
발행: 1872년

분량: 122페이지


분류: 미분류


especialty in the stem, the celis of many of the large collod




Coriaceous, thin; pileus effused and reflexed, adpressed ly sithy, rather striate, pallid, margin acute, White; hymenium even, SmO oth,






of the ladios, supplemented by the Society ossici ais, and such of

tho Society members as malle it a rule to patronize ali excursions, irrespective of their objuet, for the salie of the Society. W0 may dispense With any sui ther allusion to the third class, and the si si cla8s is competent to tali e care of itself, but the second classincludes the most promising elemenis, and cannot be So Summarilydisinissed . It has been very much the custom for Scientific fungus-hunters, that is, th0Se Who participate in fungus eXcursions for Scientisic pui poses, to under-ratu and depreciate those Who dis avo πali scientific interosi, and confine them solves to the utilitarianobjeet os fungus eating. This is manifestly an error of judgment, since the ratilis of the formor aro mostly reeruited fro in those of the latior. Lut an illustration suffice. Very many years ago itWas my good fortune to be introdueed to ait East Anglian gentioman who resided in a Sinali agricultural villago not ten miles froni


fungi, vitii flavour peculiar to thenaseives, and like nothing olse, thoy Will habitu alty ceas0 to institute comparisons, but at the out-ssit it seems inevitable that h0 should do so. Most of my fungus-0ating frientis are os opinion that is ali edi bie fungi Were arrvngod in three classes, representing the excellent, good, and moderate, that tho parasol mushroom Would, With the true muShroom, audsome Score of Othera, occupy the sit Si clas S. Indeed, I know of one, certainly a competent judge, Who ranks it superior to the mush-room, is not at tho head of its class. It Would not be possibio tosnd amongst those Who favour mustiro , in Dod an individual Kho has not a very high opinion os ii as a brealis ast delicacy, althoughstronger flavoured Species may be preferred as a condiment. There is another mushroom Agaricus rachodes) 80 nearly liko the parasol that it is som0times almost impossibie to distinguishthom. Berk0l0y himself says that se intermediate forms occur, Whiel, it is dissiculi to rosur to uitlier species. V All this servus butio strengthen my conviction that there is reatly no specific dissor-

it is not so good for Dod as procerus, is reatly Wholesomo ; V and others have distinetly uti ered cautions against ii as unfit to bo


it Will not be, by any means, an imposing figure. During the past

suture referetice. The period of their appearance is 80 Shors, and there is no modo os drying and presseruing thum that is at ali satisfactory, so that the only method os maintaining a record, and keeping up the continuity hom suason to se ason, is by means os

therefore, prohibitory, Since any one may acquire considence, and


tho gilis j oin the fles b, and consequently tho vidi h of the gilis,


Ascomatibus sub sepidormide nidulantibus, inter nervos foliorum seriati S, approXimata S, rariSSime consuentibus, ceraeeO-mollibus, minuti SSimis, Ore Subconstrictis, parum apertis, primo rubelli S, deinfuscescentibus, diSco concolore thecu S octo Spora S γ04 m .m. longas,

0 005 m .m. latas fovente ; Sporis ovatis, obtusis, biocellatis, 0 008m.m. longis, 0 002 m .m. latis. HypophJlla, Sub-epiderm Oides, ad Caridem hirtam Sti Romani ad Vigentiam in territorio pictav. logebat de LaeroiX, pater.

Sphaeria subiectae) Iunis exi DubH. Alol. Herb. Myc., No. 1833. Spat Sa aut gregaria rarius conserta epiderm id se fissa primo tecta dein in omnino expulsa nuda receptaculis atrobrutineis globosis opacis superficialibus, ostiolo minutissimo, theci S grossis clavatis


sessilibus sporas 8 ovatas pellucidas simplices aut rarius 1-soptatas globulis minutissimis 4-5 farctas foventibus, paraphysibus 0. In

monte Saleva prope Genevam ad Juniperum emortuum c usioliorum fere omnium paginam superiorem raro inferiorem insarciebat. Sphinxia fusisPoxa Duis . Ulos. Herb. Myo., M. 1832. Gregaria aut elongato-seriata demum confluens primo tecto d0mum epidermide disrupta emergens, receptaculis nigris opacis globoso-depressis et etiam collat Sis time solitariis nunc in series digestis et tunc difformibus, ostiolo nullo, paraphysibus nullis, thecis clavae formibus, Sporas 8 fusis Ormes utrinque attenuatas virescentes 1-Aeptatas 2-Seriales foventibus. Ad caules emortuos

Cloniatidis. Assinis S. Dulcamarae a qua caracteribus laudatis dissori et etiam S. Panacis Auct. non Fries quae Diplodia). Scarcely like Melogramma vagan8, to Whicli it has been referred.

ducere velit. Sed donec non innotuerit exacte fructificatio singularum Sphaeriarum Simplicium in plurimis speciebus dolerminatio aequivoca. In no Stra, cujuS Specimina eheul nisi prom aYima parte vetu Sta et diffracta legere contigit, ascos cito evaneScere puto, Sporidia OVOideO-0blonga hyalina simplicia linaquentes. Perithecia perfecta Sub-globosa ostiolum minutum quid0m sed diStinctum papillaesorme praebent. HEIotium vezizoideum, Cke J Phil. Scattered, Sessile, cupulate beeoming plane, SomeWhat repand;
