장음표시 사용
DE BELLO GALLICO, LIB. IV. 105LATl NE RESPONDE. XXVII 1. Unde equites solverunt 2. Cum appropinquarent Britanniae, quid accidit 3 3. Quo aliae naves reserebantur pXXIX. 1. Quid Mem nocte accidit 3 2. Quod factum nostris erat incognitum p . Quid longis navibus accidit Quid Onerariis 3 XXX. 1. Quid principes Britanniae intellexerunt 8 2. Quomodo paucitatem inlitum Caesaris cognoscebant 3 3. Clis castra angustiora eranti
XXXI. 1. Quid Caesar suspi Matur 3 2. Quid comparabat 33. Quibus ad naves reficietidas diebatur Quid emeita XΙΙ. 1. Quid spectans Caesar septimam legionem misit 32. Quid Caesari nuntiatum est 3 3. Quo prosectus est 3 4. Cum paulo longius a castris processisset, quid animadvertit 3XXXΙΙL 1. Quae Britanni in pugna ex essedis primo faciunt 32. Quo interim aurigae exc6dunt Quo consilio 3. Quae in proeliis praestant NIVERSITY
XXXVIII. l. The orini Wil have no place in hic they
DE BELLO GALLICO, LIB. IV. 107Willi silerio retreat. 2. Mi the grain os the Menapii has Meneu down by the oldiere. 3. he senate decreta a thankWivingos this Hars for these successes. LATl NE SORlBE. XXXIV. Although the comingis Caesar caused ur me torecove hom heir eanaetine thought it Was notis avorabie timela comin to an action, and ted his soldiem ac into camp. While in s ere holding the Romans in camp, messengera,ere sent in very directio by the barbarians, and a large ore os insanir and malo a collected in orde to obtain boot auddrive the Romans homine fland. XXXV. XXXVI. When the enem hin come in the camp, Caesar re u his legion and a ut thin horsemen, and oinedbaule Aster a great many os the enem laci been lain and thela bulldings et on ire, the sent ambassadors to Caesar 6 eapeace. s Caesar Was intendin to et sal a litile aster id-night he commandia the barbarians to bring the hostages ove toth continenti
XXXVII. When Caesar Was festing out sor Britain, he had lenthe Morini in a state os eam, ut influeneed by the ope of junder, the noW quichb assembled. ster three hundred os ou men ad been lande hom tW of the transpori hips, they
XXXVIII. Quintus iturius an Lucius Cotta lald Waste alltheriam os the enapii an burne their dwellings,aut bemusethemen ii ad idde in the woods, the led the legion into
inter quartere. meminit almost ali themorini, o account of
108 IN LATINUM. the drynes os the marines, set into the poWer o Labienus, hoha been sent against them it the legions hic had Menbrought baccho Britain. LATl NE RESPONDE. XXXIV. 1. Quid nostros perturbavit 8 2. Quae compi es dies secluae sunt 3 Quem exitum habuerunt 3 3. Quae interim barbari fecerunt ZXXXV. 1. Nonne Caesar hostes effugitum esse arbitratus est 32. Quid tamen secit 3 3. Nonne hostes terga verterunt 3 Quae equites racsirunt pXXXVI. 1. Qui eodem di ad Caesarem venerunt 3 2. Quomodo Caesar eos rec6pit 3 3. Quando solvit 4. In quo statu 'ad continentem naves pervenerunt ZXXXVII. 1. Quid effecit ut orini nostros circumsisterent p2. Quid nostri fecerunt 3 3. Qui auxilio nostris venerunt 3 Quid evenit 3 XXXVIII. 1. Quo Labienus missus est Quando Quibuscum 3 2. Nonne orinos Icit 3 3. Num enapii victi
sunt 3 ulire 3 4. Quid de obsidibus ex Britannia Caesar dicit p5. Quid de supplicatione Caesar diei 3