장음표시 사용
IN lecturing on Latin Composition Phad ston est a Want of some collectionis Englis and Latin passages, toput into in hand of in pupila, ina I could reser to larillustration, and AOme summis os genera resecto hich mio rosor in poculiarities of idiom in an passagetha I discusso mit thom Phavo tris to suppi this
Want, and at the fame timerio provide passages fuit Ierior translation hom an into GHish, solocis and arrangeda parallela o som extent in subjectis in sine in asem cases almos exac translations udis acto e interestin a meli as usesul
It is hopod that tho mali numerat in the extracts Whic rosor to tho Notos oti Ιdioms, and represent myom methodis helping, pupiis mill rous the studentio observo an classis sor himsolf the peculiarities os dictio bosides hos resone to an encourago thought more effectuali than Dot-notos o adaptations and that generali in book may hol thoris horri toach direcibon systematicali much that sindonis ars osten lost to
viii Content of Notes on dionis.
γ antithesis, as 1, 12; 17, 24 25, 26 3s, 4, 6.δ. euphony, rhythm, o variety, 1, 23 3, 6, 12;7, 38, 11, 17; 19, 29; 22, 28 24, 1, 19, 26.
Μ et these hanges in Latin and emphasima ordini in Englis translation accustomaour ear tocato tho emphasis in Englis and reproduco it by tho
Acoordino' ni tributis adjuncta os a mor oride solio , essentia modifications precede. In Englisti attribute generali precede. The senator Cicero' ecome then C ero senator,' Le. Cicero ho M also a senator. Senator Cicero 'mould mea ratae senator, Vla Cicero. 43, 4. . 6 6, 14, 20, 19, 23 23, 2; 24, 29 25, 1, 26, 25; 53, 3. β. ,here more than imo morda are thus combined in one idea ericiose hos that a des obviouia connected botWeen hos that are more so e g. tu in me pieta'
postili ob haec facta indignatio. Sosa MILCI. 37 21 49, 23 o. es qualidi 3 3. . Qualistin moes o clauses in Latin ospociassy, advorbs and nsgatives ars place near an mostly binsore What the qualisy When qualisnn a claus in precede the clauso'; heri ni a mota, the precede themord; e. g. recte Meo scribis, haec recte se bis mino e timeo, Me non timeo ne quod timeat quidem hahet. . , 3; 20, 27, 26, 29, o. β. Such qualistin morda an clauae a mouldoinermis naturali dris to the main verb, must osten in Similari quidem ne uidem an othis nolitios fosso Mosoly the ordis the eis e that ther qualib. 1. 8, 15 22 6;3s, 27 45,7 54, 18.
Latin o te domn to ther member of the sentencolo hic sis bolong is artificia collocation a iti α β), o by the uso os a participio or relatis clause,
here in Gree the arties Wouldie sed e g. milites Uri in urbe erant no in urbe alone manserun Mae templo mira revocavit. . 1, 5 2, 5, 13, 30; 14, 11, 13; 16,11 4 2, 3. 4. - 'earta ut si rea subjeci an bring it Emphatio
5. . Tho relativo in Latin mill come a the egin latives, ning of it clause, in antecedent a neu it a possibie clauses, bosorem affer alis the relative clause ere an addeclive and usam. The Latin relativo as subjectis object) osten standsfirat in a sentenco to connoc it Wit a Prerioua sem
. 25, 17; 37, 4; 45 5 48, 2. β. he antecodent is osten attracted into tho relativo clause, osten repeMed incit o provent ambigui in I horri emphasiet is repetition; e. g. quas ct teranio coluit hanc urbem deles. . 5, 15 23 4 36, 2. γ. Relatis clauses o thei equivalenta in v ab tion to another idea mill usuali come fidit in Latin last in Englia excepi here ac solioWa o hypothesis, ormalization on conception metum ne veniret d quod factum emi. . 6, 5 14,8 22, 9 26, 16. too in comparisons quo fortior eo uictori L 12, 1η, horo me iuveri the ortar: and generali latives Relatives e. g. λαι omitto in Englis inust s