Novissima verba: last words 1920

발행: 1921년

분량: 251페이지


분류: 미분류


East. The belle of the world was that, haleverother as the Republicovideriook, the mandate tosave Armenia ouldi thei obviolis diity Andio van interna dispute seem to rejec that an every Europea cause nil after arch, 1921, at earliest. The Leaque os attons hieli Europe accepted at theurgent insistene os . S. A. is poweries in the absence of heroas refources in energy, in ealth, in men And the strident appeal to self-determination, which the resident ire u a subterranea minebelow the heavin crustis European nationalities, has roused such stornis of hope ambition an stris that the vietorious Powers re ver-straine in efforis OsatisfWor contro them. rhese promise to ea peoples these potentialmandates seem bout O ree endles troubie and strife vie with anxiet our priners to Serbia, Greece Syria, an Mesopotamia, as et a that to Armenians One of the wors imbrosilio is that os Palestine. I fear that r. altour' promis to the JeWS Was Ven more angerous than his reaty ith Italy. B ali means et a many Jewish patrios as



possessing the Arab and non-JeWisi, population, evenb force, and of constiti itin a Maedabean insidoniaecordin to the Veu isti Perii. ut even theniore modest ionism o brin in many Jews to Palestine is a fandisii Sinniein Lindis di eam And hope that our overnment illisive o more

absurd ries abolit aces, his is the orsi. Jews may be a race, O araeci thenare nos a nation Theyliave a religio of their own, an inherit physical, moral, an intelle tua qualities. ut that oes notmahe a nation much less does iiive a right to turnother races Out of theiriwn homes Catholies do notpretend orae a nation, no do they laim to turn allinhabitanis ut of the Papa States of the Church. In sies are no a nation norio thenelaim foueturnandrarive the Fellaheen ut of gypt Alliseoplewith re hair o long noses, or at the mittis and Joneses in the Empire o America might as elipreten to nation themanes etaim toreturn to thei andestra homes in Ens Anglia. Jews nos ni are notis nation ut they have been for2,000 years citiZens of halost very nation o theeartii They have been aetive member os countlesspolitica nationalities for ages-especiali O Britisti,


American French, Italian, and German he areno more a nation than Buddhisis o Quakers. And what right have thento Palestine' more han1, 000 years betore Christ they avagely verra thalland and assuere iis native eoples. Is race is decisive, it elong to the remnant of themittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Periggites, Hivites, and Iebusites Histor record no more Uthles eXterminatio than the stor in moly rit ho theydestroyed man and woman, OUn and Old OX Shee9, and ass-al except thei friend Rahab, he hariot. Nothin more horribi is recorde of Attila an his Huns, o os Wilhetin and his Muns. se centuries later the were carriet ossis flaves and , X- cepi sor hori intervais, the neve recovere thecounirnas a nation, butived incit a scattere exiles. In Gree and Roman times the were only refiigeeS, who ad n nationa o territoria rights. In the Gospe age the inhabitant of at Syria ere largely Gree o Roman in raee, in allegiance, in language, and in civilisation And now beeause of this originalmassa cre an beeuus the crucified the Founder of Christianity this Arab tribe, hiel, has been wander- in abolit the wOrid for two thousan years an hasiost ali sense of common language, O politica unity, o agricultura habiis sum mons the Supreme Councilio place it a V a nation, ' and imitate JOstiua in turning out the lawsul inhabitants an rasti promises



vere iliade in the stressit War, and we have'O many mandates as it s. cannot pas ove the Centenary of Herberi Spencer Without a Orest express m honori to themos important Englisti philosopher of the nineleenthcentury Iane v him et for more than forinyears P vorke withaim in many a public cause Pearriedon controversies illi hina, hicli appit ende in persona sympathies an I have published in morethan ne book, and speciali in m Oxford Herbert

tem os philosophy. I am et aware that the twentieth centur furtis, illi a perhaps inevitable reaction, fro those hom the ninefeenth centuryhonoured But the matur judgment of the future

vili do justice to the profound power os in and the inexhaustibi industry hieli Spende brought tollis tas in a longas o devotion to intellectual and

mora progress His signat achievenient a to have been the ni Englisti hinker, sine the crudeattemptis Bacon, holad systematicalty worked out a Synthesis of genera knowledge.

This is o vast, o rare, and et o dominant anachievement that, even is lateranowledge reveat iis error an iis incompleteness, it ahes a place of iis own in the history of human thought. In a ne v bookΡrofessor Bur has hown ho v a syntheti theor of civilisation reacts o morat, political, an religiolis


ideas frontingeri age andae ver justly grohi9S O-gether a the founder os urcia os Progress Ondor et Comte, and Speneer. It is Spencer, in faei, who alone in the nglish-speuking ori has de-velope the philosophy hiel, o the Continent roseaster the convulsio that elosed the eighteenth century. ur great Englisti me of physica selene and of mora an socia scien e have orked more or tesso specialis and limite selds, here conclusive aeceptet resulis are possibie. Spende is stili iurone syntheti philosopher. 'ohe attemptrio frame area concatenation os scientisio an mora ideas has esseCt so pervadin and constructive that it retainsit permanent power ver SubSequent thought, although in many paris it solutions stremo acceptedas inal Thus Spencer ili an with Bacon, Loche, Hume, Adam Smith, and Darwin. Lam much intea ested in the ver timet book justpublished by r. Harile Withers. He is an economisti great experiene and of signat independ- ence of judgment an he has ritie a luci and balanced estimate of the current schemes of industriat reform. It is a manual of the eas for Capitalism, which shouldie invaluable were it ahen to hear bothb employers and employed forcit is ymo means a partisan defende of Capital of whieli it frankl states

the viis and the defeet unde present conditions. For iis evit an iis defeet he propose Sociat, moral,



and praetica remedies; ut after a lose examinationos various ornas os Continianism, State Socialism, Bureaveratio, and Guild Socialism, te lio us the solidadvantage of a recognised System o Capitalis a verat the tyranny monopoly, and chaos hicli must result frona any of the familia schemes of eliminatingCapitulina vast sociat and economi revolution. He pens his stud with a chaptet in the Meaknes an Strength o Capitalism an in his hestates fuit the ordinar attacks ad on it, and thenthe gain to reedom an genera utilit whicli it confer On the mas of the citigens in a norma democracy. There is unother chapter on the ' Achievenient of Capitalism ' in conferring on the public theenorinous improvenient in human se in recent times, a compared With the oppression and sufferingsos forme generations-and this in spite o ali that rhetorio an declaim aso stili unremedie abuses.

In the incalculabi multiplicit o modern se thedemagogue caninya ready text. Thestrue reformeri polities o in conomies must patiently urve theentire fiet an set os loca an partia eviis against the widespread uin that uwn in the darknes os an

magnificent and populous cit into the dying iidernes of Leningrad.


With inexorabie logio r. ither exposes theiliendaciolis sophisis horiel excitable Orkmen that the capitalis is a thies V and the cui d-sharpe trichos ari arx that Capital ob Lubour of the sur-pliis value. his is the Oison seed that has grownurias Bolfhevism. ver sane economistanows that profit earned ove the wages at out usuali hasto e devoted 1 to the debis dii for rent, plant, materiais, an capital lent foriser, 2 to reserve and fresti industria undertakings, and 3 in a very minor

degree, osten very moderate, to the persona use of

the capitalist. Without o. 1 there ould have been no or produeed an no ages at ali aid; withoiit o. 2 there ould e constant stagnation

And et aboli leader ullo ignorant Orkmen tob gulle into sandying that the entire surptiis profit their own produc an property, and b is phindered by the capitalist. Labour il neverbe fit to formis overtiment tanti it has induce theworkin masses to ut fide his sill falsehood os



Auguste Conite in his Polit a the odia idea os a


deest the problem in France, Belgium, undAmerica, appealed so vividi to the hearis of men andos omen, in the cause of a betier ori to those Wh are o Come. ear hende his ille book illhe found a vin chroniele to explain o Womentoo to the an and omen's Wor and ways undolothes, o the village too thei pari, an pensioners of both seXes, parsons, and quires, Canadians an Americans, fel into an in the old Ountry.Μrs Ward was to the lustine of the mos strenuous opponent of Votes for omen. his book illshow that sh rejoi ed in seein ali that women could do and only wished them to hold sust to hat women an do best. Although the oun mockers eas notri cali ut G um to the bald-heade Victorian propheis, itis curioli ho persistently the Georgians seem busywith record of Victorian ork. The poets, PrieStS, writers, and politieians of the ineleenth centuryliave been studie in abundant biographies an eriticisnis an a rilliant satiris has oriraye four Eminent Victorians in pungent ignettes, hieli lookto much like sna9-shois in a picture-paper. Happilynow true portruits of even eminent Victorians have been given us by a sympatheti an serious studentos modern thought. Μrs. . L. Courtney's or-



Want. The are based on caretia stud of the originals the are singulari truthfulci and theyjudg the character and the work of eaeli subject withan impartiat ut indi mind. I have been myseli in close oueli illi rederio Denison Maurice, Matthe Arnold, Charies radiaugh, homas HuX-ley, and Lessi Stephen andes have myset writtenestimates of is Martineau and of Charies ingsley. An Latii mage to in ho faithfuli a Georgian lad from books has made m friend sive again. The four Eminent Victorians' er good subjecis to e analysed-but the were not typicul