The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, M.DCCC.IX

발행: 1809년

분량: 533페이지


분류: 미분류


consists of iron I 3, oxygen 27, according to Lavolsier. It is formed by various methods, as by exposure os a paste of ironflings and water to the air; by heating together one part ofred oxyd of iron and tWo paris iron filings; and by adding a solution of alhali to one of green sulphate of iron, and drying the precipitate quichly Without exposure to air ; and it is heptas a separate article in the Edriburgh Pharmacopoeia, under the name of Ferri Oxydum nigrum purificatum. The lalter, or red oxyd, consisis, according to Proust, of iron 52, oxygen 68, and in iis relation to blach oxyd is composed of 66,5 of that oxyd, and 33, 5 of additional oxygen . Some Haemisis have supposed the existence of other gradations os combinationos iron and oxygen, but the above are ali that are generallyadmitted, or require to be noticed here; this also is hept in the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia, under the name of Oxydum ferri rubrum, and is intended to be in that state of Oxydation towhich tho metat is to be brought by the present preparation. Salis containing the black oxyd, on exposure to air, PasS to the state os red oxyd, by attracting oxygen Dom it, and in the process os drying the fame change happens here to the

subcarbonate. The fame substance, more imperfectly prepared, constituted the rust of iron ferri rubigo of the former Pharmacopoeia, for Whicli, in ali the processes into whicli itentered, this precipitate is noW substituted. The red oxydof the Edinburgh College, is the old Colcothar vitrioli, and

formed by exposure of common sulphate of iron to a stronglieat, sussicient to drive over iis sulphuric acid, when a redoxyd remalias bellind, as in the proces s Which was formerly in use sor obtaining that aeid. Subcarbonate of soda is preferredior the precipitation to that os potasti, on actount of the greater solubility of the sulphate of tho former than of the lalter

athali, and the consequent facility with whicti it may be




Ferrum vitriolatum, P. L. II87. Sal martis, P. L. II45. Sal seu Vitriolum martis, P. L. I 720.

This sali is formed iapon the large male fi om native sulphvret ofixon pyrites , by moistening, and exposing it to the openair. The sulphate of iron is asterwards dissolved in Walerand crystallized by ovaporation; but, in order tooobta in an uniform and pure sali, iis preparation is here directed as a process of pharmacy. Sulphuric acid will unite either With thebIack or red oxyd; the sirst of these is the sali here intended


sor internal use, and upon this poliat great stress ought to belaid, as the last is the state in Whicli the sulphate os trade is usualty Dund, and Whicli, for medicat purposes, is a very distinci and inferior thing. Iis crystals are transparent ri m-hoidal prisnas, os a limi green colour; iis taste is astringentand strong, and it reddens vegetable blues. One part is solubie in two of cold, and in three-fourilis of boiling Water. It is insolubie in alkohol, in Whicli menstruum the red ful-phate is solubie, and this affords a mode of ascertaining the existence of the lalter With the former, as also os separatingit. On exposure to air it is gradually converted into reusulphate: it consisis, according to ΚirWan, of acid 26, iron28, Water ο6. Heat drives off the water of crystalligation, and the sali rematiis White; is urged farthex, it drives overthe acid, and leaves first a red sulphate, and at last a red oxydos iron.

Ferrum tartarietarum, P. L. I 787.


This is a triple sali, in Whicli the iron is oxydated by be-ing moistened and exposed to air, and combines With the superabundant acid of the supertartrate os potasti; it is there- fore a tartrate os potasti and iron. According to the processof the former Pharmacopoeia, some of the u on remat ned in iis metallic state, and was attractabis by the magnet; a re-pρtition of the moistening and expostare is theres e no directed. Ιt may be dissolved in Water and crystallized.




a d p bro vii red colour and no further es.servescen re tali es place. Lastly, set it by sorsix hovrs, and potar Osf the Clear solution.

Chem. Med. Hal. III 5.) and called Tinctura martis athalina; it is noru first introduced into the Pharmacopoeia, as affortaing a combination of iron, distinct Dom any other, and ostenapplicabie to practice. Iis chemicat composition has notbeen exactly ascertained, but there is xeason to belleve thalit is a triple sali, Armed by the union os nitric acid with redoxyd of iron, and with potasti. The directions iven by Stalii are by no means certain in their effeci, and wem especies. erroneous in ordering the complete saturation of the acidwith the iron. Beaume and Κexr seund it to succeed more constantly, and almost certainly, by the use of a solution ostronnot nearly saturaled, and very acid. In this state it has notthe reddish yellow colour os a saturaled solutiora, but is clearand stightly greenish. This is intended to be eflected by thodirections given; but is by accident the solution should go farther, the proper colour is immediately restored by the addition os a smali quantity of the acid. It Seems also necessa that the solution should be made flora ly, whicli Will dependupon the strength of the acid, and upon the quantity of su face of the metat whicli is exposed to it. The iron, theresere, should be added in a lump as a nati, or inicit 'vire , and notiti filings. It wili succeed by the gradual addition os ei thersolution to the other: but it has appeared to me to be more certain When made according to the directions given in the texi, and by sbal ing the mixture aster each additionos the acid solution to the alhaline one. The Proportions are pretiy nearly as there given, but they require tobu checked by occasionat examinations, particularly by the


Tinctura ferri ammoniacalis, P. L. II 87. Tinctura florum martialium, P. L. 1745. Tinctura martis Mynsicliti, P. L. t 72O



Tinctura ferri muriati, P. L. I 87. Tinctura martis in spiritu salis, P. L. 1745. Tinctura martis cum spiritu salis, P. L. 1I20.

Tahe of Carbonate of Iron, half a potand. Muriatio Acid, a Pint. Rectisted Spirit, three pinis. Four the acid upon the carbonate of ironin a glasS vesset, and sh ake it occasionalty for


threo days. Set it by that the faeces,

This sali appears to be an oxymuriate of iron, the red oxydcf iron employed becoming on iis combination Hack oxyd, and giving over iis superabundant oxygen to the muriaticacid. Sulphuric acid added to it delaches oxymuriatic acid. Heat drives ovor oxymuriatic acid; and in the lalter instance, although the red oxyd was used sor iis preparation, the blach oxyd remalias bellind. The sali evaporated to dryness yieldsan Orang coloured mass, whicli is uncrystalligabie, deliqueSces in eXposure is air, and is solubie in alEohol. Thetincture has a brownish yelloW colour and very astringent

Vinum ferri, P. L. I 78 . Vinum chalybeatum, P. L. I 745, P. L. I 720.


There are many well- unded objections to the use of mine as a chemicat solvent, but this preparation has been practicatly found so useful and convenient, that the c0llege have judged proper stili to retain it unaltered.




Hydrargyrus muriatus, P. L. Mercurius corrosivus si limatus, Ρ. L. I 45. P. L. 172O.

eoid, With the muriate of soda in an earthen- Mare mortar: then sublime it in a glaSS cucur

bit, increasing the heat gradu ally.


This sali is directed according to the process Which was introduced into the last Pharmacopoeia, and whicli originaled with Boulduc, in I 730. An infinity of other methods have been employed, but non e is more simple, convenient, or uniform than this. The sirst division of the process forins a sulphate of mercury, a portion of the sulphuricacid yielding iis oxygen to the metat in a botling temperature, and passing over in the forna of sulphurous acid gas. Themetes thus oxydiged unites to the remaining sulphuric acid, and a Whi te sulphate remairas. On account of the gas whicharises, this should be performed with some cpution on the part of the operator. In the second division, the sulphate of mercury is miXed intimately with dry muriate of soda, andon exposure to heat a doubie decomposition talies place, and the Ga ymUriate of mercury sublimes. It forms a dead White, shining, spicular mass, eastly poWdered, not altered by eX-posure to air, and it has a highly acrid, caustic, metallic laste. It is one of the most violent polsons known. One part is solubie in 2O of water at the ordinary temperature, and in 2 at 2I2: I0O paris of boiling aikohol dissolve 88. Is the fixod alli lies be added to a solution of it, an orange-coloured precipitate forms, which soon changes to a bricli red. Ιt issolubie in acids without decomposition. Alr. CheneviX states iis constituent paris to be metallic oxyd 82, acid l8, and that the oxyd consists of Ι7,G oxygen 82, 4 metal, and the sali divided into iis three component paris of 69,7 motat, 2, 3 oxygen, Id acid. This relation is of much consequencean, comp ring it With another cornpound of the fame elements. The College have had considerable dissiculty in

assixing names to these two compouniis, Whicli might sunsciently distinguisti belween them, and their eXPress relations, and at the fame time avoid the unscientisic terna Casianel,