The Tusculan disputations, book first ; the dreams of Scipio: and extracts from the dialogues on ...

발행: 1851년

분량: 239페이지


분류: 미분류


Intervallis .... distinctis Composed os intervali nnequat, butyet proportionalty divides by rule, etc. Tunt motus incitari possunt. Exquisite dictum pro, tanta corpora tam celeriter moveri possunt Hottingeri Extrema The extremea; the ighest spheres and the

passage in his ream, acrobius says Haec eo dicta sunt, ut aperta ratione constaret, neque planitiem in tribus, neque soliditatem sine quattuor posse vinciri. Ergo Septen rius numerus geminam Vim obtinet vinciendi, quia ambae partes ejus vincula prima sortitae Sunt ternarius cum una medietate, quaternarius cum duabus.

la the salio os eas in pronunciation. VI. Eaepetendam. Quae digna sit, quae expetatur. VinetuS. Spectato, contemnito. The imperative suture is properly used in precepta an rules os conduci, that is to expreas amtions that are tot repeated as osten a the occation arises. 'Z.q584. Halitari. Oser notices the me impersona use of this Word, in Cic. acadae II. xxxix. 123 habitari, ait Xenophanes, in luna. Quasi standa elare a Word to signis that it is sed is express a thin figurativel and by Way of approximation. Μ. 444. , Obs 2 Quidam is osten employed in conjunc-


tam .... cimolia.

unde tho amo parallel os latitude, ut in opposite merid- aversos. I. e. Amoeci Areotieoιὶ thoae unde the amemoridian, but opp iis parallela. Adversos. I. e. Antipodes 'Am-δες thoa who are inoppoait parallela an meridiana diametricali opposito 'Caeli verticibus Cic. de a Deor. I xli I05 Mir

musque adeo duplici de cardine vertex dicitur esse polus. Nihil ad vestrum genus. Scit pertinet. Has m conne tisnwith Durrace. In certain expremion the ellipsi ofino verbis 'ecomo a genera usage, e g. in the phrasea

Angusta vertitalis, Ialeritas latior Narrois ait M poles,toider in a lateria direction. Quem Oceanum appellatis. For in gende os quem nee Beeli a Syntax, a n. 2, in med. Quamis in angustias vestra se gloria dilatari velit. L. Sonec Epist. xci 17 Alexander acedonum rex discere Geometriam, infelix coeperat, aesturus, quam pusilla terrae et, ex qua minimum coupaverat. Ita dico, infelix, obhoe, quod intelligere debebat, falsum se gerere nomen. Quis enim eme magnus in pusillo potest 3 autem again, - ilem eae uera parte. autem is the weaheat advereativo particle, ein rathor a particio os distinction thau os opposition.

VII. Quin cis derived rom the ablative qui and ne. Quiboin both interrogativo an relative a also i quin. Inour passage the qui in quin in interrogativeri literalty isti notis. DU Quin is frequently used Mith etiam,


Non modo .... sed ne quidem. In Orde to denote an a

oendin to a negative idea that even omething hic iamore probabis, and of lea moment, doea notri e place), non modo or non solum a combined mitii sed ne - quidem or sed viae) Is both clauses have a common predicate, to hichthe negative elonga, and the predicate standa in tho lastolauae, the negation hichrates in ne quidem o vis may bereserae to the whole so that insteia os non modo non or non solum non me have in the fidit clauso oni non modo or non solum). ' 461. b. ergog - on Caea. B. G. II. xvii. :quo non modo intrari, sed ne perspici quidem posse - says, Tho logical round o which non canae omitted hero aster non modo is that, by the coalescingis ne- quidem mit posse, the a mationis the verbaecomes negation, and thus thenegativa ne belonga corioinunt both clausea. So B. G. III.

iv. non modo defesso, sed ne saucio quidem dabatur, Where, also, ne- quidem, attracted to dabatur, givea a negative mean-ingis impediebatur, prohibebatur. Seera L 24. b.

Nec pauciores, et .... meliores. he combination os a

negative an assirmative member a denote by neque --, both not, and leas frequently γε- νεὶ.' 458. o. Unius anni Cicero is peisin os in annus magnu3, Which, accordin to the old philosophera, a complete Whenal the planeta return to the amo relative position or necti fisine thousand years. Seo De Nat Deor. II. XX. 51 anda Dagmentis Cicero's Hortensius, preserve by Servius in I. et II. Ammd. Where tria state that a great ear is completed post XII millia nongentos quinquaginta quattuor annota' Ad idem Ad eandem partem locum, Signum. Uciret descriptionem, descriptionem siderum in caelo De- aeriptionem, marhingiui, delineation,' henoe, arrangement, ' relative distribution.' Habeto. he imperative suturo puta the command inconnectio with some ther action, and expresaea that Somethiniis toto done in future, hen or a soO as Something


good illuatration os thia ulo quandoque ....defecerit, tum

. . .. habeto.

Igitur Dorived liko tu, hom the pronomina motis Wbono aro is and his , and tho demonatrativo sum itus r). Itur, 'mys and ia hindred is iιa, hether by the commutatio of the letiora mandis, Eois to e the nam acitus, o by the additionis, final, a in other adverba sor example, a luculente Meomea lumilenter. The prefixed ilia a changed formis in syllabio te a vigesimus mas ritis instea ofvicesimus, negligo sor relego , and thia is in accordaneomith sto ancient sage in ritin and posthing, in hic. Igitur inhea the ratulae in a senteneo hen it modifim the whole auae, an nes meres som particula notion incit. Dederis. Subjunctive in an exhortation. Wit in elevate sentimenta Cicero Meribeario Ahiean in tho aixi and noventit haptera me a comparo in linea

Fame iam plant thalam. o mortat soli, Nor in the glisis inisollSat ost in the worid, nor in broad rumor liea; But lives an aproada alost by thos pure Bysa, An parseo .itne is aliqudging Iove; Acho pronouncea laatly on ach deod, ora much samo in heaven expectah meed. 'VIII. Non esse te mortalem, sed corpus hoc. s. Tusc. I. xxii. 52 Neque nos corpora sumus neque ego G haec, cens, corpori tuo dico, et seqq. Nam quod semper movetur, aetemum est, etc. his Se

tonoesis the introductioni a quotation homine Phaedrus of Plato 51 53 extending to tho orda et aeterna est', hichia ala inserted, ith aome light variations os reading, intho Tusc. Disp. I. xxiii. pp. 28, 29ὶ See notes, Supra, p. 147. Habeat necesse est. V.4 625 B.4 202. n. IX. Si . . . . emii bit foras e Fit shali male it way beyond. O thia se of thefuture consul the note οὐ minus id obti-


nebis, p. 130. Foras is an accusative sor hom an obsolete adjective forus, a, -- allied like foris, forum, foro, forma,

men, p. 131 133. In regard to the theor of the purgationos guili fovis, of Virgil, Aen. I. 35- 51. O the senti,

ment of the passage Idque ocius ariet. . . . mertuntur, os Tusc. Disp. I. XXX. 72, supra, p. 38, and a fragmen stom the De Consolatione, preserve by Lactantius: meo enim omnibus iidem illi sapientes arbitrati sunt eundem cursum in caelum patero. Nam vitiis et celeribus contaminatos deprimi in tenebras atque in coeno jacere docuerunt casto autem animos, puros, integros, incorruptos, bonis etiam studiis atque artibus expolitos, levi quodam et facili lapsu ad deos, id est, ad naturam sui similem pervolare. V Ompare iam, the extract iram the Hortensius, supra, P. Viii.

The fame spiritis litoris scepticism hic gave riserioth great controvers in therias halficentur on in autho alii os the poema of Homer has attached the genuinenem oftho omnium Scipionia. uhnhaest, a German scholar, published some articis in 182o, in hichae maintaine that this ream in no the composition o Cicero, ister a a holem in an considerable pari, ut a Writie by omo rhetoricianis, great talent. The argumenta os thia heretio, however, have been abi an triumphanti resuted by oserin his editionis tho De Re Publica, p. 510 51I.


urge regarding the miseriem hic attend the olose of pr tracte lise Tho seu principia objections aro state and relate in regula auccession It is held that id ago iamretched I. Becaua it incapacitate me sor activo uatinem 2 Becauserit rendera the od seobis a Beeauae it deprive themis the Hoymentis almos est pleraurea; 4. Becauae it heriada the ear approach os deast. The finistre are et by producin example of many illustrio

personages in hom id age a no attende by an os theas evila, b arguin stat aucti privationa ars no reia, butimaginar missortuites, and that, i the relisti sor ome pleam urea a tost oster delights of a more destrabie an substa


CHAP XXI. 201tia character are subatituted. The lauri objectio is n- countered stili more oldly by an eloquent declaratio that the clites happines of old age in the yes of a philosopherariaea fram the convictio that it indicate inemea approachof the period when the foui ahail be released rom ita deba ing connectio Mith the ody, and enter unsettere upo the patha os immortality. V Smithya Dict. r. and Rom. Blog.

plaint, stat deast aliould either o ulteri despised is it

Mings annihilation, or even destred, is it leada io immortal- ity, pro ed is state more preciael his own vlew of ita enecta, in the passage here presented. r. ccordin tomand a contracte sorm f uare, whiin is tael contracte stom erui old form quoihrei. Ab ea proprius Thia peculiar se os prope, propriuε, proxime combined Mith ab iamo infrequent.

Sed credo .... constantia. For the sentiment, L. Cic. de Nat Deor. II. xiv. 3 Ipse autem homo natus est ad mumdum contemplandum et imitandum. Ibid. vi. 140: DiiJ

primum homines Phumo eaecitatos celsos et erectos constituerunt, ut deorum cognitionem caelum intuentes capere possent. Sunt enim e terra homines, non ut incola atque habitatores, sed quasi spectatores superarum rerum atque caelestium, quarum

specta tum ad nullum aliud genus animantium retinet D Leo. I. ix. 26: Nam quum ceteras animantes natura ab cisset ad pastum, solum hominum erexit, ad caelique quasi cognationis domiciliique pristini conspectum eaecitavit. Acad.

De Sem. ix. 66, 67 miserum senem, qui mortem contemnendam esse in tam longa aetato non viderit quae aut plano negliganda est, si omnino exstinguit animum, aut etiam optanda, si aliquo eum deducit, ubi sit suturus aeternus. Atqui tertium certe nihil inveniri potest. Quid igitur timeam, si aut non miser post mortem aut beatus etiam suturus sum t V


Π. xli. Ir Ea enim animorem ingeniorumque naturale quoddam quasi pisu α sideratio contemplatioqin naturae. Er gimvir, elatiores feri ridemur, humana despicimus, cogitantes supera atque caelestia haec nostra in exigua es minima coni mnimias. Senee Cons. ad Helv lii ci Animrum contemptiuorem

scientiam postulans Sehitta. Hare Platonis fere Thrae are the principia arguments of Plato. mecfere formula eat, qua utitur ia, qui plurima et potiora dixisse vel exposuimo se declarat. V and a Turael. II. p. 700. Some oditora rea Haec Plato noster ae qui ais reacripaerunt, minime meminerunt, Catonem his, non Ciceronem, loqui. rellLXXII. Apud Xenophontem Cyrop. VIII. Vii. Apud, in. Dieitur do domo et domicilio et de locis in quibus aliquia versari solet. . . . . His desumpta est formula, qua auctor alicujus libri vel dicti nominatur. Nam scriptor in libris auia quasi in domicilio habitanti ' andys Tumael. I. p. 40s.


on dum obsequimur. - Dum formatum esse mihi videtur ita, ut indefiniti temporis signo um praefigeretur de unde notio exstitit temporia ex aliquo puncto decurrentis. andyamrael. II. p. 291. Sed Sed ex se factum, propriam vim habet secludendi. . . . . Sed non opponit, sed secemit et apponit id quod distinguendum videtur. Mandya Turael. I. p. 425. Quo diutius memoriam sui teneremtis. Me and suus ina ordinate propositiona reser, nolint to the subject in theaam proposition, but also to the subject of the laudiu proposition, When the dependent proposition is state a the sent, mentis the subjecti his is alway the case With the accusative and the infinitive, it propositions hic denote theobjec os an action, it final propositiona an dependent interrogative propositiona, and wit such relative and theraubordinate propoaition as are designate by the subjunctiveas the sentiment of another party. ' Μ. 490. c. Seo Z.

tho id formos the ablative quo. t prope signification, then, is contra quo modo, quodam modo, and since thia relative idea corresponda to the demonstrative, early the ameas contra hoc modo. '' mand' Turael. I. p. 513. XXIII. An censes, etc. common sorinos direct question it ancia hen, in an argument, the apesther Alis


Habet .... modum Sili, is has certaindy ither salies orlimitation. Neque m visisse poenitet Nor via regret thala have lived. Seo the noto on in m imperii nostri poeniteret, p. Isa.

nmorandi. . . . dedit. Graeviua elisa the worda of Sen ea, Peregrinatio est visa multum quum deamlulaveris, δε--n redeundum est. And os Democrates 'O κοσρος σκηνῆ, ὁ βίος παροδος ' λθες, ιδες, ω'λθες. Catonem meum. Μ Ρorciua Cato Licinianua, tho non of