The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, M.DCCC.IX

발행: 1809년

분량: 533페이지


분류: 미분류


METALLA, et corum SALES.

Anti mnium calcinnium.' An imonium vitrifactum. Crocus -- timonii, Ρ. L. 1787. Crocur antimomi. Crocus antimonii latis. Cata antimonii, P. L. I7l5. Antimonium diastorem cium. Bezaarticum minerale, P. L. t 72O.


and digest them in a botling hcat for unliour: then strain the solution and potir it into a gallon of water in Which two ounces of Subcarbona te os potasti have been previousty

All the antimonial preparations have undergone a conside able revision, and the present oxyd by precipitation is substituted for three, whicli the former Pharmacopoeia contained ;Antimonium calcinatum, Antimonium vitrifactum, Crocus antimonii. The first produci is muriate os antimony. The metat in iis combination with sulphur in the striated sulphuret is in the state os metat, not of oxyd; upon this muriaticacid aione Would exert no action, and nitric acid Would beinstantly decomposed, and convert the metat into an oxydwithout uniting With it to form a solubie sali. The mixtureos both oxydates the metes by the decomposition of the nitric, and brings it into a state suiled for solution in themuriatic acid; that is, it produces the fame effect that oxygeniged muriatic acid Would do. Solution os muriat os anti- mois is poured into water precipitates iis oxyd, and this hasbeen hept under the name of Pulvis Algarothi, after the nameos a physician at Verona Who discovered it: Bergman con

siders this precipitate to be a pure oxyd; but it is doubisulwhether it be entirely Dee Dom muriatic acid, theres e theseparation of this is secured, is any be present, by adding thes carbonate os potasti; though some, nevertheless, stili conm


111 sider ii as a submuriate. Metallic antimony, as it is used in thearis, is mixed With other metais, and theresere has been thought lem fit than the sulphuret for a basis to pharmaceutical preparations. Another advantage to be expected Domthe present process. is iis uniformity, comparect to those Chere high temperatures are employed, in Whicli the productvaries, Dom a number of circumstances influencing the regularcontinuarice of iis degree. The precipitate is in the form of awhite powder, and it constitutes the minor oxyd of Proust, Whicli is composed os antimony 8I,5, OXygen I8,5.

Sulphur antimonii praecipitatum, P. L. II 87. Ρ. L. 174 5.


quired to precipitate the poWder, theri WashuWay the Sulphate os potasti by hot water: dry tho precipitate i sulphuret os antimony,

and reduce it to poWdCr.

Complicated attractions are here exercised; the primaryagenis are potasti, antimony, sulphur, and water, Which lalter, in the process, is parilydecomposed into iis constituents oxygen

and hydrogen. The potasti unites to the greater part of the sulphur and attracis hydrogen Dom the water, by Whicli is formed a hydrosulphuret os potasti. The oxygen unites tothe antimony, and another portion of the hydrogen to the sulphur combined with it, forming a hydrosulphiu etted oxydos antimony; this laiter is held dissolved in the water by the hydrosulphuret of potasti, Whicli, is the solution cool, hasiliis power diminished, and there re a part of the hydro- sulphuretted oxyd thus precipitates and formed the oldhermes.m,erale. The addition os dilute sulphuric acid notonly precipitares the hydrosulphuretted oxyd dissolved, butalso the sulphur combined with the potasti, and whicli ofcourse in this preparation is intimately mixed With the former. It is a medicine in frequent use, and theresere re-tained, though it may not be thought to possess any specificalvantages. So much does this sali disser in disserent Pharmacopoeias that GeoTroy found the proportion of Oxyd of antimony to vary in them Dom i, to



Antimonium farfarietarium, Ρ. L. 1787. Tartarum emeticum, P. L. 1765. Tartarus emeticus, P. L. 1 20.


nund the proportion os oxyd os antimony to va Dom, th to th. The former Pharmacopoeia used the Crocus antimonii, and others have preferred Antimonium vitrifactum, hut it has been thought, upon the whole, that the precipitaledoxyd is the most uniform and definite, and yields whiter crystals. It is necessary that the whole of the supertartrate os potasti should be combined with the oxyd, and there rethat there should be a fuit sussiciency os the lalter, other vise the frst crystals, as it coois, Will be of the supertartrate ;whilst on the other hand, any superabundance of oxyd of antimony remains upon the sitier, and does not insuetice thecrystals; therefore the former inconvenience is especialir to beavoided, and for that purpose more Oxyd than may be strictly necessary is directed. Nor must the evaporation be carriedtoo far, for there is Some tartrate of potasti in tho solution, whose crystals Will in that case be ihixed with the triplo sali. The crystals ought alWays to be formed, for it is only whenthey are that the proportions of the sali can be considered as precise. Aster the formation of the crystais, is the liquor beevaporated to dryness, it Will osten yield a transparent browni isti yelIow mass, Which loolis like resin, and whicli I have neverexamined accurately, farther than to assure myself that it con-l tained antimony. The more peifect of them Will be regular foui--sided, or triangular pyrami is, or eight-sided ; they Willi become opaque on exposure to air, but Will not crumble likel the essiorescent salis. Very disperent si ements are madet respecting their solubility. Fourcroy says, that One part iS SO-l lubie in 80 cold and 60 bollitig water; and Duncata, that onet part is solubie in Is of water 60', and in 3 at 2l2' Thenardi gives iis constituent paris as acid 35,4, oxyd 39,6, potasti 16, 7, water A,3, or tartrate os antimony 56,I, tartrate of potasti 35,4, water 8, 3. It should be rememberod in pre-

scription, that this sali is decomposed by the aikaline eartha,


alhalies, their subcarbonais and hydrosulphureis, and also bydecoctions of bitter and astringent planis, Whicli yield a yellowprecipitate, Whicli is not emetic ; and inat Berthrillet,upon this principie, proposes decoction of bula to be usedas an antidote, When this sest has been taken in such qua tities as to be injurious.

Pu is antimonialis, P. L. 1787.


II 6


This preparation was introduced into the last Pharma, copoeia as a substitute ser a medicine os extensive celebrity, Dr. James's powder; to Whicli, however, the present formmore nearly assimilates in iis dose, and it is more managestiein iis administration, by the reduction of the proportion os antimony to one-half. In the application of heat in this pro-CeSs, great care is necessary, and the uncertainty of uniformity. in this respect, has, in other instances, induced the Collegerather to substitute precipitations. It has however been judgedright to preserve the present form, in preference to the analogous precipitated one of Μr. Clienevix, With an especialcaution, that the heat be managed as closely as possibie ac cording to the directions, and be by no means continued fora greater tength of time. The following is the receipt for Iames's ΡοWder, as eX- tracted Dom the Records of Chancery. Talae antimony, calcine it With a continuat protracted heatin a flat ungiaged earthen vesset, adding to it Dom time totime a sussicient quantity of any animal oil and sali, welldephlegmated; then boli it in melied nitre sor a considerable time, and separate the poWder stom the nitre by dissolvingit in Water. Tahe quicksiluer, malae an a algam Willi equalparis of the martiat regulus os antimony and pure silver, add-ing a proportionabie quantity of sal ammoniac. Distit off

the mercury by a retori into a glass receiver, then with the quicksilver malae fresti amalgama With the fame ingredients; distit again and repeat this operation nine or ten times; thendissolve this mercury in spirits of nitre and put it into a glassretori and distit to dryness ; calcine the caput mortuum illi ithecomes of a gold colour ; burn spirits of Wine iapon it, and heep it for use. The dose of the powder is uncertain. In generat, thirty grains of the aqtimonial poWder and one grain of the mercuriat is a moderate dose. Signed and SWorn to by ROBΥ. IAMES.'


Probably, Eowever, Iames's process Was formed upon onepreviousty brought Dom Italy, which had iis run in theseshion of the day, and was called Liste's poWder; and the preparation of Which Was very analogous to the present Pulvis antimonialis.


Vinum antimonii tartarigati, P. L. 1787.

This preparation resembles the former Vinum antimonii tartarizati, and aTords a convenient mode os dividing minutely the doses of this active sali, of Whicli one grain is contained in half an ounce of the solution. The Vinum antimonii is entirely omitted, as not being in any Way Prefer able to this preparation, and as being dependent for iis strength upon the quantity of acid containeu in the Wine, whicli is alWays very variabie.



Argentum nitratum, P. L. 1787. Causticum lunare, P. L. 174 5. P. L. I 2O.

Mix the nitrio acid and water, and dissolve thesil ver therein on a sand bath; then increnset he heat gradu atly that the nitrate os silver maybe di ted. Melt the sali in a cruci ble o Ver usto v sire, untii the water heing evapora ted, it shali cense to holi: thera potar it qui chlyinto moulds of Convenient Slia PQ.

Nitric acid dissolves about half iis weight of silver, butthere is no objection to a superabundance of acid, as, is it exist