장음표시 사용
Mr. Wharto quotes versioris of this by ther poetsa but the allise twice the number of word and many Uperfluous images. Stranget enough, in parallel sine Tennyson, aster Homer, Ilia viii. 55,
IN heminiost unprecedente confusionis thea aur Apri 15th, 19203-the Primeminister at ea
abandone and dominant hanges are made. Re- fornas that have been ought ove so generations pasSalmos by consent. The franeliis is oubled; Vomen have voles and even eXceed the male voters;
Πome Rule is carried by Unionis majorities against
the Liberalsa Labour bedomes the e Rich, and the
academio, literary, and aristoeratio quarters. hebigges Empire on earthris transforme into the millennium o Labour. An the biggest Republic onearthioes ,ry an reti res rom the worid. Τo an id lawyer ne of the most amarin changesis the weleome that has been given to the splendidreform of the la os Properi introduced by the Lord Chancellor ith so much eloquene and learning It
Vestbury, atrias, an Selborne as secretaryto the Roya Commission o 1869 for Digestin thelaw an for two ears Phad to register the schemesos amous Judges and rast hos o Bethell, ho, whateve his ther defeeis, has realiassion to restoreorde an consistene in the la o Property. In thepresent hancello la reform has foundis oungeran far more practicut enthusiast In these Notescit
is impossibi to discus a Bil os 250 ages, with iis radicat abolitionis antique anomalles and iis judiciolas assimilatio of the la o Inheritane and of Land.
As ne of the furvivors of the law-reformers of two
generations Pirust themill Willias with due amend-ments in both Houses. It sine of the best producis
of the e Time. I hough the scope of the Bilicis o large, and indeed so starisin a first sight to the old-fashione pundit, it illiso distur the older of important tandedestates, nor thos holder os other propertWwho takecare nodito die intestate. The reatly great changes in the lax introduced by the Bil concern devoliition onintestasty Those ho have any considerable interest in land for the mos par mahe regular ills i notelaborat entatis. Speakin generalty the Bill illno affect either the law of Wilis oris Entail. Toget id of the antique fetida furvivat wil remove
many a triviai uisanee, ut nee no concernthe generat public Butio that so great a bod oflandefestates a re hein brohen up and so many smallholdings in land are created, it is necessar to provideso intestacy. The assimilationis freeholds to lease-holdscis an inevitabie resultis the immense multiplicationis mali reeholds, as also is the simplification os the titie to land The Americans ho adopte Our commonda naturali go ridi fetida traditions and casse interest in land and houses rea estate. The Bili does this for US.
Τhe nexu book by the Regius Professor os oderit Histor at Canibi id e must deesty interest ali ho reflectis the revoliitionar age in hiel our tot is east. With great and wide earning an signat deta liment of ind Professor Bur ira es the historno the Ide os Progressis the aecepted law of the
civilisation os mankind. e speah as a historian, no as postle o any ehool, an he ives iis an encyclopsedi surve of the sueeessive theories bywhicli Progress and Civili sation have rown to eassociated in men s minds Helegitis his furve withthe Greeks the Athenia poets Aristolle and Plato, Roma Epicureans an Stolos, themediaevalChureli, the enascenoe, Desearte an Baeon, Freneli and German dealism, the revolutionisis and thene he comes down to volution, socia and
physical, Conate, Darwin and Speneer. It is a histor o Philosophyrio furis belle in aria o progressis a factor in the civilisationis Humanity. The bookis dedicate to Suint-Pierre, Condoreet, Conate, Speneer, ' and other optimisis. Like ali vast generalisations the deam human Progress and the conseious sensem a common CivilisationWas a very lo movenient, bulli up gradually by partia enti hiennient an sitsully seen by poets and thinkers in specia manifestations Bacon and Descartes and thei followers in the eventeenth centur change the whole basis o speculative thought;
Voltuire, Diderot, Turgot, and the En velopaedificinthe eighteenth century enlarge these ne v ideas Soacto ouel the morai and sociat conditioni man But Professor Bury treat the Abbe de Satnt-Pierre abolitthe naiddie of the eighteenth century, amous author of the ' Projectis Perpetua Penee, is theirst Oimagine a topia os Progress in human civilisation. Narro a was his nowledge of history, hallo aswas his sense of scientific truth, and nai as ere his projecis to secure the happines of ali, the generous Abbe' heari ad inspire a ne optimism hielidreamed os an indefinite progress to the welsare s
It is illi Montesquieu, urgot, Dideros, and Con- dorcet that the de of Progress as a praeticableenlargementis civilisation firs beeam a true sociallaw, a partis a scientific philosophy fise Withali thei limitations and rejudices, Montesquiei and
Voltuire di much to popularis the idea os a philosophyli history. Didero founded the belles of manus the pentre fisu Worid the Encyclopsedisis and the Eeonomisis in various ways popularised his dea.
Turgo was a great politica reforme as eli as a isephilosopher of se. ut Condor et is the true prophe of Progress of hicli thers ad been the intellectual studenis Andrit is Condorcet whom Professor Bur honours illi specia interest. est sumaZing, ' he writes, that the optimisti Sheto est he Progress of theium an in i should have been
composed when he was hidin frona Robespierre in 1793 and that it vas uritiem vithout books vas lamarvellous our de Orce.' And in the Dedicationthe Professoriouples the nam os Condorcet vitii thatos Conate a indeed Positivisis do also. tr. Bur passes On to criticis Rousseauism and Britisti an German philosopher vh had vision ofProgress biit e consider that it is ather rom France in the ineleenth centur that came systematic theories of Progress as an ascertainable la vos civitisation. The more definite school Whicli madei the basis o scheme to mould societ were those
discerninent an soli evidenoe, the Professor reais Suint-Simonis the successoris Condorcet, and Comteas the successoris Suint-Simon It was Saltit-Simon
vlio in 181 transforme Cordor es' idea o Pro reSS, meaning a gro vili in knowledge and intellectualsanit into a far ide sociat o ver that explaiued the mediaeva system an inchide religio as an essentia socia force. his regnant Conception is certainly the foundation o Positivism and as r. Bur Says, Conite derive more rom aint-Simoniliani or his French discipies ere illinit admit. Conite brohe with aint-Simon a the age of twenty-
two, an he id notaegin his System o Philosophy
propolin led a dogiliati Sehetite o genera sociat Progress He t was hocin 18 14 res Theloiden age is no bellin iis, ut in front iis It is the perfectionis sociat order. But rosessor Bur naturali treat Conite a sarthe mos important and systemati apostle of the dea
Professor Bur gives a thoughtsul ketoli fConite' philosoph of histor and the amous cia vos the three stages. ' his is no the piae to discussitis account of the Philosophie Positive 1830-18423.
that individual mind and branches of knowled e passthrough three phases in that orde : individual mindsan societies osten ein in ali three stages simultaneousinas to different matters. Premar also that Conite did reat the future of Asiati and Polynesian
who inhabite European cave had evolve a System of heology, as r. Bur suggesis may the no haVelia predecessors, and again, are the the rueuncestorsit ourselves to-das There a have been aiuge ga in the glacie ageS.
Professor Bury limit his stud o Conite to the Philosophie, and does no seem to know the Politique Positio e 1851 - 1854 Englisti translation an analysis, 1875-18773. But Conite' philosoph of histor and of progress is mos stili state in the thir volume of the Politique 18533. an potnis in the Professor seriticism ould bellearedi by referring to this orkand to Dr. I. H. Bridges Illustrations o Positivism secondidition 19 153. Is Professor Bury ould turn to the et Calendari Greut en o whiel, a newedition is in the pressi, he illin abolit event of
the philosopher an men os science, hom e mentions trea te in the sensem Conite' philosoph of history, and larget in complete greement illi his OWn Views. Refereticen Englisti student of Conite Would sho that they, at least, neve attribute to his
writings an doctrine of Anality that they recognise many of his speculations as dealso meditate nrather than to uel out in the immediate present, that the repudiate an idea os orthodoX an sacerdotalism, that the in theiriwn societ and the praetice of thei sive rejec the numes seet, ' os Nomiisna, authority indeed, as a matteros faet, profess and etaim a sui mensure os personalliberinos though and action.
study, ill e accepte by mos of Spencer sfollo vers though the ma not aecept the eriticisnasu illi hiel, it is followed. The Professor evidently regariis peneer a the mos resollite phoide os philosophie optimiSm.