Novissima verba: last words 1920

발행: 1921년

분량: 251페이지


분류: 미분류


The imminent danger is that the Leaque os attons

eve an kept aloof Asia an Africa ad localtroubles, but nothin revolutionary. Ι 1920 it is allchanged. The Leagiae of ations has stirre a

COSmopolita eruption far more than Rousseau's Contra Socia stirredi Europea revolution. Ora generation the Powers have neve been solitter, O jealous, o Suspicious, O heen to eige ali hey an, o prone Oaesent eaehithers acis, s Obstinate in resus-



it. The deam a confederationis Nations sine that have myself rea hed at my se. When r. Wilson formulate Mit illi uel eloquene an moralfervour, P vas ready lo eleonae the topian Phemeas an ideat though I suid the nations eremo ripe for Dunles the spirituat exaltation during the wariadgive them ne v fouis an had east ut the deviis os national reed, ealousy, and ale. As to the Adriati and Easterii problenis, Pthin Mr Wilson vas right, an Pu isti the otherio vers ad aecepted his lead On the ollier hand the reservations of the Senate seem to me inevitabie, just, and neceSSar and Pirust that the Leaque illi modified in aecordanee viti them But the paralysis o Europe, and theaduanee o it o famine an Confusion are to heaVy

An die discussio seems tot arisin a to hether Labour an forna movertiment and this canonly be set iled by the old rule solvitur ambii lando. Surelymo one ho watelles the debates in Parhamentan in the recent Trades Dion Congress an doubtiliat uel me a no v ill the Lubour enthes, and mnny more uel menis a re quite ready and very likelyto oin them, an forna a Ministry utly competent tocarry the House illi them an to holythei own indebate. Many an independent observer ould egia to se sueti me as r. Clynes, Mi . . . I homas, r. Adamson, released froni perpetua criti-


O the vas ne v problem os overninent. The waran the worid i evolution that solio vexhave hangedali hings, and specialty the tremendous tas of administering this amorphous and nexampled Empire. At times themous seem to e a mere



whole of ur civit, legat, economie, military, and finandia administration is orti, red, and trainedunde Capitalism- an e traine in no the Way.

Lenin has to et his experis by igh pay and

terrorisin He has to bribe oririve bad lo or theabie men os the old regi me, an he dare notorust them To orithe vas and complicated machine of modern society there is neede a liselon training in administration and the inherite an instinctive refources of capitalis families.

blood, have been sine 1867 a public advocat o Iristi Nationalism, and in 1886 was a Gladstonia candidate for Homeraule, I anno sorbear a or abolit themost crucia problem that has trie Britishmovern-ment in m memory. The ne viil is, o in mind, the mos hopesu of any that have preeeded it an insonte forni I ferventi trus it may beeome la v. Stili, Ι cannot understand the drasting hieli opens the Billwith two Parhamenis, o b ultimately, i possibie, united in one. I have alway maintained that Ι relandi one nation, and that the assertionis that fac is the


mentar representatives hould formis statutory, irremo 'abie standin Committe empowerexto veto any law, Order, o habitit imposed on thei loca areas, Unde Ver ea refully-contrive elauses of easonable

conditions Those ho condemn the ill-whether the be nionisis, Liberais, attonalisis, o Sinn

irino Chai si V did themighlander in 1745, and the in di to the reton in France in 1793. It is a passin delirium hichias no holdin the Iristination. I may destro the offere Home Rule.



Bhit, hether it passes o nos this ast essortis Britain

men in America and the Dominioris that Britain does no oppres Ireland biit offer her rea self-govern-ment; and that the dissicullies hieli bar arietilementare holt eaused by antagonism et veen Irishmen in Ireland and that is an andient quarre os religionund race, bred by ignorane deeper than an other in the civilisex vorid and fomented by the conspirae of treasonubie priesthood. The crisis orithe ui histi problem add ne v interest to the histor of that land , specialty hen it comes frona a recognised authority. M. Charies Dielit, os the Frendi Institute, Professor in the IIniversit os Paris, holus devote so many 3 ear o study to the politica an artisti questions os ille forme Greel Empire eate a Constantinople hascius isque a summary of the histor froni the fit si Constanti ne in 330 A. D. do vn to the las Constant in XI. in 1453. 'In soni 250 pages e telis iis illi masterly conelsenes this ondei fui stor of the rise, XPanSion, decline, and sal of New Rome, ver iis evoli ition ofΙ,123 years a story hardly inferior in fascination to

that os id om in a simila period . illi a multiplieityis date , Est os ne hundred Emperors, tables of hronology bibliography os literature ma9Sof the City and the Empire at iis extension and de line, e inive fiftee photographs os bulldings,


The book is an admirabie manunt for the studentor the publieist, scit condenti ales in andy sortia thesnal ud ments of a muster in his braneliis history. But it is impossibi in the limit os spue to throw overthe stor the olour os persona or detulle narrative. The objec is to how the ultimate eonelii ion to edra umon these munifold problems . nil his is done by one hos aut horit is no vn in Europe and America M. Dielit oes ample justi de to the realeontinuit o Byguntine civis sation iis glorious histor a the maintainer flantique literature, ari, undorganisation inder the arbarous invasion froni Norti or East, a the Championis Christendom foreight centuries, a the missionar an teacher of the Slavoni races, and the solaree even in iis o vn ruin,

of the European enascende os earning. HeeXplain the vas expansior of the Empire byJustinian ho ille the and round the editerranean and the Euxine si ona Cadicto the Euphrates and the Arabian deseris. He raees the long toryoscit gradita de line vermine centuries the deseato the Perstans and the fatetuliatiles illi Arabs and Turks the bitte stris ove image-worship-the civilan militar administration the developnient os artan literature the ealous enmit of the Latin and



the Ronia Chureli hielicie to the reahingis of the Bygantine orid an iis dominatio by Isiam. I ake much interest in book abolit Sappho and in



There a re verse translations of this fragmenti J. H. Merivale and . . Symonds, ut both also expand an see to de orate the Greeh. That Simplicity, retieenee, reserve in Gree poetr and artiuake both inimitable. An os ut poetry ancientor modern that is the secreti Sappho. Let me ad Itha Dr Way, hocis always ingeniOUS, is in many poenas gracesul ake o. Q -