장음표시 사용
The interestin question then arises How far does Professor hir himself belleve in Progress Is heone os the other optimisis V o hom, illi theleadin Four, his book is dedicated We searchalio Vreface and the Epiloguen and we must admit that e
findi conclusive answer. He declares that his present attemptris purei historica inquiry. nthe ther hand he aises the problem o Progress to dominant mora an even religious poWer Hefind that the ope o Progress has reforme theethica eodem the western orid. The liope of an ultimate happy state on this plane tot enjoyed by
future generations has replaeed, as a sopiat power, theliopei felicit in anothe worid. Progress seem tobe a colanter-balane to the deam Providene and the dogma os personat immortality in Heaven. he Professor has pent an immense amount of learning andos thought o the genesis of this idea H sees howethies an creed are larget involve incit. Is it agreat truth is it an idolum saeculi He leave theans verrio S. As a lust Ord he asks it the law of Progress comes ut os the la os Evolitation, a it notae isel evolved into sonte ther unknowncla of
and we it leave the infinite seon to come o setilethat question in theiriwn good time. Ali hos who enjoyed the societ of Henr James, and the far ider ange of his readers aliive Europe
and America, illi glad to se the letters hichae
charmi his personality and a natiire os rare assection-nteness, rimmin Over illi generous sympath sortili ornas of heaut and of intelligende, ae at thewhil endo ved illi an inexhaustibi spirit os subile
to et to the heari os old Europe findingio strange an complex it is, and et illi suci, stulture in his brain and sueti sympathy in his hear that it filis himwith intens andiro vin interest. He is mong S-lon notis allis iis then e passes to te thecharmis Italy and the espriti Fran e But Europe, England London, ent, gras his oui more and more Wilsonia neutrality in the great war revolis
him almost kill him. At last hecis holly ithison the fidem defendin civitisation. In July, 19 15,
hecis naturalised, r. squilli and r. osse eingtw of his sponsors. In February, 1916, hiis the Republic a stili an uniriendi neutral , he dies as a Britisti subjeci and O. M. Untii the last this loving, generous, gentie Oxi Ofhis seem neve to have been totiched by an public
either in America or in Brita in unti the reat 9- heavali 19 14 overwhelmed his hitherio tranquil spirito detaehment and neutrality. He knew the leaders; he was in the whir of ur polities nothing of themtouehed him, hardi gaveaim a momens' thought.
These Letters suggest tuto potnis sit stis to thementa habit an secondiy a to the Style o Henry
magoria and dime museum. Anythere is more in this Carlyle ein But his devotion to Ar brohedown in the Great War in 191ι. Again the letters prove his intense modernit os ind. ot only illhe putisside the clasti os parties an nations, ut heturn with indifferene frona the Past. There is notrae that he ver seriousi cared for history, Oravedin the past ven in Rome, o Paris, in Florenee, Venice, o Touraine. In eaph hecis the Americantourist keen about ar and foetety. He telis r. Gosse, in 1000, that he hunger and thirsis for agleam o reflectio of the se e sive os artistic orplastic intelligende oscit, omething one an a Vesor orio, a discrimination, perception obSerVation,
This passion o the present visibi seene os modern life reacts uponiis culture and on his style. O read these Letters one ould thinithat he was indifferentio, almos ignorant of the great literatur of the past. In a ood o correspondence illi me o letters, studenis, an Orities, there is a great dea abolit
Sterne, Dryden, ope, O even abolit Milton or Spenser. He must linue read them; ut the seemno to have been infuse into his ind, and the Cer
the Letters of O vper, o Gray, os alpole, uouldhe have uritiei these, o the euriousty tesselate and mysticali interwoven passages in s many of his gracesul romance. I he had been born and trainedin id not in e v England his indovould have had a bi Ouder ange, an his style uould have had asimple and an easterio v. But let iis no overtook the any right an suggestive pietures os illustrious Vietorians. What lovin porti ait os urne-Jones, os illiam Orris and of his vise grand synthesis os ali the Pre- Rafraelite pictures ' o Mi s. Humphry Ward of Turgeneu, of tevenson, of the Eliot orions os George Meredith, o Gladstone, o Rushin, o George Eliot os Paul Bourget, und Alphons Daudet. In this age of earleatures, diaries, and abominabie indis-
these revelations os a very asseetionate and subile spiritpoured ut in such ohibiti tyrio the mei and vomen
cile and naturalised in Britain, a stili Americanfrona fit strio last. The simplicity the lovability the gracesul en Iantillage of his open heari arma refreshing
Three reat Owers and the League os Nations are nolint anomalous and confusing , but the show the impotende of the Covenant for alleffective ui poses. The POwer refer a mandate Onthe Ballio Powers to the League-whicli naturallyrefuse it, as havin Deither authority, O armS, Ormeans. The Three and the League are reatly the sanie od unde disserent nantes; ut the actis is the were rival and even unfriendi POwers. The Three have great armies in theraeld and great nations in thei hands. The Leaque has nothin but costly officials commissions an resolutions. To protectissmali State it has no more realiower than the Societyro Protectionis Women an Children. It is no certain that America ili never ork ut in urope the Wilsoniati Covenant. Withou America the Leaque is ankrupi. et u face facis, and eas tochas a topian mirage. ur three Allie nations mus do the est the cano clear ii the urgent problenas hieli threaten iis ali illi ruin.
ing he Peade had been bound up ith the American topia. Andrast races in Europe and in Asia weretred with the passionis self-assertio at the callo the bigiles of the niente Powers. Then thedomestic quarret in the Republic broh out It with-dre both in aetion and in eo incit. I les iis deserted
contrades in arrio dea with the confusion fiurope and to pastis the furiousiopes andiates of races.
League os attons, it id not eas to eritieise, to complain, an to intersere both ossiciali an un-ometally, in the doings of it late Allies, an in theexecutioni iis own reaiy. It didio ratis iis own Treaty, et it condemned the Allies h have ratisied theirs. The resident ould do nothing, meet noone discus nothing; et he latine to dictate to us
Press bear insulis and injuries in Silenee But a man, wholi independent of any pari or Plaee, a man holias for a litetime honoured the greatnes and destinies of the Republic may fairly ask-in this terribi hour When civilisation is in ore stratis scit an honourable par of so glorious a nation to jeer at the ood Samaritan hiis it refers t pas by on the therside ΘΤhat the Leaque o Nations formali declines themandate to protest and save Armenia, is a cruel blowto the opes an promises hiet for ear have
been aid and done by Briton and Americans romthe time o Gladstone an Salisbury, it look like
or ad faith. It is Fate. Who an undertake suci a distant an impraeticabie ash, is the Leagueo Nation deelares that it has no power forsiteli an undertaking What a mocker is his Leaque hicli in iis consolidate might of the reat Powers acto profeci the mali,ea States. What could have been done at the end of 1918 is impossibie
Own Musulina fellow- iligens illiso permitis to rusti or urb, as it wouldie disrespeetsul to the successor of thei ProphetySurei the wful prospect of the final extermination o a Christia natio must appea to the reat American eople hocior generations have orked so hard and promise so much to hel the oppressedraces in Turhey. America missionaries an philanthropist have done more for Armenians than nyother in Europe. It was the American resident an America representatives ho during the warand the Conserenoes, mos passionately leade formLeaguel Nation to proieci the weah peoples in the