The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, M.DCCC.IX

발행: 1809년

분량: 533페이지


분류: 미분류


pear materialty to differ Doto the common preparation, but athicher residuary matter, callod Balsam os turpentine, in this case remalias in the stili. It is dissicultly and sparin y solubio in alkohol. In the former Pharmacopoeia, the preparation of the oli immediately frona the turpentine, Was inserted; no both it and the yellow resin are talien as prepared by manufacturers, and iis re-distillation is directed to purisy it for thepurposes of internat exhibition.



maters are to be distilled frona dried planis,

uniess it be otherWise directed, hec auso theycannot be obta ined fresti at ali times of the year. When fresti planis are employed, thequantities here directed must he doubled. To every gallon of these Walers add sive fluidounces of proof spirit, for the purpose of preserving them.

Ali these Walers are impregnated with a certain quantityof the essentiat Oils of the planis Dom whicli they are distilled, and thereiare resemble the water Whicli passes over Domthe fame planis in the collection of their essentiat olis. Here, hOWeVer, a larger proportion of water is used; and the common stili and worm tub are also the instruments by ich they are prepared. Dried planis are preserred gene-xalty for their preparation, and when fresti ones are used, allowance is to be made for the quantity of Water they contain and whicli is tost by dry g; this is estimated generallyat less than half their Weight, and a doubie proportion offuch is directed in order to give the fame impregnation ofoil to a given quantity of Water. As sonae portion of muci- laee, Ox other constituent part of the plant, is generalty carriea


over With the oli, they are apt to become ropy and spoli ;and to prevent this, a sinali quantity of spirit is added. Thismode of preparation has been retained, and considered aspreferable io, and more gratefia than, the CXtemporaneous preparation of suin Walers, by admixture os a feW drops of the essenties Oil With mater and shalaing them together, oradding What have been called essences to Water, at the timethe particular impregnation is Wanted. Such essences are prepared by the union os aikohol With the essenties Oilia


Aqua distillata, P. L. 1787.

The purification os common mater by distillation mas, in the last Pharmacopoeia, insisted upon sor almost ali theuses of Pharmacy; it is no v applied only for those nicer pur- poses to Whicli it secms absolutely necessary, in the liope ibat iis limited application may be more strictly attended to than Was iis former one. It has not been by any meanS a con sine i idea, that common water, is boiled and siltered, is equat sor every purpose to distilled water, and is also equally


pure; it may not, theresere, be superfluous here to urge, tha botling geis vid of no salis frona mater, but those Whicli arudissolved therein by the medium os carbonic acid, which, is it be present at ali, is driven osF by the heat applied, and the substances which were dissolvel by it schiesty carbonate oflime) precipitate accordingly. From dissolved extraneous matters very feW natural Walers are Dee; they may hoWeverand do differ in their quantity and quality in different instances, and of course their application may be more or less im' proper for the solution os other salts, when directed for medicat use; the tests there re of the presence of such substances mill vary, and can only be applied frona a generalcbemical knowledge of their effecis. The more delicate of these must be employed With some degree of caution, forwater Whicli is distilled in the common way Will osten carryOver Some eXtraneOUS matter in iis sprq, and thus after the Process, contain enough of the original impregnation to besensibie to a delicate test.


Aqua anethi, P. L. II 87. Aqua seminum anethi, P. L. 1745.

Tahe of Dill See iis bruised, a POUnd Pour thereon So much Water, that, after the distillation, a sussciency may rema into prevent empyreuma. Distit ouer One



Aqua seminum carui, P. L. 1745.

Tahe of Carruway Seeds bruised, a Pound . Ρour thereon so much Water, that, after the distillation, a sufficien Cy may rem ain to Pre Vent empyreiania; distit ovor one gallon.

This is the only new water introduced into the presentlist, and is a very grateful and useful addition to it.


Aqua cinnamomi, P. L. t 87. Aqua cinnamomi simplex, P. L. t 45. Aqua cinnamomi tenuis, P. L. 1720.

Tahe of Cinnamon Bark bruised, a Pound . 'Water, a Pint. Macerate the burti in the water sor tWGnw-


Dur liours; then add so much more Water, that, after the distillation, a sum ciency mayrema in to prevent empyreuma; distit overa gallon.

Aqua sceniculi, P. L. II8 . P. L. 1745.


Aqua menthae sativae simplex, P. L. II 8I. Aqua menthae vulgaris simplex, Ρ. L. II45.



Aqua pulega, P. L. II 8 . Aqua pulegii simplex, P. L. 1 15.


Aqua rosae, P. L. II 87. Aqua rOSarum damascenarum, P. L. II45.

An increase in the quantity of petess used for a gallonof water is made, both as improving the Odour, and ap- Pearing, stom experience, to keep better. Some chemisispre sal l to preserve the rose leaves in sali, and to distit rose Fuater thereDOm at any time of the year.




IT is one of the objects of Pharmacy to separate Dom t e various constituent paris of vegetable and somelimes of animal matters, those in Whicli their medicat posere reside, by the agen of appropriate solvents. Upon the charactersos these component Paris it is not our present purP o to en- large, but only to consider them in their relation to the solvent employed, and the circumstances under Whicli they are placed of the substance itself, it is only necessary here tostate, that a certain degree of division facilitates the agencyOs every solvent nocessary, the minutenoes of such divisionboing variable With disserent substances, as brutSing, slicing, to dering, &c. The first solvent used is Water, and in the

be done throughout tho appotnted time moderately andequatay, like What in common languago is called simmer Is the matters to be dissolved are volatile at 2ὶ2 this mode of preparation is improper; and in some es the com pound decoctions, the relative volatilily of the ingredionis is attended to in the addition os sonae paris thereos, whicli is made at the end of the operation only. The time os iis

continuance, Whieli is necessary to each article, can only boseundia on experience; but it requires particular attention, for in some instances the exposure of the Vegetable matter to a

hii temperature, and especialty in eontact with atmospherie