장음표시 사용
in the sirst, it is driven oss in the subsequent paris of the process. The cruci ble in Whicli it is meited should be of closo texture, or a portion Will be lost in the interstices; it should also he large, because the mass pWelis and may boii over; and thooperator should further talae care not to come into contactivitii the corrosive spray Whicli is throWn up. The instant theobullition ceases, and the substance remains at the bottom, liquid and smooth like Oil, it should be polired into moulds of iron, or pipe clay greased, after Whicli it Will, as it seis, assurite a greyisti colour and radiated appearance in iis fracture. It ischiefly used as a caustic for decomposing animal substances. It dissolves in an equat weight of water at 6O'; the solution is colo tess, but is the fused preparation be dissolved, somefew thin dark finis remalia. Iis taste is bitter and strong-ly metallic: it is considered by Proust as an OXynitrate. The metat is reduced by exposure to a strong light; and , in-deed, it is an observation Which may apply forcibly to allother metallic preparations as weli as to this, that they shouldbe caretally seclud, 3d froin light.
Although Re ed Si er is directed in the Materia Medica,
it may not be superes uous here to repeat, that the purity of the metat is necessary to this preparation, and that iis common alloys With copper, as in silver coinage, ought not to beused on any account.
The oxyd os arsenic os commerce is chiefly separated by sublimation Dom the cobali ores of Saxony. It is found in the shops either under the form of White poWder, or inshining semi-vitreous lumps, Which lalter fati into poWder gradually on exposure to air; the lumps are to be preferred, but as they are but coarsely prepared upon the large scale, it has been judged proper to submit the arsenic to another sublimation, as a pharmaceutical process, for the complete separation of any extraneous matters derived Dom the origines ore. The sublimation may be eflected by a heat ofabout 383'. White oxyd os arsenic has a inarp acrid lastrito whicli succeeds a stight sense of sWeetness; iis smeli, Whensubliming, is peculiar, and very like that of garlic; one part dissolves in 8O of water at 60', pnd in I 5 of water at 2l2';
it is solubie also in So paris of hol aikohoL From these solutions it may be crystalliged into four-sided crystals. Itwhitens copper is heated belween two plates of it. It is precipi;ated under the form os sulphuret, by sulphuret of potas or sulphureted hydrogureis; heated with carbonaceous mat-ter it is metalliged, and in a heat of 356' sublimes in lamellar metallic plates. It consists of 75,2 metal, and 2 8oXygen, according to Proust. Jfit have been talien into the stomach in quantity sufficient to produce deleterious effectrithe proper practice seems to be to sileath the stomach Domiis contact by mucilages, and at the fame time to endeavo to render it innocuous by chemicat agenis, of whicli thereadi est, and a very effectual one, is a solution os sulphuret os potaSh.
I ake of prepared Oxyd of Arsenic in very sine poWder, Sub carbonate of Ρotasti frona Tam tar, of each Sixty-sour gratias. Distilled Water, a Pint. Boii them together in a glass vesset untii the arsenic he entiresty dissolve l. When thesolution is colit, addCompo und spirit of Lavender, Durflui drach IN S.
Argente, the most virulent of metal lic polsons, has longbeen employed medicinalty with success, but is noW for thesirst time introduced into the Pharmacopoeia. The probabiectu se of any medicine affords no argument against iis use, is it did, opium, oXymuriat os mercury, and many of Cur most potent articles, might be excluded froin the list of Materia Medica. But Where the smallest error may be attended bylia Zard, caution cannot be too osten or too forcibly impressed ;nor is an error in any given dose the only source of hagard, for mischi es may follo iis too long continuance in doses, Whicli, separalely taken, are insufficient to produce disturbarace; in the former instance, it may destroy life with alliis peculiar violence of symptonas, in the lalter, it may, insome constitutions, produce tremor or paralytic affectioris, sothat iis administration ought to be carefulty walched; and isit be, iis poWers as a medicine are mari ed and useful, and the College, by iis introduction, have hoped rather o obviatelliose abundant eviis Whicli follow iis irregular use as a secret medicine. of the oxyd here directed we shali speah in thenexi article; the solution depends iapon iis imion with potasti, and the solubili ty of the ne v compotand in mater, Whichform, is the nomenclature of Fourcroy be adopted, an Arseniteos potasti. The preparation accords With the formula os Dr. Fowler, of Stafford, Who first introducest it, in imitation os a celebrated popular remedy far intermittenis sold tander thenam e of Tasteless Ague Drops. The compotand spirit oflavender is only intended to give sonae colour and taste, Without wh4ch it Would resemble common Water, and heiace be more bable to mistahes. Where the dose is smali and the effecis so
PoWerfui, the most minute attention to iis proportion and P paration hecome necessary. Eacti Ounce contains foux
gratiis of the oxyd, and each drachm ὐth of a grain, but it will raroly be proper to go beyond half the lalter quantity,
th of a grain as a dose. Another modification of arsenic, consisting of the metalunited to a larger proportion os oxygen, and called by Fou croy Arsenic Mid, has also been used in medicine, combine twith potasti, under the name of Μacquer's arsenical sest. It is formed by heating in a crucible equat paris of nitre and , white oxyd os arsenic, as long as any nitrous gas comes Over; then dissolving the mass iu Water, and crystallizing the sali Devaporation. The Same sali has also been formed by unitiam the arsenic acid previousty prepared, with the athali. As themanagement of the heat is a circumstance of Some nicety, andas uncqualty applied, it Wouid produce uncertainty in the re suit; the present preparation, Whicli has also the aduratage of Pretiy extensive experience in iis favonr, has been adoptod.
This preparation is noW first introduced into the Phaomacopoeia, and the process, whicli is that also of the Edin- burgii college, and suffciently correct for medicat pur- poses, is employed instead of any more expensive methods. It requires to be dried very gentin sor increase of heat Willdelach a portion of the amnwnia; and as it is so readilyprepared, it is beller that finali quantities only should be
made at a time. Iis ricli dark blue colour and ammonialsmeli are the tests of iis goodness. Iis chemicat composition has not been correctly ascertained ; probably it is a subsul- Phat of copper and ammonia.
Aqua cupri ammoniati, P. L. I 787. Aqua sappharina, P. L. 1745. Ρ. L. II 2O.
Tahe of Ammonialed Copper, a drachm. Distilled Water, a Pint. Dissolve the ammonia ted copper in the Water, and silier the solution through paper.
This Was prepared in the last Pharmacopoeia by mixinglime and muriate of ammonia in Water, and letting the mix- . ture Stand in a copper vesset.
Ferrum ammonia D, P. L. I 7ST. Flores martiales, P. L. I 7 5. Ens veneris, P. L. I 720
rae original base of this preparation was Μr. Boyle's Ens Veneris, but doubis Were entertained as to the fori os vitriolhe employed, Whether green or blue, Whicli his descriptionos the process by no means clears up. Metallic iron was directed in the Oxmer Pharmacopoeia, but be re it could d
compose the muriate os ammonia it requirod to be Oxydated, and this ivas imperfectly dono by the decomposition of the water contained in that sal t. d he process is there re shorten-ed, and one sublimation rendered sum cient by the use of ronaiready in iis state os red oxyd, and modihing the directions for the regulation of the sire. Intimate admixture of the two
decompose any of the muriate os ammonia, and lower onos will sublime away the muriate os ammonia unaltered. As great heais cannot we t be defined or correctly regulated, I have dolabred whether this and many other metallic pre- Parations, dependant upon temperature, mi Ot not othe, Wise be prepared more uniformiy; as for instance, is a givenproportiori os tinctura ferri muriati Was added to a solution Os muriate os ammonia, and the mixture evaporated to dry- ness. The more intenso the heat the greater proportion ofiron mill the sublimate contain, and this differetice is evident in the variations of iis colour, as collected in disterent ilparis of the nech of the retort. It consists of red muriate of
iron, miXed by sublimation Witti muriato os ammonia. It is Morange-coloured, With a smeli resembling samon, is deli- iquescent, and solubie in alkohol. The residue whicli is de- liquescent, consipis also of red muriate Os iron, and was ilmerly kept under the iname os ii trium martis
Arri rubigo, P. L. I 87. Chalybis rubigo praeparata, P. L. II45. Chalybs praeparatuS Cum aceto, et Sine aceto, P. L. I 720.
and set it hy, that the precipitaled powder' naab'. subside; then having potired off the supernatant liquor, Wash the carbona te of ironivith hot Water, and dry it upon bibulous paper in a gentie heat.
There are t o oxyds of iron, both of Which are combin- able with acids and form different modifications of the fame sali, a distinction Which requires to be especialty attended toin medicine; they have been named from their colour, blackand red oxyds; the former, whicli is blach, or sis formed asin the present instance by precipitation Dom mater) greenish,