장음표시 사용
DE BELLO GALLICO, DB. III 85 that he could quial finis 1 a War it themorini and Menapii, ted his arm thither. The had conveyed themselves aud ali inela
possession into larest an marshes, rom hicli the suddenlyrushed ut and made an attach upo Caesar' soldier While theyWere sortibin a camp. Caesar Uictb Move them bach into thesoresis, hic heaegan to cui doWn. 4reat space havin Mencleared in a se dvs, torm came o of such a land that the interrupte the, Eon so, since in catile os the enem and therearis stela aggag trian ere held by ou men Caesar burnedthei villages an houses, and ted his arm into inter quarters. LATl NE RESPONDE. XXIV. 1. Quando Crassus copias suas produxit 2. Ubi
auxilia consedit Quid exspectabat o. Quid hostes Reerunt ρXXV. 1. Quam speciem auxilia praebuerunt 8 2. Quomodo hostes pugnaverunt I. Qui Crasso aliquid renuntiaverunt 3 XXVI. 1. Crassus equitatuum praesectos cohortatus est, ut quid sacerent s. Quid ostendit 3 3. Quos praesecti siduxerunt 84. Quid hostes circumventi sacere intenderunt 3 XXVIII. 1. Quo Caesar suum exercitum duxit 3 Quid arbitratus est 2. Quo Galli se suaque omnia contulerant 3 3. Cum Caesar castra mnniret, quid Galli me runt ρXXIX. I. Quid Caesar sacere instituit 3 2. Ubi omnem materiam exstruebat 3. Quibus opus necessario intermittebatur p
These horderis the Rhine. 3. The Suevi osten trie in an ways orarive the Ubii rom thei territories. IV. 1. The a mach os o reat a multitude thoroughlyirightene the enapii. 2. The statione garrisons On hisside os the Rive Rhine. 3. Seout informe inemen ii sthe departur of the sermans. 4. The Germans rosse themine and elae the uildings os the enapii.
Prodieato Genitivo in a Clauso es Reavit. Vide Ponsum XXIII. D. What word of this insaning in Caesar' firet si terri
procure at a great price. he esinem it disgracem an uiamanlyto us housings, and thin that mei are rendere effeminate audenervated by Wine. III. On one fide of the Suevi a ut sis hundred miles of territor are unoccupied, and the estrem his circumstanc their greates presse as a state. O the ther fide is the large and nourishin state os in Ubii, in are omeWhat more refiniathan iners of the fame race, an are accustome to the Gallic mannem Although thos could not berarive out os thei te ritory, yet the Were rendere les poWersu an mine tributaryto the Sueri. IV. In the fame conditio as the Ubii mere the Usipetes and the encteri, ho, although the resiste die poπer os the Sueviso many years, ere evertheles Misen rom thei possessions, and Wandere about in many places os Germany so three ears.
What conjunction l Is a negativo proposition is follomoda an assirmative, in Whic ino
88 IN LATINUM. Τho eam a las to the Rhine, but themen ii prevente them
rom crossing. Since the Were unable either i us violencem tocros secretly the pretende to return home Haring proceededa ourne os three Mys the returne in ne night and astersiving the enapii an selain their hips, the crosse the Rhine. V. Because the Gavis ere ficti in sormini plans, Caesar en-truste nothinito them. In thei to iis, a mWd Was accustomedio stan around merchanis and compei them to teli What the hadheard o learne on an subjeci. Since the traveler usuali gaverepties vitexto the whim os the Gavis, the lalter Would osten enterupon plans, os Whichahey ould necessarii repent omine pol. LATi NE RESPONDE. I. I. Ea quae seclita est, hieme, qui consules erant 2. Quae gentes Gernianorum Rhenum transierunt 3 3. Quae causa transeundi sui 3 4. Quam multos pagos Suevi habere dicebantur 3 5. Quid vestitiis locis frigidissimis habebant ΘΙΙ. 1. Quare mercatoribus erat aditus eo 3 2. Quibus iumentis Sudui di bautur ' a. Quid proeliis equos sacere assuefecerunt ZIII. 1. Quid publice maximam esse laudem putabant 2. Quid hac re significari arbitrabantur 3 3. Cur Sueri Ubiosvinibus expellere non potuerunt 3IV. 1. Quae civitates ad lignum perveneriint 3 2. Quo Μenapii perterriti sunt Quid neerunt 3 3. Quando Germani Rhenum transistrant 4. Quibus reliquam partem hiemis se aluerunt 3 V. I. in Caesar infirmitatem Gallorum veritus est 2. Quid Galli ex visitoribus quaerebant 3 3. His rebus atque auditionibus permoti, quid saepe fecerim p
VII. 1. When he was archin toWard the Germans theysent ambassadors to him. . e conses inferiorit to the Suevi,
VIII. 1. Isbo cannot defendisour Wn territories, yo cannot hol that belongin to thers. 2. he Ubii are complainingos the aggression os the Suevi, an ashing aid hom me. IX. l. he sent their aviar to the Ambivariti severa da7sago. I. The Germans are interposin a dela on this account. X. I. The istandis the Batavians is forme by the euse and Win rivers. 2. he hine divides into severa branches, and sorm many large istands. 3. Some Wild and barbamus nations live o fistes an biriis' ggs. XI. 1. He sent to thos cavato h had precede the amy, and sorbine them to vht d. Caesar ill adrance ou miles' sor
ou men ere overthroWn, and the est, pani strichen, ere put toflight. mong the event four of our cavato hille in this batile ere Us an his roster Aquitanians descende homo illustrious family.LATl NE RESPONDE. VI. I. usire Caesar ad exercitum Mallire prosectus est ρ2. Eo cum Misset, quid cognovit' a. Quo Germani pervε-nerant ρVII. 1. Quo Caesar iter sarere coepit 3 2. Cn Germani insitaliam sinerant L a. Quid a Caesare petilarunt 3 VIII. 1. Qua conditione Caesari nulla cum Germlinis incitia esse poterat ' a Cludfigati Vbiorum apud Caesarem erant pIX. 1. Quid legati.Germanorum dixerunt 2. Quid petiarunt 33. Quid Caesar respondit Z X. 1. Unde ruosa oritur Ubi est mons os us Unde 'Rhenus profluit 3 4 Α quibus insulae effectae Rhsino incoluntur 33. Quomodo Rhenus in Oceanum influit 3 XI. 1. Quid lerati magnopere orabant 2. Num id a Caesare impetraverunt 3 3. Quid Caesar pollicitus es, 4. Quid postero die sacerent pXII. 1. Quam multos equitum Caesar habebat Cli nihil
timebant 3. Nonne hostes nostros perturbaverunt Quam multi
intersecti sunt 3 A. Quid de Usanis avo Caesar dieit 3
XIV. l. e hali reac the campis the Germans besore theysee salat indight. 2. he Germans indicate thei seis by theirnois and running a M. 3. he malo Were sent tos sue therest os theseople. XV. l. he Germans ill despes os surther escape and throw stemselves into the river. 2. ear, vigue, and the Violene os the current Will vereome them. 3. Bemus the have ovorrnn the seld os me Gavis, the sea their vengeance. XVI. l. he Germans ill e ver easit induce to come into Gaul. 2. he avia ' have unite themselves to the Sigambri. 3. Ι - no right so the Germans to come into simul
Without Caesar' consent. Prodicato Genitivo. Singula number in Latin η λαι.
DE BELLO GALLICO, LIB. IV. 93LATi NE SCRIBE. XIII. Since, early on the solio in day the German princes an elder came to the campis Caesar so the ahe of excusing themselves because When the had fought pince the had os theirown accord rought o War, Caesar retoiced that he had salieninto his poWer. Becauseae thought it Wovidae the greates sollyto dela untii time might beatve to the Germans sor concertingmeasures h ordere that thei ambassatara be retianed, and linat his sordes ut os camp. XIV. He arrive at the campis the enem besore time asgium sor so in a plani seiging thei arms. Our soldier Were excited by the treacher os the precediniday, and burs into thecam so quial that the Germans panic-strichen, Were perplexed
XVI. In orde stat in Germans might ea sor their Wn property, Caesar Wishe them to know that the Roman had both the abilit and the darin in ros the Rhine. e M leamin, moreoveri that the Suevi,ere grievoues oppressing the Ubii, ho ere entreatinihi to bring ai to them, and that the aviar os the Usipetes and the Tencteri, ho hadiso been in the batile hadcrosse the Rhine and betahe themselves into the territor of the Sigambri. It was adde also that he wished the Ubii to e aseunde the fame ais Hendini os the Roman eopla, and so hedecide to eros the Rhine.
94 IN LATINUM.LATiNC RESPONDE. XIII. 1. Quid Caesar suamnae dementiae esse indicabat p2. Quibuscum ea constituta communicavit 3 3. Qui postridie eius diei ad eum venerunt XIV. 1. Quando Caesar ad hostium castra pervenit 2. Quin modo timor hostium significabatur 8 3. Quid milites nostri fecerunt 8 A. Quid pueri mulieresque Gemanorum secerunt pXV. 1. Quo Germani, cum suos interfici viderent, Iverunt 32. Quid ibi fecerunt Quare 3. Quo nites nostri se ceperunt 8 . XVI. 1. Quid Caesar sibi esse faciendum statuit 3 2. Nonne Caesar nuntios ad Sigambros misit Ut quid facerent 3 3. Nonne