The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, M.DCCC.IX

발행: 1809년

분량: 533페이지


분류: 미분류




Oleum amygdalae, P. L. I 787. Oleum amygdalarum, P. L. 1745. Oleum amygdalarum dulcium et amararum, P. L. 172Ο.

Three fixed olla are here directed to be prepared by expression, and another, olive Oil, is hept as an article of Μateria Medica. Their generat characters are liquidity in moderate temperatures, unctuosity, Deedom Bom smeli andiaste is fresti and pure, and combustibility. They are lighter than Water, and insolubie in water or aikohol. They readilyunite With aikalies forming soaps; they do not boli untii theyhme attained a temperature of about 600'; is exposed to


OXygen gas, or Common air, they combine Cith oxygen, and gradu atly become more dense and visci l. Some of them,as linseed oti, retain their transparen cy, and are called dryingolis; others beco ming opaque, as almond oti, ard called fatolis. One generat circumstance guarded against in the preparation of these olis for medicat purposes, is the application

but after Whicli it is more apt to become rancid They arenti more frequently prepared opon the great scale by manufacturers, than for the sole use of apothecaries, and there re require great attention to their purity and charaetters. Almond oti is the fame whether obtained Dom the bitteror smeet Variety, notae of the peculiar principi e contained in

the former being solubie in oti, or passing through With it, nor does it appear to be influenced by the presence of the

externat coat. For medicat use the swe et almond is com

monly preferred. More Oil in quantity is obtained by heat, but iis qualities are injured ; hetice, the stress whicli is laidupon what is called cold-draming, and it is of so much consequence in every part of the process to avoid increased temperature, that the longer immersion of the almonds in coldwater for the separation of the externat coat, is preferable tothe more immediate esseci, Whicli is produced by their immersion in hol. It is indeest a disa luantage, that under iis ordinary modes of preparation feW oiis turn rancid so soonas this, and is a proper supply os any less exceptionable onecould be procured easi ly, it might be substituted with ad-vantage. The eXpressed Oil of the haZel-nut scorylus avellana), has been strongly recommended in this Potnt of vieN by an eminent practical chemist



Druise common Linseed: then express theoil Without any application of heat.


oleum e seminibus ricini, P. L. 1787.

Brui se Castor Sectis, previousty de prived of their external Coat: then express the ollwithout any application of heat.

With respect to this articie, the College has conceded togenerat convenience and practice in allowing the use of thecastor oti as an importia article, as weli as directing iis expression Dom the seeds in this country, whicli is done by very feW apothecaries. When it can be obtained, this preparation, Whicli is milder in iis taste, and equalty or more active in iis purgative effecis, is to be preferred; but is the imported article be used, it ought to be chosen as Dee Domacrimony and rancidity as possibie.




Oleum essentiale misi, P. L. 1787. oleum e seminibus anisi, P. L. 1715-

Oleum e floribus chamameli, Ρ. L. 1745 oleum chamamalinum, P. L. 1720.


oleum essentiale carui, P. L. 1787. Oleum essentiale e seminibus caruit P. L. I 5.


oleum essentiale iuniperi baccae, P. L. 1787. Oleum essentiale e baccis juniperi, P. L. 1 45. L. I 20.

Oleum essentiale lavendulae, P. L. 178I. Oleum essentiale e floribus lavendulae, P. L. 1 15.

Oleum essentiale menthae piperitidis, P. L. 1787. Oleum essentiale e foliis menti, se piperitidis, P. L. 1715.


Oleum essentiale menthae salivae, P. L. Iz87. Oleum essentiale e foliis meiathse vulgaris, P. L. 1745.




Oleum essentiale origani, P. L. I 87. Oleum essentiale e foliis origani, Ρ. L. I 65.



Oleum essentiale pulegii, P. L. I 87. Oleum essentiale e DIiis pulegii, P. L. I 17.


Oleum essentiale roris marini, P. L. I 87. Oleum essentiale e foliis roris marini, P. L. II65


Introduce any one of these Substances into an alem hic, and POur On us much Water us

vili cover it, then distit the oil into a large

restio erator V.

u SC. These olis are also called Volatile otis, and Essentiat oiis, and are prepared Dom different paris of different planis, of Whicli they retain, in every instance, the characteristic odour, but not alWays the taste; for the oti os pepper is not pungent, nor that of wormwood bitter. Severat are imported froni Warmclimates, where they aru produced in greater perfection, and theresere stand in the catalogue of Alateria Medica; Others, forming the present chapter, are prepared in this country, for the purposes of pharmacy, Dom substances Whicli areeither indigenous or imported. There are Some caseS in whicli the volatile oti may be obtained by expression, as Domthe rind of temons and oranges; but ali those whicli are dia rected under this head require the common process of distiulation. The former Pharmacopoeia ad ted as much Water asWOuid preVent empyreuma in the present; as much as Willcover it is ordered, whicli is the fame thing in evcl. Theseolis rise With a heat of 2l2 the water is there re quickly madeio boil; they are condensed in the worm of the refrigeratOry,


and separ od most conveniently Dom the water With whic, hey pass over by au Italian receiver, or by meanS of a Separating sunnet, the stem of Whicli is stopped by the finger, and when removed, the heavier inferior water is allowed toescape, and replacing it, the lighter superior Oil is retain-

quire the vegetable Dom Which they are extracted to be boiled in the water, means have been contrived for suspending themin a bashet in the stili head, and thus exposing them to a current of steam, mitti improvement of their odour; sucti are theotis os lavender and rosmary. Volatile otis are combustibie, solubie in athohol, and sparin y in water, and uniformiy miscibie with inch other and with fixed olis, and there are noarticles in the shops more adulteraled than they are. Is

other, and the cheaper are thus Substituted for the more expensive, it cara only be discovered by an acquaintance withtheir sensibie qualities. The water Malch passes over is thesame mitti mater distilled Dom the plant, and is directed tobe hept for use as such, and in that case Where no distilled mater of the plant is hept, it may, as being saturaled withthe oti, be advantageousty emplored in repetitions of the fame process. Is these olis be exposed to light, they be comedarher coloured; and is to air, they unite With iis oxygen and thichen. Care must be talaen to ciean the stili and wornamhich have been used for one Oil bufore they are used for the

preparation of another.



Oleum succini rectificatum, P. L. II 8 . oleum succini. P.L. 1745. P.L. 1720.

Introduco the Amber into an alembic, solliat there may distit ouer, from a Sand bath, v ith a si e gradually raised, the acid liquor, the oti, and sali impregnated With oil; then repent the distillation of the Oil tWice.


former Pharmacopoeia it Was retained under the name os Sal succini, iis purification Was directed in a particular process and was dissicultly effected. The concrete acid is noruomitted, both as being very rarely used, and as appearing to possess no pomers Which Would justise iis reten ion. Theoti is rendered lighter coloured, and less stetid, by the two solisWing distillations.

Oleum terebinthinae rectificatum, P. L. 1787. Oleum terebinthinae aethereum, P. L. 1745. Oleum sive Spiritus terebinthinae sive, ut vulgo dicitur, Oleum spicae, P. L. 1720.

Is turpentine be exposed to heat, a limpid volatile oti, witha hol Pungent iaste, and peculiar smeli, arises, and commonyellow resin remalias bellind. The botling potnt of this silis 5609, and it is purified for medicat use by a second distillation, in whicli process great caution iS necessary, on account of the volatilily and inflammability of the oil; when thus prepared, it has been called Spirit of turpentine, and does not ap-