The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, M.DCCC.IX

발행: 1809년

분량: 533페이지


분류: 미분류


This preparation differs fiom the common tincture of opium in the aromatics Whicli are added to it, and in the vehicle whicli is employed, but iis poWers as a narcotic arethe sanae. It is the fame composition, but in a different

proportion, as the Tinctura Thebaica of 1 45, and as thecelebrated liquid Laudanum of Sydentiam, the poWers of which have been established by long experience, and whichhave continued in use, notwithstanding iis exclusion Dom thelast Pharmacopoeia. The combination appears, in some de-gree, to counieraci the confusion of head and other effeciswhich osten remain aster the influence of opium, as a narcotic, is mssedo For these reasons it is again restored to the present Pharmacopoeia.



VINEGAR, or rather the acetic Mid distilled Dom it, hasbeen found to promote the solution of the active principie of squili, colchicum, and some aromatics, beyond any agency of the Water alone With Whicli it is mixed.


Aeetio Acid, a Pint. Ρroos Spirit, a fluidounce.



The powers of colchicum as a diuretic have especially been celebrated in Germany, and an oxymel of it Was introducedinto the former Pharmacopoeia Dom Sidrck's publication orithe subieci. It has been thought better to keep it under iis present serio, as the honey may be eastly added extemporaneousty is it be thought requisite.


Acetum Scillae, P. L. 1787. Acetum scilliticum, P. L. II 15 P.L. II 20.



FORMERLY more medicinal powers mere ascribe t to honeythan are at present allowed to it, and lience it entered into agreat Variety of preparations, and was much used. Iis con- Sistence, however, and tenacity, and also iis disposition toaci Upon the boweis, give it some advantages over ordinarysyrup , and the articles included in this chapter aro ali of them extensively employed in practice.

Molt the honey in a Water bath, then

Honey hqated in a mater bath becomes very liquid, and iis impurities rise to the stu face, and are skimmed ossi Iis spe cisic gravi ty has been fixod at l,3l, but their tenacity is themore usual test of the proper consistence of medicatest,


This combination is so usefully and generalty employed asa detergent in aphthous affections of the fauces, that it hasbeen thought proper to give directions for it.

Mel Rosae, P. L. 1787. Mel rosaceum, P. L. 1745. Metrosatum, P. L. 1720.




a Oxymel scillae, P. L. II87. oxymel scilliticum, P. L. 1745.



Syrup consists of a simple solution of sugar in Water os about the specific gravity and consistence of honey, and it isalso impregnated with additional substances for the piri poseos their medicat qualities, or their colour, or their flaVour, under ali of Whicli indications this class of substances is in very generat use. Resined fugar is directed for their preparation, and with it they require no farther clarification orseparation os impurities than What is mentioned in the text. To keep syrups Without fermenting, it is necessary thnt their temperature sbould be attended to, and Eept as near 55' as possibie. A good cellar Will answer this purpose, forthere are seW summers in Whicli the temperature of such a place rises to 60'.


The proportion os fugar to the liquor should be accuratelymanaged so as completely to saturate it; is there be los; in quantity than this, and the syrup be too thin, it mill be dis- posed to ferment; is too much loaded the fugar Will crystalliae, Whicli latior is by far the least inconvenietice. The proportion os fugar is hero increased . th above that of the so mer Pharmacopoeia.

Syrupus adthaeae, P. L. t 787. Syruplas ex althaea, P. L. Syrupus de althaea, P. L. 1720.


tho liquor, and , having added the fugar, boll

The decoction os marshmallow is mucilaginous and thich, it tahes there re a less proportion of Sugar, and that requires a greater heat than the water bath to unite it perfectiy. Thisform xvas originalty taken Dom Riverius Prax. l. 11, c. l.)

Syrupus corticis aurantii, Ρ. L. 1787. Syrupus e corticibus aurantiorum, P. L. 1715. Syrupus de cortice aurantiorum, P. L. 1720.