The Tusculan disputations, book first ; the dreams of Scipio: and extracts from the dialogues on ...

발행: 1851년

분량: 239페이지


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Duobus .... numeris Seven an eight fisty-aix ein a common multiple of these numbers. Se note o quorumetuerque plenus, Somn. Scip. i. infra. p. 1913. The passage ho St. Augustine pp. 69, 0 is seundi his celebrate ireatis De Civitate Dei, writie A. D. 413 426. Nostri The Christians. The romainde os the Introduction pp. 70- 2Dis ahensrom the Commenta is acrobius, an eminent grammarianos the laurili and fifth centuries, to vhom, are indebis sortho preservatio of the Somnium Scipionis. Ρages 1. Colotes hearer os Epicurua, and ne fili most amous of his discipies II held that it is un- moris, of the truthiulnes of a philosopher in se ablea inhia inaching, - a notion hich Cicero opposes. Ρago 72. Intersccti tyranni Tiberius Sempronius Gram

I the courae of the conversationis the science of goVern-ment, in the ardens os Scipio, Laelius complaine that nostatue had been erected by the state in honor ost Comelius Scipio asica, the layer of the tribuno Tiberius Gracchus. Scipio, in reply, emarks that virtus has rewarda igher and more enduring than statues o triumpha; and in illustratethia sentiment, relates his dream to the assembled company. I. M. Manilio. anius or, accordin is ome editora, Marcua Μanilius a consul A. c. 149 with L. arcius e


ens xxxvi. s: qui M. Aemilio .... legati . . . fuerunt. Pro

Muren. ix. 20 Murena legatus Lucullo fuit. De Rep. II. xl. iis quum essem legatus. Se Moser' note on De Rep. ILxL, and M. 24 I, ObS. 4. Masinissam Masinima hingos the umidiana, suppori the Carthagini a se severat eam in the secondiunt war but Mentive to the Romana upo the arrival os Scipio Afri-eanua Major in Africa a. c. 204, in accordanem iiii a promiae he had secreti give in Roman generat two eam besore,

uter in Carthaginiana ad been Aeate in Spain. His

adherone to the Romana contribute greatly to their uocem, but reflecta no honor pon his haracter. Niebuli Sus, MIRawholo se ma an uninterrupte aerie of treacheri againat Carthage. . . . . In a mora potnt of vie , Masinissa a notetis than a common barbarian 'o was a base trai-tor, ho deserve the atre os every honeat man.


a significatio simila to that os adeo Se Hand 's Turael. m. p. 487. 14ὶ ratus .... viri. . Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major Ontheriore os ille, ae Z 70I A. i. 207, Rem. 24. Deinde them nexi thereupon; ειτα). his adver isuae in speising os things successivo an nex in lapae ostime, and is almost this sanae a postea, tum It is no nece nary that the partici primum aliould bo adde to the prior thing, hic is name besore. O the Greelis Se ειτα επει- να, and the worda, ithout refixin the wor πρωτον.

ultro et citro ultro citroque, ultro ac citro and with hoomission os the copula, ultro citro The inverte orde citro iatroque is neve seu nil Thia formula does no denote opposite directions os omething in themiddie, but different places and distinc parta, so that it is the samerus hue illuc and tabiamque parte. I in both used of motion, and of things whlehare done by each part o with reserencerio each party. The Greelis sa δευρο κἀκει, κακεισι καὶ ὁ δευρo the rench paret par la, sis e la tho Germans hin uncher In the se of the copula here is no subtile elegance, but greater fomeand significance For,hemthinga oppone area collocationequipolae an unite a it were in ne idea, there iam needos a copula; ut hen regard is in Maad tomach aide aeparalely, and a thiniis satytoae done in urnam mutuatly notby one part alone, but also by the ther, the copularis alwaya


ted the entenco has a disjunctive appearance sive uum sive citro Milin naid uiam ciιrave although there in noth- in in prevent the additionis the copula even in a disjunctive aentence, as is in the formula ultro citroque commeare Aviem, sayamand hactho ame origin a aut, an bothare hindred to tho Greeli M. O that the are derive stomao sors in theae orda, do no have a form tranaseraedfrom nome nationario othera, but a primitive lam, common in many count ies. V or the meaning os the wor in ur passage, nee Andre Sya Lex. a. h. v. 2. See also the note ou hominem autem, supra, p. 158.

In multam noctem: ire into M tot.' In nocet dicunt de rebus ultra diurnam lueem protractis in die acrithinein uaque in noctem Suet Marsit prima vespera atque in muliam noctem urit. ' and a Tursellinus, IIL p. 339. O thema os multam, Oehane cito De Sin. xiv. 46 Quod eo=ιvivium ad multam noctem produximus. Ad Att. XIII. ix. Multus sermo ad multum diem. Cubitum discessimus dieit, quia in diversa cubilia abierunt; quod si non E et sactum, dixisaei culitum ivimrus, ut orat pro Sex. Rose xxiii. 64. Oaer. De uia - propter viam. Mottinger. i. . . . rigilassem. Subjunctive os the reason. Equidem. Se the note pon thia ord, supra. p. 13 sq.

one has et explained, ' saysmand Uio equidem could e sormed rom ego quidem. Indeed, in syllabi gocould notae thrown aside Mithout destroying the character sthe whole ord. ' mong the reasona state by an sorrejecting the commoni received derivation rom ego an quidem are tho OHowing :- I. Equidem is mund witii ego su, joined as Sallust Cat. Equidem ego sic existimo. 2. Itis sometimescioine to a plura ver as, Cic. pro Sext. lvii. 122 equidem audiebamus. 3. It occum mitti the seconiandιhir persons, and this in the old writers a Mellis in thelater 'fleen examplea bein cite hom lautus, three horu


rence, ne hom Varro, an neverat rom Cicero : in some asea equidem is found in this constructio in SS., but editor have changed the reading. and' arguments hOWmer, have notaeceivedIhe fui assent os ali scholara Ritschi, in his critical editionis the Trinummus filautus, publishod at Bonn in 1848, in vi hichae oves the mos elaborate recensionos the textina et made, announcea his intention to adopi quiadem sor equidem in ever passage in lautus here it is notreferre to the in person and aster an examinationis allthe examples Domihi author adduce bymand rejecta his readin inmach instance, adding non recurret opinor furca expulsum equidem. '' Pro omena, p. 76- 9. Adhuc sub judice lis est; utinandya opinion aeem mos satiasnctor an best supported an is gaining round Freundis amon his followersa and ritZ, ho, o Sallust, ut 51, had defende the derivation rom ego an quidem, retracta this opinion in his note οὐδεg. p. 53, and give his assent, aluo, to the view of mand . The peculia resereno os this adver in signification to thos rat person, must be acknowledged, hateve derivation e opt. Ancient sage,' sayamand employed the demonstrative orce of the prefixed e chiess in aucti a manner, that nit the speaher aliould mar with a certain affrmative soro thos thinga hic he avowed concerning himself and his own opinion, o in regardo hia wn assaira. ence ithappened that equidem as Oined a a generat rulo, illi thofirat person of the vere. The Latins then, ad an appropriate ord by hic the spealier might turn the attentionos his earor is his own flairi his οWn opinion, an addweight to his declaration in regarda himself. ' his expi nation accounts also so the peculia flare os equidem henused with the secondis thir pereon, hic Κrit consideredas equivalent to that os the phras mea quidem sententia. With themam peculia resereno to the mind of the spea e must, underatand the intensive demonstrative ore os the syllabi e in the various other compound mentione by


Hand in tho passage cite supra, p. 13s, 140, an partieulari in thoae expre in an invoeationis the goda in alia


Fere. man derives fere and ferme hom sermus - -mtis a thaifere, ferme frme, Irmiter, an have so their fira meaning perquam, fide, penitus.' Andre a an Rid- die solio Varro L. L. 6. 5. 98, in deriving fere rom fero. For the signification os this adver in ur amam, se Amdrown' Lex. underfere, B. . Quale de Homero criti Ennius A line os Ennius, romtho beginningis his Annulis, is thus ovena an old scholiaston Horace, 'ist. II. i. 52:

In somnis mihi visus Homerus adesse poeita.

n. Originem particulae et alii in litteris verbi Graeci τε

tranapositis quaesiverunt, alii in τι conspicuam esse exint, marunti Vid. ossi Etymol. a. h. V. Lennep. Elymol. r. I, p. 297. At cognatio horum vocabulorum non ad unamatirpem Graecam reserenda eat, sed cernitur ea in univerna copularum conformatione, quae multis vel omnibus gentibus communis eat. Sic veteres Gothi dixerunt is, Graeci τε quod factum est que, et rursus και atque et Veluti litterae locum

mutant in et meus. acto igitur magis comparari P aunt quam deduci. ' Mand a Turrael. U. 467. II. Excelso. . . . loco. The milh Way. Paene milles. Quia in militia primus honoris gradus erat tribunatus militum. anutius. Hoc biennio. , must particulari remar the ablative

of the timo with the additionis the pronouna hic or ille, to signify, in the lapse ops long a time hom now or then: His annis quadringentis Romae reae fuit Cic. de Rep. I. 373, it isno more than seu hundred eam since ther hin at Romeri seu hundred ear or less. Ante hos quadringentos annos and abhinc annos quadringentos in a more exac description. Respondit, se paucis illis diebus argentum misisse Lilybaeum Id. Verr. IV. 18 . Hanc hoc biennio evertes besere two ear are pari more definitely, intra biennium.' Μ.


6 276 obs. 5. ose says, hoc biennio - proximo Memmo' ' an cites De Divin. Ι. xxxiii. 77 itaque tribus his i. e. prorimis horis concisus Mercitus, atque ipse interfeci


Absens. Somn. Scip. i. essens est, non petens magistratum. am fricanus, de quo ibi sermo, intersuit comitiis istia, sed non petiit. Vid. Pigh ad a. DcXIX. et DrakeM. ad Liv. v. 2. I x. 22.9. V rneati cim circ. - absens, rumpetens. Valerius enim Lib. VIII cap. X. praesentem eum

facit, et Laelius apud Cic. de Amic. Scipionem nunquam potiisse confirmat. anutius. See Moser' note ad h. l. Nepotis mei. Tib. Sempronius Gracchus, the tribune. Ostendas oportebit B. 402 note et 625. Septenos octies. The distributive numerata re applied in multiplication with adverbial numerata), the fame numberbeing taken severa times. et g 119.

Solis anfractus reditusque. . . annos. anfractus a Iis nominatur propter obliquitatem orbis Zodiaci, per quem sol modo ad septentrionem inflectitur, modo relabitur ad meridiem sinuosas enim et flexuosa vias anfractus appellamus, ut fluminum, ut littorum solent esse V Ramua Solis an- stactum et reditum annum Oeat . . . . reditum, ait acrobius, quia eadem signa per anno singulos certa lege sol metitur.' VinetUS. Quorum uterque plenus. SeVen an eight mere considered by the ancient a numeri pleni, o perfeci numbers, se various reasons, osti sancimi Seemacrobius ad h. l. sfifty-sicis the productis these complete numbera that age, summa fatalis, a regarde as ne os the climacteries os human liis Romulus, Julius Caesar, Horace, and the ounyeritin are aida have die in the fame climacterical earas Scipio. Impias propinquorum manus. Sempronia, the wis os Scipio an sister of the Gracchi, an her mother Cornelia, ere auspecte os his murder. ut se Smithys ClassiculDietionata.


llatiasaetor mading. a reada pax ait rediis Orelli, alter the older SS. et parum rebus Bouhie and labuta prin ames parumper audite cetera Graevius, vemiari a Mecetera an Ghaner, pax audire etera The Ialter, avainelli inter omne praeatare videtur, nisi malia: et pax parumper audite cetera.' In thia conlationis inminxi, there ingsa parumper is perhapa, the happleat conjectum. III. Quidem For the ignification os uidem, and themota os sal, eo the noto on quae quidem digna statuissent, p. 103. Arbitraremviri or thia uas of the imperfectisubjunctive, se the note o pertinerent an comineretur p. Io3, and -- mmm, Pp. II l, II 2. Immo The peculiar sore os thia advestria here Mon in iis eorreotin the dotis implied in the queation o Scipio. Immo vero. Nam ruinare the living, eis. Se supra, p. 1I8, noto on immo. Quin tu adspicis An exhortation is osten Expreme in Latini a queation it quis.' 351.4 Obs. 3. Ad te venientem. Quo pacto venientem l mesua eum Porphyrio lucem ait eam vehiculum animarum. Τrim lacrimarum. O the ignificationis vis, os De Nat. Deor. II. xxxix in Adde etiam reconditas auri argenti evenas, inscitamque vim marmoris. R. I. xx. 54 nilavis innumerabilium uoluat atomorum. Tusc. V. xxxii. I: Magna vis auri argentique Epist ad Q. Frat. III. it.: Magna vi apuae. Atμε. Compounded, ac Hing tomand of a and que -- que, at an ad bring originalty the me ord aer prie significat et ad eandemque habet formam, qua linius

novum Verbum praeterque consecit. Sanctissime mos venerabis. Deus conspicis er cite De Leo Π. . re deos, .... quorum hic mundu Omnis templum esset et domus.


CHAP. III. IV. 193

Tho imperfectris sed sayamoser, to denote the designissthe Creator a the time in hich he made man. Divinis animatae mentiistis CL Cic. de Nat deor. II. v. Injussu ejus With his argument against selfimurdor, in Cita de Sen. xx. Vetatque Pythagoras injussu imper toris, id est dei, de praesidio et atatione vitae docedere an Tusc. I xxx. Vetat enim dominans ille in nobis deus, injussu suo nos hinc demigrare. Defugisse. orandis simila ussis thia mota in Epist. ad Att. VIII iii. non quo munus illud risumem. Moser.

Quum it . . . . um .... est. O thi constructio see Hos.

M in clam, tam quam perperam, palam. Ut me imperii nostri .... poeniteret Thala ac hamis of ou empire Hoc sensu, ut Sit i. q. puderet, usus eat hoc verbo noster Philippic. I. iii 33: Num hujusce ....te .... gloriae poenitebat Oser. Poenitere nos ejus rei dicimus eleganter, quae parva est, quacum contenti non sumus, quae nobis non placet, cui parum tribuimus. V Ernesti, Cla v.

Ciα q. v. his meaningis dissatisfaction is seen in tho sol-lowing passage rem the eautontimorumenos o Terenoe Ι. i. in Me, quantum hic operissas, poenitet Iam dissatis disii the amount of ori that is done here. So in themtinuactus V. vii 12, 3 An poenitebat agiti, te victore quod fecisset adolescens, ni miserum insuper etiam patri indicares Were o no conteriit init the disgraceo deed, etc. s. Horat. Sal. I. i. me poeniteat sanum patris hujus,

'quamdiu certe sanus ero, nunquam parum mihi fellae sideri potero, quod tali natu aim patre.'

IV. i. The dativus ethicus. See B. 40 n. Z. 408. By the se os his pronou the spe e cassa the attention of


his hoarer, an intimate that What hecia a ut is in munibo os intereat is him. Summus ipse de . s. io de Nai. Deor. I. xiii. 34 Unum, qui ex omnibu aideribus, quae infixa caelo sunt, ex disperata quati membria implex ait putandus de . s. h. xiv. 37 α xxii xxv. L inia. Moae considera thia verbis intransitive, andoquivalent is locum hale preser mund 'a explanation, Who mahea regionem tho objectis ο&inet, and linea sulter an

Media in th centre M in hoc templo medium, . iii. V. In this chapis the olde Africanua describe tho naturEos in musicis the apherea by whoae melody the curiosi and admirationis his adopte grandaon had Men excited. Inregatario this ealebrate doctrine of the harmonyis the heavonin dies, consul in authoritie cite in Smithys Dicit --