장음표시 사용
Whoro Du havo tW relativo clausos consecutioly Do lodo noldoin them, acta osten dono in Englis ira copula' except Whoro the reser o different antecedendi; o. g. 1, 15 3, 18 Lbut sither m mons relativo aeris sor both clausea, o chango in latis claua into a --ordinato claus and tho relativo into a demonstrative or personalpronoun; e. g. quod ego probo, tuminem non ἐς improbas.
Doubio relativo in ins amo laus ars ommon in Latin, raro in Engliin o. g. quod qui dat M.
positio in Latin ana era tho effectis our underlining Wit Volce or pen), our auxiliarie 'do,' or ther triclis os emphasis and thereser auxiliar Verba and relatives Englia mill ostenae suppresse in translation. 4 5. e. 7, 28 7 7 8 6, 10, 13, 10 12 ras 3 8. Con otion i. aho copula is ostene omitto than in n.
quum breviter dmonuisset, αussisper moratu lecum eduxit.
ido or actioni in nruum logicta ordor of time uim caumand effect connected by relativos, or antitheticali is position alone, utem, quidem vero osten coming in herome and or While. Cause, objeci, quulificatio ormanner causat, final, modia clauses generali precedesio matu action, consecutis clause sollo' comparatisssollo or precede excepi here in ordo is changedsor emphasis o connexion o ideas, or here tho objectos an actio is identicia mith or suggest ita consequent result e. g. Dce --vit ut,edemiscenderet. eL 3. 11 5,16-20, 15, 1-5 17. 7.
In parenthesical olausos, horo, uso a relatius clause, oris clauso in apposition Without a ver se. g. ons of them namex oris mas amovi Manus; c. Unus eae his, Mamis ei nomen eratὼ --ordinato sentenos Without or With a copula is otton found in
Datin C 3, 1, 4 7, 30 24, 15 25, 28 33, 10 34, 12;39, 23. Forother parenthssos es. 14 5 24 5, 27 43, 17 44, 23 48, 8; 54, 14.
Where the prope nam is a used in Latin it generali comes fidit, and is emphati or distinctive. . 1, 14 4, 11, 15, 1, 18, 17. So oo hen, in Engliis, descriptive nominatives arolache on to relativo clauses, in relative Hono mill e
by a separate clauso e. g. the Veteran generat Was Ot
substanti g 11. . Doubi phrasea to ex ea single idem arenasma in sed tu Engliin, single forma in Latin laesing of hamo inpudor quidam. 2 8, 9 21, 25; 10 2; 16 28 22ὶ 34, 35 39. β. Effeto metaphora, needios synonym an repetitio , and conventiona periphrasis Englio mill boroplacod in Latin by the simpleat terrus, or omittessi
Tho Want of suo synonyma in Latin orion maris it impossibisto reproduc som os urins Ahados of thought andi rossion; and morditius res, ratio, &α booomodo Vagus and indefinito.
11 2, 7, 17, o. γ. The repetition in comparisona an other conne lans, of the substantive or ita equivalent, or of the ord ono ones, is unne mary in Latin e g. magnae m Dramn viti quo- mmc virbia suta substantive hen referrinito tW adjectisos, M., generali comes uter inosecond in tho singulaesi tho tW idea are singulariandaeparato, in in pluria is the Medoinexas a plural idea V. 16, 15. . si 164. I, 12 25 30 26 41, 62 44, 3. Α, -- 3 12 Substantive ars notissed a muta in Latin as,ub,tant' byrus, and must osten in translationis se tinen into tho
gerendive relativo orither verbal claua . In suo casea tho qualistin adjectivo mill non
14. inino tendeno to realiam an mather of aliam olfac is hom in suo direct personification os idea as
ηitim. perem in prepositionat terma in Epite os tamen nihilomori in consequenc os ob eae, propter in the mi sis inter in accordunco mith, eae secundum in retur sor, pro on conditio that, it ut in proportio as prouo by the fide os propter emnemus present participiesulso e g. o in to,' respecting. pondius fouining accordiunto'has prepositions. ties an g 15. . The so-calle indefinite articio an tu' in,
a 1-17. uno is ometimes expressed by unus in early Latin osten is quidam somelimes by adiquis, o is se man)qui mosti it lacies unexpressed; . g. ines hominibus vis quaedam pomer') f. 21, 11 31 14 24. β. ho Englis Aone' excepi a numeria, s 3, 4)is raret unus, ut quidam, is qui, quia, siquis, ome- times alius alius in some sense tu, or ather the Verbin thoran person and it is ostendo untranslatod sis in 11 , as also the indefinito some; e. g. is em qui, he mas ne of thos ineu ho; sunt qui, ikα Damaeae servis quidam), in of his flaves Q. 3, 16 9, 24. γ. The m that os si is, is in il his a mea demonare live omitte in Latin here the definitones is therinso expressed or translate by hic ille, is, δι' fine rei
tivo. f. 1, 15, 18 25 28 32, 12.
8. si potnis to a nemo different subject an soiam generalty - τοδε or ἐκεινH, that hic soli s. tis osten sed ais of celebrities of the distantiast. . 39, 19 45, 26 54,4 55, 8. γ. Wit hic, ille means generali in more remote, i. e. in former, hic inemearer, the last o laueri me in
in is and that os Cicero, o tho substantive is repeate actu 1, 24. So also tho personat pronouus siem. it, When mero repetitions os an objectielare expressed;
exactiy: e. g. hoc ipsum terret, triginta dies erant ipsi, hunc ipsum, tum ip-m. . 21, 10 30, 3 32, 7 34, 15. v Nemo an quisquam are substantivia, tho latiorbein med in negative sentences, o question implfngnegation. Nullus and Nullus aro generali used sor insis genitivo an ablative e. g. nudo cogente nullis is mi aeret nullius mari ne prolisbent ullo Livin notiti
quidam, substantivia and adjoclivia, is definita quivis adjectival and substantivia, quilibes adjectisahguia, substantivat, qui adjectival astor si res, O relativos; alitia, αλλος, ther an different, os man
as nitrum' ine morda aro prefixod to substantive so pure ord- thet palatiun a attributives, o to suggest allusisel clam, quality, cause, condition, Ac. In Latin esinerimit themor ex ea in cause, condition, Ac., separatet an directin is participio, adjectio, o Verba clauso, placodaster in substantive e. g. the dis potate adventurere murmured, milite elusi fremere. The participi is also omitto in Euch expression as a man me Cotta,' Coua quidam.
presse by a simple adjective ostreate separates Ma Verba predicato, as a Us; or expresseda a relativo clauso Theto ars ut se participia adjectivos in Latin a pruden' visus, amans, prem' --, doctu e Mu- sound wit comparative an superlativo forma and adjectival usa , In Englis mos participies pre-nent aci an pas pass. are sed as adjectives o. g. alas causo, a agesing right.'
authors, of iring oach substantis ita epithet, oramuwin substantios, adjectisos, o Verba in couples, mustgonerali M inoide in Latin though occasionali it occura, speciali in ornate oratory of 32, 5-15;
. 14 20, 21; 20 4, 15; 22 7. Adjsetives 23 adjectivo i constantly used a in mala eat . predicate ita Vecta in Latin P e. g. Primus abiit; πω vissim eae tur laudis cupido.