In latinum. (Pensa in latinum sermonem vertenda). For academies and high schools

발행: 1890년

분량: 133페이지


분류: 미분류


76 IN LATINUM.LATl NE RESPONDE. XII. 1. Quoties aestus se ex alto incitat s. Quo Veneti sua omnia deportabant L a. Quae nostras naves detinebant ΘXΙΙΙ. . Cli Venetorum naves actae ex robore sunt p2. Quibus pro filis si sunt 3. Cur nostrae eorum navibus rostro nocsire non poterant ZXI P. 1. Cum hostes classem viderent, quid fecerunt 2. driel ex nostris navibus commode adigi non poterant 3 3. Quid nostri alcibus praeaelitis Rcerunt ZXV. I. in barbari fuga salutem petierunt 3 2. Quid tranquillitate evenit 3 3. Quaene hostium naves ad terram pervenerunt Z



o. 199 Remar 2 and 559, Remais Η. 537 l, and 502, 1.LATl NE LOQUERE. XVI. 1. Caesar finished the war illi the hole ea-coas by the batile it the Veneti. 2. The Veneti hin collected into ueplace at their ouili an ali os more advaucet age. 3. Caesar decide that he must punis them very severeb. 4. he Willbe sol into simery. XVII. 1. While a ope os tunder a calling a great multitude hom dati labor, Sabinus,as collectinihi sorces. 2. Whilehe was holding himself in a convenient place ou soldier censuredhim someWhat. 3. Η thinhche ought notrio fio When that oneis absent Who holiis the clites command. XVIII. 1. Sabinus established a reputation sor coWardice. 2. he assertio os in deserter has urge themavis to this measure. 3. hei leader permitte them to fili the rencheso the Roman wit lagois an brushWood. XIX. 1. he Roman collecte an arme themselves in astitile time a possible. 2. he burdens hic Were carrie encumbere the enemy. 3. While the states ere surrendering to Titurius, Caesar insorme him concerning the navalisngagement.

Us a superlative.


nolint ali the outh, but also thos os more invince age su rendere themselves an in thei possession to Caesar. In ordertha barbarians mira in future more carescit respectast right os ambassa Iors. Caesar decide that he would ut o deat ali thesenate os the Veneti. XVII. Viridovix, ho uled ver the Venelli, into hos territor Quintus iturius Sabinus ad come had collected a large and poWersul arm hominii the states hic had revolted, and hinbeencioine by the Aulerci Eburovices, and the Lexovii milethese ere closing thei gates, aurea multitude os obber Wasassembling, ho ere calle out os Gaul by a hope os piunde and destre os mari Sabinus di no stin a lieulanant ouis to otmith a large arm os the enem exceptis ver favorabie round ;aud so although Viridovix dati gave him an opportunit to figlit,andae a no onis' est lishin among the enem a reputationsor coWardice, but Was also salsiniinto contempt Wit ou soldiers, he held himself in camp. XVIII. A certain crast Gaul Was persuadeda Sabinus to move to the enem as a deserter, and to lay besore them the ea os the Romans He informed inem stat Caesar Was harassed by difff- culties in the war With the Veneti, and that Sabinus as intend- in to leta his arm secreti out os campis the nex night and to Minida Caesar. Since me usually belleve illino What they isti, ali the simul clamore that the oughtrio gorio the campis Sabinus. An so the joysuli collected sagot an brushmoodbesore the gaine permission hom Viridovicto tae M armsan hasten to the camp. XIX. simul hastened mist a great speed a possibi tothe campis Sabinus, and arrived ut os reat an encumbereda was urnishin to the enemy. it was permitted. Vide Ponsum XXII. C.


LATINE RESPONDE. XVI. 1. Quod bellum navali proelio consectum est 3 2. Nonne Caesar in Venetos gravius vindicandum statuit Z Quare 3 3. Quinmod in eos vindiesivit Z XVII. 1. Quo allanus perveni, Cum quibus copiis 3 2. tir Aulerci senatum suum intersiiserunt 3 3. Nonne Sabinus opinionem timoris praebuit Num est ignavus 8'

XVIII. 1. Quid Salanus Gallum Edocet Quo Gallus Irit 372. Qua m multa Gallos ad castra Romana ire hortabantur. 3. Quid homines ser libenter credunt 8XIX. 1. Quo consilio hostes magno cursu ad castra Romana contenderunt 3 2. Quid facere Sabinus nites iussit 3 3. Num hostes impetum tulerunt 3 4. Nonne nostri hostes consecliti sunt 35. Nonne civitates omnes se dediderunt Cui 3



aam time. 2. II summone is nam many brave me Dom

out stela generat. 2. When the Sontiates resisted vineae and toWers ere ruised by Crassus. 3. he at ne time attempteda inlly, at another extende mine to the rumpar an vineae.

that he must emplum ordinar care, sinceae must Wage arcin rismo. 3 Vide Pensum V. C.


the fame term os surrenderi

alamed. hey sent messenger in very direction, and summonedauxiliaries an letaers. Since Crassus observe that the enemyWere underishing, accordin to the customos the Roman eople, to sortis thei camp, in ander about audiloch the passes, and tocut in v troops hom supplies, hil his oWn orces, o accountos Seir seWness, could notae separatin, he thought ho ouis mi

Vide Pensum V. B. Rusem. Ablativo Absoluto. riseisit Principat Clauso.


82 IN LATINUM.LATl NE RESPONDE. XX. 1. Quo Crassus pervenit 2. Quibus Aquitania ex tertia parte Galliae est aestimanda 8 3. Ubi olosa et Narbo sunt Qui inde evocati sunt 3XXL 1. Nonne hostes consecti vulneribus sunt 3 Quid Reerunt 2. Quid ex itinere sacere Crassus coepit 3 3. Quid hostes recepti in deditionem facere iussi sunt Feceruntue id Z XXII. 1. Quid facere Adiatunnus conatus est Qui cum eo erant 2. Clamore sublato, quid inlites fecεrunt 3. Nonne Vehementer pugnatum erat Quid evenit 3

XXIII. 1. Quando Crassus abivit 3 Quo prosectus est p2. Quo barbari degatos miserunt Qui duces Heliguntur Z3. Quid in consilio Crassus tutellexit Quid Deit 8


DE BELLO GALiaco, LIB. I. 83


I. 2. D. Clauses of Characteristic aster nivi, nerua, etc. A. 320, ι

setting the passes. XXV. 1. Crassus illiso res much upo the auxiliaries. 2. he auxiliaries vili suppi siones and Winpons. 3. he Willpresent the appearance os mentisting. 4. The enem Wil sol resolutei and earlesMy. XXVI. 1. The commander of the hors animate thei men it great re ard and promises. 2. hos Who had Mendest asa guar to the cam mere o sati ed by exertion. . ur men, Willi recruite strength, Willirat very Vigomusty. XXVII. 1. me arbelli and the states voluntarii surrendered to Crassus. 2. The sarthest nations res,ngin the time otyear, ill neglectri sen hostages.


XXIV. Although the barbarians thought the could silebi hi Wit the Romans, et the considere it siler o attachthem hil depresse in spirit an encumbere o the march. When Crassus perceived this, Minus the dela os the enemyha made ur soldier more ager o vhting, he thought heought o dela no longe in Oin to the camp, an hastenedinither to the gratificationis MLXXV. Somerassexu the ditches other iure daris and droveth defender hom the Wall, and the auxiliaries supplied them Withstones an Keapons, an carrie tur to the ound. he nemylikewiseriought steadii and earlessty. While these inings eregoing on, Crassus mas informed that on the fide os the decumangat the cam ha an eas approach. XXVI. XXVII. Crassus ad the commander of the mala to lead the ou cohoris hic Wer no satigued by exertionaround by a rather longer oute les the enem Ahould se them. They arrive quichi a the sortifications o the fide os the decuman ate, destroyed these, and alte in the cam besore theenem could pliani se them. The enem havin been sur- rounde on ali fides, careel a lauri par of the were test me this batile a hear os, at the states os Aquitania 'except the sarthes nations sent hostam to Crassus and voluntarilysurrendered.

XXVIII. XXIX. At about the fame time Caesar, inlising q