The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, M.DCCC.IX

발행: 1809년

분량: 533페이지


분류: 미분류



This Was formerly made by boiling down a Wine of sagron With fugar to the consistence of a syrup; it is chieny used asa colouring addition.



Syriapus succi limonis, P. L. II8I. Syrupus e succo limonum, P. L. I 765. Syrupus e succo citriorum, P. L. II20.

I ahe of Lemon Juice Strat ned, a Pint. Resined Sugur, in o PQ Und S. Dissolve the sugur in the lemon juice initie manner directed for Syria P.


Syrupus mori, P. L. II 87. Syriapus mororum, P. L. t 445.



Syrupus papaveris albi, P. L. II8I. Syriapus de Meconio, P. L. I 745. Syriapys de meconio, sive Diacodium, P. L. 1720.

Macerato the capsules in the water sori vel ve hours, then boli it do vn by means ofa Water buth to orae gallon, and press out theliquor. Boii do vn the liquor ligain to tWopinis, and stra in it Whilo hol. Sot it by fori volve hours, that uae saeculericies may Suhside; thcn boli do via tho Clear liquor to apint, anil adit the Sugar in the maliner direct od sor SyrUP.

This syrup requires so much attention to the temperature in Wilicti it is kepi, and onters so rua lily into the proceas of


202 SYRUPS. fermentation, that it is very osten found in the shops in astate unfit for use. The committee in the sirst specimen were disposed to facilitate iis preparation in smaller quantities, by directing a solution in Wator of the proportion ofExtraci of poppy yielded by the decoction, and the additionos the fugar thereto. The established character and certa ty of the present syrup When properly prepared and Eepi, have however been so strongly urged, that they have restoredit; but it is absolutely heeessary to keep it in stone botiles ina cellar, and only to bring it into the shop in smali quantities

at a time.

Resineti Sugar, t vo potand 8 and ahali Τo the water, heate di means of a 31 ater buth, adit the petuis of the poppy gradu ally, stiri ing them in occasionalty: neXt, hau ingre moved the vesset, macerate for tWelve ho urs, then press o ut the liquor, und set it by thattho speculen cies may subside; lastly, adit thosia gar in the manner directed sor syrti P.


Refined Sugar, three POuiads anda half. Set by the juice for three days that thes eculeiacies may Subside, and Stratia. To apint of the clear juice adit the ginger roota nil alispice: then macertate in a gentie heatfour liours, and Stratia; boli do vn What rem alias to one pirat and a half, mix the liquorsan d add the fugar in the manner directed



Syrupus rosae, P. L. II 87. Syriapus rosarum solutivus, P. L. lal5. Syrupus e rosis siccis, P. L. 172O.


Macerate the sentia leaves anil feni elseeds in the water for i Nelve bours. Stra in the liquor, and mix With it the manna and



This generat torm includes also those articles inich Were formerly called Electuaries and Conserves, betmeen whichthere do not appear to be sufficient grounds to malae a distinctiora. In the direction of their form for extemporane-ous use, it may be remarhed that the lighter powders require about thrice their Weight of honey, and twice of syrup, to bring them to a proper consistence. It is some objectionto these formulae, that on keeping sor a tength of time theyget dry, and then become unequat in their doses; this is prevented, and their consistence preserved by the occasionaladdition os a litile mater.




It has been objected to the almond mixture, Whicli is an larticle of very generat use, that it requires considerable time lfor iis eXtemporaneous preparation, and that it spolis and lcannot be hept when it is made. This ui ill be obviated by the present forin, Which does keep for a sussicient tengili Oftime, and rubs dom into the mixture immediately.



Conserva corticis exterioris aurantii hispalensis, P. L. 1787. Conserva flavedinis cprticum aurantiorum, P. L. 1745. P. L. 1720.