The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, M.DCCC.IX

발행: 1809년

분량: 533페이지


분류: 미분류


Pulvis contrayervae compositus, P. L. Ι 87. Ρ. L. 1 45. Lapis contrayervae, P. L. 1720- ,

The Lapis Contrayervae, Ρ. L. 1 20, Was, like many other articles at present kept in the state of poWder, directed to bemade into balis.


Pulsis optatus, P. L. 1787.

This preparation assords a convenient mode of exhibitingsmali quantities of opium, ten grains containing one of the Opium. As the article by Which it is divided is of no other consequence, a smali quantity of cochineat has been noruadded to give it a colour, and thus to prevent it Dom beingaccidentalty con unded With any of the numerous wbite poWders hept in the shops. The former name of Puloisopiatus Was particularly exceptionable, as somelimes in the. breviation os proscriptions it was found to be mistaensor pulsis opsi.



Ρulvis cretae compositus, P. L. 1 8 . Pulvis e bolo compositus sine opto. Species e scordio sine opto, P. L. II 5. Diascordium, P. L. 1720.



Pulvis cretae compositus cum opto, P. L. I 8 . Pulvis obolo compositus cum opto. Species e scordio cum opto, P. L. 1745.

The utility of this and the sermer compound are deducibie Dom thela frequent employment in practice; the optum isthus divided, and can also be given in smyller doses than ordinary balances in the shops are calculated to meigh; the proportion os optum is someWhat lessened Dom that contained in the preparation of the former Pharmacopoeia; that was I in 43, this is 1 in ἄλ


Pulvis Ipecacua re compositus, P. L. I 8T.


This astringent compound is no sirst introduced; the proportion of Opium it contains is I part in 20.


Pulvis scammonii compositus, P. L. 1787. Pulvis e scammonio compositus, P. L. 1745. Pulvis comitis Warwicensis

Reduce them separalely to a very snepo viter; and then miX.

This powder stands as in the former Pharmacopoeia, and differs materialty Dom the Pulvis e Scammonio compositus of Ρ. L. t 745, which Was then intended to supply the place os the earl of Warwicla's poWder, and consisted os a mixtureos 4 ounces scammony and 3 ounces of burni hartshoria.



Pulvissennae compositus, P. L. I 78I. Pulvis e sena compositus, P. L. 2765. Pulvis diasente, P. L. II20.


Pulvis Tragacanthae compositus, P. L. I 87. Pulvis. e tragacantha compositus, P. L. II 5. Species Diatragacanthae frigidae, P. L. 1720.


Ρowdor the starch and sugar together: then add the tragacanth and acacia gum, and mix the whole.



THE consistence of pilis is best preserved by keeping thei mass in bladders and occasionalty moistening it. In the di-l rection os masses to be thus divided the proper con-lsistence is to be looked to at fixst, as Weli as iis preservationasterWards, sor is the mass then become hard anddo it isl unfit for that division sex whicli it Was originalty intended;l and this is in many instances such an objection to the sem,l that it is doubilat whether for the purposes of the Phasel macopoeia the greater number of articles had not better bekept in poWder, and their application to the formation os pilis test to extemporaneous direction.

Pilaeae Noes compositae, P. L. II87.


Pitulae aloes cum myrrha, P. L. 178 . Pitulae Rufi, P. L. 1 45. Pitulae Russi seu communes, P. L. II20.

ari uniformmuSS. These pilis are os long standing in medicine, and areriearly described by Rhaetis, the Arabian, who ascribes theoriginal serm to Rufus after Whom they were first named. The proportions remain the fame as in the two Iast Pharomacopoeiae, but common syrup is noW directed instead of sy-rup os salsion.