma prove his in a foui th
has no right to dogmatis abolit the universe by whatare merely X et theoriesin paper. Ait these abies
stremo geometry, i. e. the measuring of rea things, but the are algebrate conundrianas, hich may have
no rea existe11 e uiside the brat of the calculator. Dr. instein is more geometricia than philosopher. Relative philosophy,ill recali him to earth by remind- in him that it is an unuerifie assumptio that his idea os pace and Time, his ratios, and his figures illethroughout the universe. r. Einstein's ne Relativit ma be an unans verable Our-de-force in Super- geometry, ut it has no right O pose a Relative Philosophy. here may be notini a fourth, but anniti geometr in the liniverse, o the universe may bea figment of his own imagination. True Relativityrejecis ali fornis of the Absolute.
authorit in the reneli Republic is 'appyOmen O the eae o Europe an for theunion os ou two great nations On that union the future os civilisatio is staked. At si si sight, it might e thought that nothin os great importanee had been effected by the transfer of M. illerandironi the ossice of Primeminister to that o Presidento the Republic Those ho know Frane have eenthat the change si deerisignificande. m. illeranddoes no accede to the Elyse a a eourti figurelieadand judiciolis Chairmati in Cabineis, 'ut rus themasterili chies of a great people ho receive im Stheir uide an inspirer He iniseli declare thathe would acceptismo oni o thos conditions. Meeven suggested that he hope to se amendinent in the Constitution But the Constitution ali eady offersto an able resident an authorit greater tha thatos a Britisti Prime Minister an greater tha that of President of the nited States. Mur Prime Ministers, eanow, an e dismissed by the sudde voleo a very mali majorit os a single Chamber, an attimes the have been humpered by the silent influence
os ille Crown Tli America President electe forfour ear only can e absolutet chechmuted by a Congress hichae cannot dissolve and a Senate hichlias ulmos equa authoi ity in oreisin affairs. M. Millei an is no v irremo 'abie resident os Francessor Seven years. His position is quite disserentsrom What it was hen he was Prime Minister and ha to defend his ver aut illi opponent in the Chamber and eould e verthrown by a single Vote.
He has himself de lare that he hiim the right toeonduet negotiations illi allies. He has legat authorit to do much hich oodrow Wilsonattempte to do, ut hicli the American Constitution prove to e ultra vires. No doub the renchΡresident an e et up by the entire Parhamentactin together. He is no dietator, ut a constitutiona Minister. But M. Millerati hastilis to lead Partiament hieti no President sine Thier ever has had. He has a uel longe term os office than an Ameriean resident He cannot be disinisse in anight sitiin a a Britisti Prime Minister may be. He ascendit histigii ossi e with at the prestige of agreat Parhamentar leader, et he has no authoi ityabove him to represent the nation. ike an America President, hecis irremovabie, and sor a terna praeticali double. And et a Chairmani a rea Par-liamentar Cabinet, he an tali active an continuous part in Parhamentar legislation illi a free-dom hic his American resident an exert. Me is
the fit si rench resident sine Thier xvi, has SuCoeeded to that office illi an immense majorit in the
The opinion Os those ho no v runce est longrego convinee me that a trietly ParhamentaryExecutive on the ritisti ne is univorkable in that country, and that a residentia Executive-neither part leade nor dictator-is best suifed to the genius an traditions of the Republic The vas mas ofrura citigens, ut las disinusionedis an Empire, have alWay been Opposed lo the faction-fight in the Chamber a Paris. Their dea is table Republicanc overninent. Infernestine Parhumentary cabal have eve been the grave os reneli statesmen. Sociallyspeahing, an sor maintenande of the institutions forde and of property the renet peopte are more Settied-more conservative than illier the ritistior the Ameriean eople There is in France a morestead horror os chloerae and communisin hancinany Anglo-Saxon ace. The recent Socialis Congress ut Orieans howe ho organise Labour in France, constitute a it is on ostialis lines by aerushin majorit repudiate the olfhevis Commimisin an iis tyranny whils neither ritisti nor American Socialism, uel les German an Italian Soelalisin, have taken an sueti emphati ste9. Thesodia system o France-stili maint a self-support- in and industriat easantry-is more table than the socia sustem o Britat an America-Where gigan-
rea statesman in the positionis an irremo 'abie President, hocis also the esse live hie of his own
Parhament, is a more abieri effect his own poliey, is heleeps it resolutet in his mind than is an American resident or a Britisti Prime inister. Our Minister has to e continuali hedgin and compromisin and ulterin his plans a themous seem tosWay backward and forwards and osten heri forcedio sito the whole of his han prematurely, o meet rude an stormy insulis. An America President isno in regula touch with Congress and what he calis his Cubine is no a true Parhamentar Cubine iniursense. A Freneli resident is, O rather a be ina position hiel shares ome of the duantage of aBritisti Prime Minister in that he is neve at arnis' tength ith Parhament, an also e has the reat strengiliis the America President in that heris irre-movable by direct vote No Μ. Milleran has allthe opportunities o using both ad 'antages ando confidenti loo foris ne an stabie Overninent in
Frane more conservative in spirit an more effective in internationalieaee.
this common entente man continite an cinereaSC.
But the dimouities to e veroome re dee Seated. Union etween England and Frane forin the eryconditio of the welsare of both But there re inherent disserenoes inmur interest an menta habiis.
France in her heroi struggle has been ali ut ted odeath Her hie industria distrio has been ruinedior a generation Her eadi enem has even stili
large materia refources an a population ahnostdouble; and there are no strategie barrier belween
natura in a eople face with the imminent peril of
logical perspicacityclo solio vitii reasoning to iis fuit
Our nation is, bove ali hings, practical-ready Osee that condition are changed that ne plans must
pletely and continuousi unde the directioni Parhamen an os opinion ilian is usuali themoverninento France. ut the renchiseople and their ulers, with the passionate illis thei race and their exactand scientifid mirid, vehementi insistin literat execu
tion extraordinarii dimovit . t is impossibi for usto otii in ali the scheme on hieli France has et her
j in France in fresti militar invasioni Germandand. V know o sutile are opes of an Russian Govertiment recognising ouistandin habilities howvain is the refusa io trade uniit his is done . e know o v redarious is the old os an ChristianPo ver on any Asiati littoral And we now o v
precarious andio intractabie is the new-bor Polistination. et e cannot formali resis the renchenielement for these schemes. As a matter of faet, ve are Po vertes to take any adequat par in any of them. illi Constantinople, Palestine, esO- potamia, India, Ireland ali in militar occupation, we have no a man to spare Finalty the democracyat home places an absolute bari an fresti commit-ments of a warlike hind. n the contrary, it is lolidlycalsing ut for a great reductio of those e have. The result is that verythin connected illi the Covenant must e colante a preSent a secondary, and ur ii si an urgent care must e the omeinterest of the nited in dom-und indeed, of theentire Reatin verseus Circumstanees no fore USto ake 9 much the fame positio a that of the Ameriean eople. The ery-as practi ali di both Conventions-America irst France to cries-Franee fit si rather, indeed L. Franceritia id memet That is a cry hieli, cannot hare, ut hicli eoanno desy It wil require infinite diplomaticadroitnes to void ein entangle in desperate adventures hiel, ou reason opposes and ur eopte condemn, and et to void the charge of desertingour ally. One Way o cementin allianee ouldie toreduce a leas by one-half-even by two-thirds-themonstrous profit e mahe by the rice of indispens- ubi coal totur si iends. Sorei as e need the gain, our naneia position is greatly et ter than that os