The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, M.DCCC.IX

발행: 1809년

분량: 533페이지


분류: 미분류



Calx hydrargyri alba, P. L. 1787. Mercurius praecipitatus albus, P. L. I 745.

The titie of this sest is tinen frona the mode of preparation rother than chemicat composition, on account of the complexity of iis combination, and the differonce of opinionWhicli exists as to iis actuat state , and also, because it appears


to be sussiciently distinctive. Fourcroy considers that thereare lino different tri te salts of muriatic acid, with mercuryand ammonia, depending upon the different proportions of the acid, which he distinguishes as solubie and insolubie

lubie precipitate is formed, consisting of oxyd of mercury0, 8l, muriatic acid 0, 16, ammonia 0,O3, and muriatic acidbeing added theroto, combines with the sali and dissolves it, converting the insolubie muriate into the solubie one. Asimilar compotand is formed at once by adding the oxymuriate os mercury to a solution os muriale of ammonia. Five paris of the oxymuriate require IOO of mater to thela solui tion ; but this fame quantity Will be dissolved in three paris ofwater, is one os muriate of ammonia be previousty dissolved therein, and this triple solubie compotand was the Sal Al broth, or sali of wisdom, of the alchemisis. The addition os subcarbonate os potasti deprives the solubie sali os a portionos iis muriatic acid, and thus converis it into the insolubidone, Whicli, in faci, seems to serm the white precipitate mercury here directed.



'barorus puri catus, P. L. I 787. Argentum vivum purificatum, P. L. 174 5.

Rub them togethor, and distit the mercurysrom an iron retori, by the application of heatu ο it.

Mercury is osten adulteraled by metals of inferior price, with whicli it mill anaalgamate, and on this accoUnt a Preparation os it for pharmaceutical pui poses has alWays been found necessary, to effect Whicli, iis comparative volatilily supplies aready mode. Is, in addition hereto, iron in a divided state beemployed, Whicli has a stronger attraction to the added metalsthan mercuryitselfhas, and at the sanae time does notunite mitti . mercury, the heat may be continued so that the whole of the lalter may be distilled ovev without loss. The proportion ofiron is here diminished to th, whicli is practicatly sussicient: in the former Pharmacopoeia equat weighis mere directed. An iron retori is also to be used, as not being liable to breali; and further, as mercu , when bolling, bubbles up strongly, it is necessary that it should be large enouis to contain three



times the quantity of the actuat charge. The neck of the retort should be elongated by an adopter, and a receiver of iron or earthen-Ware should be used to collect the mercury


RED SULPHURET OF MERCURY.Hydrargyrus sulphuratus ruber, P. L. 1787. Cinnabaris factitia, P. L. II 15.

Sublimed Sulphur, eight OUn COS. Having meited the sulphur over the fi re, mix in the mercury, and RS Soon RS the massi, egins to SWell, remove the vesset froni thesi re, and cover it With considerable force, to prevent inflammation: then rub the massinio poWder and Stublime.

Tmo sulphureis of mercury were inserted in the last Phaamacopoeia, but one is thought sussicient for any of the pur- poses to Whicli it is applied, and iliis, Wbicli is the most uni-


forin and perfect of the two, is retained. The cist of them, drarg us cum sulphure, Was formed by triturating together equat paris of sulphur and mercury untii the globules disappeared and a uniform blacla poWder Was formod ; butthis was seldom so completely effected as that metallic globules were not stili visitae by a magnifying glass. Thesecond had the immediate Amion facilitated, in the firstinstance, by heat, for the mercury Was added to the sulphur previousty fused, and the sulphuret Was afterWards sublimed, and formed bdrarg3rus sulphuratus rubem. The difference

of colour, forna, and relation to other substances, demonstrate that these two combinations of the fame ingredients differ frona each other, but the circumstances iapon Whichthis differetice depends have been Variolasty explained. Fourcroy states that it arises Dom a greator proportion ofoxygen heing combined with the metat in the last than in the sirst, assuming that ench is in faci a sulphuret os o d of mercury. But more lately Proust Journ. de Phys. 53.) hassaid, that each is merely a sulphuret os mercury, and differs frona the other in the proportion os sulphur, and also, that the sublimed sulphuret consists of mercury 0,85, sulphur O,l5. Aster the admixture of the two substances in the sirstpart of the process, the mass heais, sWelis, and eXplodes With considerable force, and is it be then exposed to the air it Willinflame. The commencement there re of this eTect is to be carefulty Walched, a cover immediately put upon thevesset and pressed upon by a great Weight, proportionale tothe quantity. Caution is necessary afterWards that the necdof the vesset frona whicli it is sublimed is not so smali as tobe stopped by the condensation of the sublimed sulphuret, Whicli mill very prohably happen is a common retori boused. The sulphuret, thus prepared, fornis a deopred calae, vitii a shining striatud appearance, anil, When reduced to


powder, assumes that rich red colour Whicli . characterises, vermilion, under Whicli name it is known in the aris. It istasteless, not altered by ala, insolubie in mater or alcohol, sublimes unchanged in close vesseis, and bums in the operiair With a Uue flame. The mercury may bo distilled Domit by heating it with iron filings, whicli unite With tho sulphur.



Aqua lithargyri acetati, P. L. 1787.

This is a dense liquor of a deep brown colour, and consistSos a Saturaled solution of subacetate os lead. It was restoredin the last Pharmacopoeia, in consequence of the celebrity ithad obtainud under the nanae of Goulai 's Extrare.




Cerussa acetata, P. L. I 787. Saccharum saturni, P. L. I Iris, P. L. 1720.

is sali is manufactured upon a large scale, chiefly for th nse of dyers, frona Which source much of that Whicli is used in medicine is improperly supplied. Care must be talaenthat the subcarbonate os lead be frue si om any adulteration os carbonate of lime-whicli is no uncommon fraud: that whieli is called sole Dad is the purest. When it is prepared according to the process here directed, iis crystals arowbito, With a Very slight tinge of brown, and these bulld up irregular masses of shori spicular crystais, sonaei 'hat resonabling


Iumps of sugar, lihe whicli, they have alio a sWeetisti iaste, joined with sonae at os an astringent one; Dom this similarity, one of iis trivial names, sugar of Lad, has been derived. la reddens vegetable blues: I,DO paris of water at 2l2 dissolve D. 29, and when colit, retain 0.27. It is also solubie in aucohes, and is decomposed by most of the acidf, aikalies indoarilis. Dr. Bostoch Nicholson's Journal, ii.) gives tho following relation tween a saturaled solution of this saltand the solution of subacetate of Iead, besere described. Solution of this superacetate: oxyd I6,8, acid I, 5, Water 75,7m 100. Solution os acetate os lead: OXyd 23, I, acid 5,Water 71,9. The sollosing are stated by Alr. Thomsonas the constituent paris of the two salis in a crystallitea state. Os the superacetate: oxyd 58, acid 26, Waler 16- 100. of the acetate: oxyd I 8, acid I7, Water 5 m 100. An experiment of Scheele's, by Which he converted a saturat-ed solution of the superacetate, Whicli vas then called fugax of lead, into the acetate then called Goularu's extraci, by immersing a plate os metallic lead in the former, farther ilia lustrates the relativo proportioris of each. A leaden vesset was directed in P. L. 17s5 to be employed, to Ubicli therucan be no objectiom




Aqua lithargyri acetati composita, P. L. 1787.

Tahe of Solution of Acetate of Lead, u

When this mixture is made even mitti distilled mater,some precipitation talaes place, and when, as iS more common, ordinary Water, containing any muriates or sul hales, is uSed, it is much more abundant Dom doubie composition, and gives the liquor a milhy appearance when diffused throughit. To this it omes iis common name os et ite ash.