The Tusculan disputations, book first ; the dreams of Scipio: and extracts from the dialogues on ...

발행: 1851년

분량: 239페이지


분류: 미분류


Τsidialogus called Laelius, sive De Amicitia, a Wriiten B. o. 44 aster the Cato Major, and like that realiae, Waaver appropriately dedicate to Atticus, the only individualamoniliis contemporaries to hom Cicero gave his holoboarti The imaginar conversation ia supposed is have alien place et oen C. Laelius Sapiens an hi tW aon in-la , C. Fannius and Q. Mucius Scaevola, a se day aster thedeast of Africanus A. c. 29 , and t have been repeaied in aster timea, by Scaevolario Cicero. Laeliua be nai asan gyrio on his hiend. Then, at the eques of the oungmen, he Xplain his own sentimenta illi regis to thoorion nature limita, and Value os hiendahim tracea ita connection it the igher mora virtvea, and lay down therules hicli ought to e observe in orde to rendo it permanent an mutuati Qvantageoua. V milh' Diet. , Vol. I. p. 33. In the extractinere given, Laelius is the spe er. III. Viderint sapientes: et wis men M. Nihil . . . . est. O the sentiment, es. Tum I. xlvi III, Nostrum .... videamur p. 61ὶ, and theo sage rom Brutus ested in the note o p. 1 T. Sibi. . . . sero At a time propulous for himself, rimos too late for the republi Siti suo tempore, i. e. at hi om good



altis urbi is Carthago and Numantia. In matrem, etc. In like ero. Disserunt tamen istae prae altionea. Nam erga ponitur, ubi de animo converno et ad aliquid flexo aermo eat, in autem indicat animum directum et penetrantem idque majorem vim alvo consilii ai m acti nis deelarat quamquam hoc qui loquuntur non emper e Loiunt, ut in multi diaerimen evan eat. V a 'a Turari.

4. 312.

Ut memini. . . . disserere. Se tho introduction to the noteaon the dialogus De Senectute, p. 200. Eliam m. Other readinga re etiammune an etiamtunc. Etiamnum et etiamnunc duo nomina uno a centu oonjuncta habent, ne differunt ignificatione. Em oeula num ex νυν orta litteram monatrativam recepit et factum eat nunc, uti tune exutiari ae via pleniori soni, quae in simplici tunc etiam significationem intendit, in etiamnunc non aluime id

Vel nostrorum majorum . . . . vel . . . . vel F- μα is, four ancestora. . . . or . . . . Or, eto. Aut is objective that is,

reserario a real dissereno in the thingam notion themaelucta: vel is ofectine thacis, reserario a differenoe et eo them,

a contemplate by tho in os the pereo thinhin andapeising a ut them With vel- vel the on thinido motne Marii exolud in other, ut both may talio place in holmor in pari. In thia uae os them ius may generalis translate by hether - - The vel may be repeate aevera times Venis the imperative rom velle, a fer stomferre, and theresere properi meana Vpkase, 'is,omplerae,' Uyou i early ali ita meminga ambo expresae by the origina meaning of tho Wota. ' Arnoldys Las Proseo . Pari. II. p. 105, 106. See Madvig, cite supra, p. 106. Tum religiosa jura. Seo Tusc. Disp. I. xii. 27, and notes, p. 130, 131.


CHAP. IV. 207Vel eorum Thelythagoreans. Vel ejus Socrates. Non tum hoc tum illud, .... sed idem semper. Scit dicebα. TR in plerisque Scit feri solet. Quasi praesagiret Scit se moae moriturum Schura. Triduum disseruit de re publica Cicero in his reatis De

Re Publica representa the conserenoea a extending Ver aperiod of three days. ouus divinationis fuit eatremum fere he Somnium Scipionis is introduced in therias book of the realiae De Re

Fuerat aequius I ha been airer. In Latin, an in Enytish, the indicative is osten used Where the subjunctive potentiat might have been expected. When it is declarodwithout a condition ita might o ought to happen or have happened), but doea not happen Wit possum, debeo, oportet,

decet, convenit, licet, or sum miti a gerundive or adjective, e g. aequum, melius, utilius, par, alis, satius est, &c. in the

indicative is commoni made uae os in Latin os present time in the imperfeci in orde to describo that which doea nothappen , buti the past both in the perfeci and lupersect. Μ. 348. e. Obs. I. The imperfeci indicative in thia maeexpresses things Whicli are not but the time sor,hichris notye passed and the persect an pluperseo indicativo hingawhieli have o been, ut the time sor hicli is asaed. Z. 418. q. v. Se ais B. 131. Cf. Horati Sat. II 4. 16:Attamen et justum poteras et sciri refortem an Cic. d Nas. Deor. I. xxx. Quam bellum erat, Vellei, confieri potius scire quod nescires, etc. y the uae of the indicative tho sentiment i conveyed in a more animate manne than itωould have been mitii tho subjunctive.


ERRATA. ago 12, linora, soria imam



