The Tusculan disputations, book first ; the dreams of Scipio: and extracts from the dialogues on ...

발행: 1851년

분량: 239페이지


분류: 미분류


BOOς FIRST CHAP. XLIV. XLV. 176 Recipiat sor recipiat se a in lautus, Mereas. U. iv. 30:Acituum face cum praeda ut recipias sor domum redeas.

sio Rursum in portum recipimus. e ometimes find thenum uae of thia ver in Do proae-writera, but ont Wit tho run and in resereno to militar movementa, a Caea Bel. Gal. I. xlviii. Si quo erat longius procedendum aut celerius recipiendum. Vertere,' saya silin is in the manneruae se verti, mutare so mutari, στρεψγειν se σγε νεσθαι; und a a genera rute, actiVo Verba containing the idea os motion are osten se With an intransitive ora exive signification. ' Compare the se of converi s sor se convertebat, Cicero' Brutus, Exuiu 141. - que ....haleat Andmuhemo have, etc.

Pelopis. Telops, the sester o Thyestea and Atreus. Qui non erudierit . . . . nec docuerit. See Z. 464. XLV. 108 Aegyptii See Herodotus, II. 86 sqq. Pe sae. See Herodotus,cl. 140, ΙΙΙ. 16 Strabo, XV.

Nisi . . . . sint laniata. Aloi observe that the subjun tivo is sed Mause, on account of the mores mos est thenentiment i expressed in accordano Mith the thought of thoΜagi. s a genera rute, in hos secondar propositio whieli are connected illi the infinitive, the subjunctivo iaused. muliner. Pro sua qui uesac Poete quantum cujusque facultates aut

opes patiuntur.

Chrysippus Stoic philosopher bom B. c. 280. Di liking tho Academi acepticism, he ecame ne os the ostatrenuoua supporter of the principie, that knowledge is ab ininable an may be atabliine on ertain seundationa. Hence though no the Dunde os in Stoic Echool, he waatho firm person Wh based ita doctrineam a plausibi systemos remoning so that it,a said Is Chrysippus hadiso existed the orch could not have been. Τ)Ut est in omni historia curiosus Asia is diligent in meminuestigation The significatio of historii hero is ins


176 TuscuLAN DISPUTATIONS.aam a stat in his ita Gree parent, ἱστορια, in osten

In nobis.... in nostris: In - in the eas of in regarito.

IIa ιαmem, Q. The rite of sepulturo aliouldo attendedis non negligendus , in me a is , Misener, thias . Wholivo a uidie oonaeiova thac die of the dead are conscio of nothing. Ios Multa . . . . tempestiva fuerunt - multa mihi su runt opportunitate morienda. relli, quam. Quae . . . obire mul that Thad Men his to auri my-

tam fortuna beta restatarit. M Conflictandum adhuc erat eum sortuna. Virtutem tamquam mira sequitur. Seneca, Ep. Ixxta. II: Glaria, iubra virtutis est, etiam invitos comitabitur.'

Quoquo modo hoc acciretur In haleveriss this argument os mine shalli received i. e. even fis pronounoecit

unphilosophicia. obbe, an old ditora, accipiatur butour re in is ound in tho beat ΜSS., an sanctione byorelli, oner, and Κuhneri Publiea disciplinae in the administralis of th state. Salaminam. Such icth re in os the ΜSS. althoughthis Latinim form is generali conaidere a peculia to. iter astor theaciden age. Thopaei victoriae, as ep. Them. 5. a mare se Salaminia altera victoria, quae cum Marathonio possit comparari tropaeo. Sit Ital. xiv. 282 Salaminiacum tropaeum Aristoph. Equit 133I Q ἐν Μαραθῶνι τροπαιον. rivm Curius Dentatus, the conqueror of Ρyrrhus. Fabricium C. Fabricius Luscinua, Mone os the mos popular heroe of tho Roman annala, lio, liho Cincinnatus and Curius, is the representative of the overi an honeat osth good old times.


BOOς FIRST. CHAP. XLVI. XLVII. 177α uiatori. Seo supra vii. 13. - Duo Scipiones Cn. and Publiua Supra xxxvii. 8s ---imum Q. Fabius aximus Verrucosus, unctator. - Marcellum M. Claudiua a Cellus. Supra xxxvii. 89. - Paullum . . miliuaiaullus, who soli a Cannae. - Catonem. . Porcius Cain, Sapiena, Cenaortua. - Laelium. C. Laelius Sapiens. Decessio the decrerae, dis pecto e.

III. Diagoras. Ver celebrate sor hia victorio in the Grecian gamea. me Pindar Olymp. VILm mos os: Tiso of his sons noctis iis sons .

Non enim in caelum adscensurus es. m. e. summam hominia felicitatem nactu ea, ne majore poteria potiri. Cf. ind. Pyth. X. 27 'O δεκεος Ουρανὸς othro ἀμβατὸς αυή. Et nimiumfortasse. Scit magna, tae majora, quam revera sunt. uliner.

Inutile: angemus. De T. H. xiv. 4s aediliosum et inutilem civem. litotea. Noame ipsos amare, Mil. magia quam eos quos amisimus.' Me iii 10 ihil mali accidisse Scipioni, puto mihi accidit, si quid accidit auis autem incommodi graviter angi, non amicum, sed ne ipsum amantis eat. V Bria. i. 4: Milius Hortensii ver mortis opportunitatem benevolentia potiua quam misericordia prosequamur, ut, quotieacunque declarissimo et beatissimo viro cogitemus, illum potiua quam nosmet ipsos diligere videamur. am si id dolemus, quod eo jam frui nobis non licet, nostrum est id malum, quod modice seramus, ne id non ad amicitiam sed ad domesticam utilitatem

referre Videamur.

fuse, ted ua. XLVII. 2. Perfectum est, ut .... ducerem. See upra, p. III note on audere inua. Rhetorum epilogum per breviloquentiam dictum eat pro, epilogum, quales rhetores componere olent in declamationi


Bito, ae Herodotus I. 31. Bito Somo edition read Bilon; ut 'Cieero almost al-Ways obaerves thia rute, that Gree prope namea in ων ha ing the genitive in o- or ωνος, end in the nominativε, in Labin inis; thoae hici have in the genitive oreo or Breos, hRVein the nominative the termination on. ' AEuhner. Praemium. Mutiner praemii.

114. Trophonius et Agamedes Brothera, and distin ished

Pos eius diei diem tertium. The genitive eius diei d pendaupon post diem la=etium, a pon postridie in Caesar' favoriis expression postridie ejus diei.

Iudieavisse. Scit mortem esse optimum homini. Praeter eterea Gme, more hun the thera not to the exelusion V.

XLVIII. Sileno Silenus mas representia amths constant companionis Dionysus, or Bacchua, Whom heris sal to have brought up and instructed. Heria describe asin ovia oldman with a bald ead, a puch nose sat an round like his .ine V, Whichae alWaya carrie With him, an generallyas intoxicated Bucit is a peculiar seature in his charactor that he wa conceived ala an an inspire prophet whoan wal tho pas and the mos distant future, an a a sage hodespised ali ilio gista os fortune. Non nases, etc. The me sentiment is expressed by Theognis, an ancient elegia an gnomi poet, v. 543-546

I 15. Cresphonte Cresphontes, 'ingis Messenia, Wasalain with tw of his sona in an insurrectio of the nobies, be- eauae he avore the popular sido. mis late furnished Eu-


BOOM FIRST. CHAP XLVIII. 179ripides the subjectis a tragedy some fragment of hichare extant. The original os the passage cited by Cicero

lua elabrantes Frequenter convenientes Virg. Aen. I. 3s: Et nos ineoetum Tyrii celebrate frequerites.' - Mae- qui tofolio to the grave liene the nou eraequiae. Consolatione Crantoris Crantor, an Academi philosophe whoῬοurishe a. o. 300, wrote a Wor Περι Πενθους Oswhicli Cicero madeareat use in the third book of the Tuscula Disputationa, and in his ow1 Consolatis. Terinaeum. Os Tyrina, a townin the west coastis Bruttium.

Friorum numine. Some editor read metinere.

116. Causam rebus ... Ddieatam : That the eas has been deridetis faeta Causam the question hether deat is an evilis a good Rebus by actual deeda facta. Aleidumus. A Gree rhetorician, the pupil os Gorgias. me a the lastis that sophisticat achool, with whieli heoni objectis eloquence a to leas the earem by the pom and brillianc os morda. quidem. Adverbium quidem a Cicerone addi solet nominibus propriis, ut saepe explicari possit per l, elui, ut in exemplum asseram, ita quidem, ut vim habeat argumentativam inserviatque sententiae prolatae exemplis illustrandae confirmandaeve Supra xii. 5I Dicaearehu quidem et Aristoxe-


nua.... nullum Omnino animum erae disemini. xxxiii So:

eam of the enemni diagulae began a quareel Mith the obdiers, and was ales in the disputo. V ιν ea. When the utatantive in appositio haurimogendera that ia chinen hic corresponda it the endero the substantivo tot explained. ' B. A. Menoeeeus. A Theban ovin the o o Creon. Whentho aeven Argive heroea marched againat Thebea, the prophet Tiresia declare that the eit Wouldi preMoed is tho lastos tho descendant os Cadmua ahould devoto himael ama in rifice to the manes of that great founder of the Thebanistate. Menoeceus, underatanding the oracle is resor in himself, atonoesu an enda his lila.

Qui vem. Orolli qui ometuo. Some HSS. qui idem. Iphigenia The daughter os Agamemnon and Clytemne

tra Agamemnon having Hain una area a talin theamve

os Diana tho Oddem in her indignatio delayed the Greehseet at Aulia by contrar Winda, hen the Greeri inhed tosail againat Troy. The seor Calchaa declared that thea dem musti propitiato by the sacrifice of Iphigenia, and ahe wasaeoordini brought to Aulis, unde the pretexi of ing madiried in Achilles. When he wa about tot sacrificia, hoWever, tho goddem in pio substitute arata sor the maiden,


117. Quae quum ita sinc quum is here t be translated although.

Melior Ennii, quam Solonis oratio. Theclines os Ennius aro hominis Epitaph, the whole os,hicli salven supra XV. 34 linosis Solon are thusalven by Ρlutarch -


182 TuscuLAN DISPUTATIONS. Moratum, ad quod reapiet Soerate in haedon c. 66 db

II s. Ego ero. The parties vero, adde particulari to


uer, lori, and lacher Moser an Tregder, solio in se erat os the best an oldest SS., a tho Regiua, Gudianus I., IL, ea quos dies. ut Aloi remarhi Κuhner, p. 173ὶ, quo conveys a more appropriate dea, ino Cicero mys, supra iv 8 Itaque dierum quinque acholaa, ut Graeci appellant, in totidem libros contuli ' and even in the best SS. quo and aliquo are osten cons unded with quo an aliquos. Agamus h e Le umore ur attention to theae subjecis.

Is austra xx. 46, note on id agat. Quae .... hubeant. OSer remarhampo this elegant uno

os iis ver habere in the significationis aeeum ferre, Urere; and compares De Divin. II. xlvi. 6 Quid dissimilaudoloeorum nonne dissimiles hominum mereationes habet The subjunctivo with the relative, in thia pamam, completes tho de of tho qualit V denote by the demonstrative ea, and expremes the way in hic it operates.


Tua Somnium Scipionis is introdueo a an pia e in theaixin and las book of tho admirabis reatis De Re Pialica, Writim B. o. 54 md one os in earlies of Cicero, philoaoph, eat oris. The formis this tremiseris that os a dialogue the interlocutor Min Scipio Africanusminor, hia nephew Q. AEliua Tubero, and hia hienda C. Laelius the Wiso, L. Furius Philus, M'. Manilius, Sp. Mummius Ρ. Rutilius usus, Q. Muciua Scaevola, and C. Fannius. The mens os th conversation adaid in a aunny lawn in the gaesen os Scipio, during the Latin holidus, a. c. 129 De Rep. I. ix. - xii.). Therarat extrae in tho Introduetion p. 6s in rom the Commentam onuia Somnium Scipionis os Favoniua Eulogius a rhetoriolan o Carthage, and a contemporar an pupit os Sti Augustino. The entire Commenino ill e lauta in Graevius' editionis Cicero de metis, p. 438- 447 Am-nterdam 1688 . The impuro Latinit os the period in hieh