장음표시 사용
Decoctum hellebori albi, P. L. 1787.
ΑΥΕR may farther be employed sor the purpose of extracting certa in paris of Vegetabies, Without any continuationos iis bolling temperature, by heat applied. This mode is called infusion, and means, in the language of Plia macy, an affusion os bolling water Upon the substance, and allowing itto stand thereon for a certain time. It is also occasionalty used cold in the fame manner, and when it is, the specificterm os coid infusion is eXpressi N. It is applicabie to those substance' Which contain any paris volatile in the heat of212, to the separation os more readily solubie constituent paris Dom those Whicli are less so, and to the preparation offlighter cin regnations than botling for a tetigili os time produces. The botling temperature of the water is so soon lost, that even with the most delicatu substance it does noli urn arid it assisis in loosentias the texture of the vegetabie,
and cflecting the solution much sooner than cold water does. Infusions are commonly matters of extemporaneoUS prescrip
tion, and cannot genera ly be Eept rqady prepared in the shops without spolling; but their introduction into the Ρharmacopoeia Will prevent the repetition necessary for the former of these purposes, and the smali quantity of half a pini directed ' for each will obviate the changes induced by the lalter.
Froin these circumstances of convenience, theix number hasbeen extended to most of the artici s in . common use, an l
the strennii of each accommodated to the most usus standarti os practice.
Macerate for ten minutes in a covered CSSel, and Suain.
Macerate for a quarter of an hour in a Co- vered vesset, und Strata.
INFUSION OF CALUMBA. Tahe of Calumba Boot sticed, a drachm.
INFUSION OF CLOVES. Tahe of Cloves bruised, a drachm and halc
Macerate sor tWo hours in a Covered vesset, and Strain.
Macerate for an hour in a Covered vesset, and strain.
INFUSION OF CINCHONA. Tahe of Lance eaved Cinchona Bais,
Infusum Gentimue compositum, P. L. 1 8I. Infusum amarum simplex, Ρ. L. I 45. P.L. I 20
Infusum Rosae, P. L. I 8 T. Tinctura Rosarum, P. L. 17 5. Tinctura Rosarum rubrarum, P. L. 1720.