장음표시 사용
β. Thomati comparativo iamne rendere is ur too, a in 'to greau majus quam quod feri possis too mea sordiotning. majores fulguribus, o quam fulgura, 26, 27h; osten is our rather' ao: or is a implo positive e. g. in the Latin, fortior quam felleior. . 7, 13 19, 32 22, 2, 16 33, 14 36, 2 45, 26 51, 15. γ. The positive replaces the superlatissi specialla in Engliis, our superlativo being osten amhWard in sor and leas used Cato vir justissimus, Thaι just man Cato
Q. 21, 8-11 33, 3 37, 49 38, 16 δ. Latin auperlatives mean notinis most but vory; reptimus Q beau in of the best very good. or simply good. Cf. 36, 1 43 4 45, 23; 48 s. e. Comparisona are mado in Latin usuali is simploo ordinate clausea, the copula or relative replacing ur ac 'than. Ac. ιαMua in quantus ego meana strictb horis a great, and Iam so great; in oeque atque ego, hoequialy, anda qualix' 25. . The Latin present participio active is notiso Presents ely used a in English, of 33 18, 22, 31 in English .hinno. participio Min osten replaced i by the infinitive; .g. 26 39, os. 26, 23; o is si tho historio imperiac orinfinitive, M in descriptions os 26 15, and 26, 40; sitho is prepositions of 3 14 or tvhis a Gordinato
xxvi Notes in Idioma. οὐ 25, 26.
Subject to theso rules the proa pari may bo used in temporal, causal conditional, modia, concessiV SenAes. Cf 2, 14, 24 3, 4, 22 7, 29 8, 21 13, 14, 89 20, 354 22, 3 6. 24, 35, 40, 29, 30. 47, 2. δ. dicis requently used in oblique casea here Buae Verbal clauses, cogitanti inem occurru. Cf3 9 38, 30 39, 15.ε. t is constantly used in obliquo cases stares in the nominative), speciali in tho genitive plural as in Gros Wit tho articiri, o clames of men or iniuga.
. 2, 15 7 20 s 4 24 47 26, 36 33, 14 34, 8 48 s.
an is oplace is verba clauae o thoum participis passive in some inses. O . 3, 10 5, 7 7, 31 13, 34.
η. The present participio of Englia nouter verba mill Ren havo o bo replaco is in pari participio passiope. g. Inde a suo conversus CXI, 8 13 9. st Paril I 26. . The stat participio activo, boing mantiniae Latin excepi in deponenis, is generali expresse is
aer ea si quM abilia, 47, 10; quas formaveram disto, 34, 10.
xxviii Notes on dioms. I 28, 29
Q. 6, 1 12 21 14, 3, s 15,11 25, 19 31, 17 35 5 and
Ita, W' Antithetica repetitions os the verbior of ita equivalent are mostly suppressed in Latin here unemphatic,
Latin therelare so continue incompleto actiona in imperfeci,sor single complete acta the noris persect, Where me usoth samo tenso sor both, and the luporseet hero hoactio has procede that of the persectis imperfeci, Myou se in Perseo When in actio has procede that M
generatinis uest semoriat. . 7, 3 6 25 3, 5, 15, α 25h4, 21 M.; 263, 13. 30. . Wheraver a fac is stated dirochly, or reserressis Jun to objectively tho indicativo must e Mod; hero it is allude to meret M an idea es in iniud, o statin indirecti a in oratio obtaqua, in subjunctivo. Ail moro conception then, belon to tho an unotive, an in assita se a menta conception is impii . Aim an -jecta re conceptio Q s also causes no realigod a sacis: an mishes, and conditio - though a condition maysorin suin an obvioua fac that it is expresae M auch, e. D
Potentiat, Conditionia, Concessive, Optativo, Dubitatiis, Hortativo, ef the Primor, p. 141ὶ sive aro stricti ellipticax dependent on verba a De ut suadeo ut Ac.)suppremod and dependent clausea are conceptions Tho oonditionalium uso in 19, 14 26 38his os courso ala a conception vellem ire depondentis a conditiononen uno remed. Cf. 19, 14 40, 1, 4, 33; 44, 10 53, 19. β. The futuro to is stricti puro conception, and con P etymologi linis closely connected With tho subjunctivo; both in futuro an sui peri indic. aro osten almost Montical in sorm mit tho pres and pers subj and mightalmost as mellio classed mith tho subj tenses, hic th osten replace or are replaced by ο is nos, e may saythat tho suturo is and may bo state as a laci, a the pust, though bolonon to the regionis λοι, ambo realeda a conceptionis hypothesis; though, Me then, theideatur incertaint of the futuro ostende a to the uso of tho subjunctivo, tho certaint of thoum even in hypothesis to that os in indicativo e. g. si velis for ἀ
Ne is ussario negativo finia, imperatius, optatius, and mmo oonditionia clausos non albother ola es.
. 3, 6 7, 33, 34 9 24 16, 144 23 7, 35 M.
ooino unde another vis, an ars ovi apparent Meptio . Quamvis and quantumvis ars, strictb no oonjunctions but adverba qualidis an elliptica dependent clause, ε. g. quamvi sit, sic.
Subjunctives, precede by ut osten stan Mons parenthotie- Hly, o as subjecta apparenti of st, abeat, accidit, restat, ne. Madv. 13733, iners a substantiva infinitivo oould otion e sed. They doubiles are, o mere originalty eithor nano consecutiva classes andri s for thei negatis ne oris' accordingly so that sis negatis may bo sed as a test; o. g. ne plura dicam, restat ut ne taceam, tantum abest ut non taceam, M. f. 15 s 27, 14;37, 40. Subjunctivo . herienses in the subjunctivo sollom in rules laid
domesina 27 3 29, but dister sttoti s in the indicative.
The are some times sed in a future sense, or heroyο Would expect sutures, perhaps Dom the connexionyin character an etymolog of this mood mith in futuro ;e. g. metu ne veniat gra tulerne tibi an timeam i dubito
Even in past tenses impers and luperchseem to hine a futura senas in ishes an conditions, ut theyalmus impi a the samo time somethingsaat an impossibie. An ac of the past, eae tinginis in hypothesis, i hopetessty unreat', a the pascis unalterable e. g. Avenisset, utinam adisset, venire si posset. In final semiences haec monui ut veniret the past is sed uter thopast: ecauso it the action is prat, the preceding iam ofit must be also even though futuro ita res o to tho
ras pros an pors subj. a tho Gros subi thro houη, in fori ars lae the indio futuro, and ars used os future probabis, or possibi conceptions tho imperi and Huperi oliast, improba. bis, o impossibio live th Gree optat.), Min mors ahin to thop trienses of tho indicative.
: In Oroetis obliqua in pres subj is constantly used Depondent so tho suturea aer et si quid habebi frequently bocome futurorudiri se scripturum si qui habeat; ut heroo is necem. to ex ea at onco the suturam conditional asmeli as the conceptivo o dependent meaning of a clauso,
η. In in aequince os subordinato clauses the presentioquinos orandiersectis a main clauae ars soliomed by the presentandi soci subj. tho impersectis theruoristi past-persectis tho imperiaci an plupersect aula. In thes clausea tho imperseo of tho subjunctivo i also'oristic in senso: Whilo the persectris es a than in iis indicative Minguae moret os completed persec actions); though in
consecutive clauses a istic also.
iii tam stultus era ut veniret consecuti ve), orti venerit, Pone completed or definito actiorus 3 10 6, 7; 20 4, 8, 36 41 41, 22. θ futurum eae tum subjunctivo, both in theravis activo an passive, eem to MVo the me lam a the livo. perfeci subjunctivo, no that os in futurum eae tum indicativo; o. g. tam aes a G ut jam redierim anta
Thia moma in Moordanos vit Madvig's vis, ut auressit ovi hau to bo ut futurum ait ut redierim to avola ambiguio horos in contexi vovi clames redierim sin talis as an absoluto perimi.
Tho accusatis of exclamation, it adjectivos and Participies, is more common, and ma Minotimo bis uaed