장음표시 사용
Dative .ith Adjectives fide Pensum XVI. C).LATl NE LOQUERE. XVII. I. To roscine Rhine in boat is no consistent Withthe dignit os the Roman eople. 2. Although in dissiculi os bullding a bridgeris very great, et I must attemptrit. 3. air os
XIX. 1. Caesar burne ali in village of the Sigambri, and eu down their grain. I. The Suevi earne hom heir couis
96 IN LATIΝUM. that Caesar a bulldin a bridge. 3. Caesar illesea his Minyacros the Rhine to strike ea into the Germans, an to punishili Sigambri.LATl NE SCRlBE. ΙΙ. Caesar decide that to cros the Rhine in boat Was notsase. Anyso, although the width, rapidiu, and depin os the riverpresented very great dissiculi in uildin a ridge, he devise a plan. Aster the bridge a bulli, he drove in piles at a moderate distanc above it so that is the barbarians hould sen doWn stipso the trunks os trees, these defences Would diministi the orce ossuch hings. XVIII. Caesar finished the wor in tentastys, and led the amyinto the territor os the Sigambri. e demanded that hostages bebrought to hi hom severat states, hos ambassinor had comet hi ashing pince an hiendship. eanWhilo the Sigambri,upo the advice os the Usipetes and the encteri, made preparations Ariuight, and conveyed themselves an ali thei possessions out os thei territories. XIX. Caesar has learned rom the Ubii stat the Suevi have remove hom thei toWns that thei Wives an Aildre and ali their possession have been placed in the forests, and that ali ho an bear arm are assemblin in ne place. e thinks that he has accomptished ali the things, o account of whic he rossed into Germany. ccordingly, he Wil lea the arm bach into simul, and ut down the ridge. LATINE RESPONDE. XVII. 1. Quid Caesar sacere decreverat 3 Quibus de causis 32. Clu navibus transire non voluit 3 3. Quomod transire decrevit 4. Quae infra pontem oblique agebantur Quare 35. Quae supra pontem agebantur' Quare p ΙΙΙ. 1. Quando opus effectum est 2. Quid Caesar ad utramque partem pontis reliquit' a Qui interim ad Caesarem
DE BELLO GALLICO, LIB. IV. 97 venerunt Quo consilio Quomodo eis respondit 4. Quo Sigambri se abdid6runt pXIX. 1. Quid Caesar Ubiis pollicitus est 2. IIbi Susivi
adventum Romsinorum exspectAbant 3 3. Quam multos dies trans Rhenum Caesar consumpsit 4. Ad quae se satis prosectum esse arbitrabatur Z
Η. 517. LATl NE LOQUERE. . . Although sonlybaramali par os the summe remained, yet Caesar proceeded into Britain. 2. It Willae of great adrantam to the merciant to ecome acquianted Wit the istand. 3. Allthe localities, harbors, and landiΜ-places, are uisnom to the Romana. 4. I Wis to ascertain What and ho large nations inhabit Britain. XXI. 1. Caius Volusenus a sent sor aes to investigate allthings. 2. erchanis discovere his purpose, and reporte it toste Britons. 3. The influenceis Commius, hingis the Atrebates, mas in high estrem in Gaul. 4. Volusenus as Ordere in reportio Caesar What he had observin in Britain. XXII. 1. While Caesar a preparing hips, ambassadorseam so the sine os excusing themselves. 2. Caesar di notWis eliserito age maris to leave an nem Mhin him. 3. Agreat number os hostages havini en imposed the simul brought them in Caesar. 4. Sabinus and Cotta mere ordere to lea therest os in arm among the enapii. LATINE SCRlBE.
XX. Although the inter are early in Britain yetri Wil boos great Quantage to merit Doni visit the fland I cannot as-
LIB. IV. 99 certain hom merebant eister hoW large it is, o What nations i habit it, or What custom the solio in ar. heresore even is the timea insuffcient sor Waon a War, yet Pshal procre into Britain, in order stat Lmaffind out inose inings,hic are unknown to the Gavis. XXI. Caius Volusenus a sent sorWard it a galley, and Was commanded to investigat at things an to retur a soon aspossibita e returne in De Vs, and annouuce that he hadno dared is disembis and entrus himself to barbarians. ean-While, bemus ambassinor hin come hom many paris os Britain, an hin promise to submit to the authorit of the Roman people, Commius, hin os in Atrebates, a sent to the fland Wit them, to urge in Briton to continue in thali pose. I The ambasindor os themorini sal that a me un- civillae and unaequainted With the Roman customs the had made War, and promised that the would ove a large number o ho inges me these ere brouot Caesar received them luto his protection, becauseae dii not Wis to leave an enem bellin him. He collecte an prepare transport hips, assigne eighteen to the cavato, and the est to the lieulanant sor transporting the
LATl NE RESPONDE. . . Clis Caesar in Britanniam proficisci contendi 82. Quos ad se Caesar vocavit 3 3. Quid de insula ex eis cognoscere voluit 4. Num quidquid reperire poterat ZXXI. 1. Quem Caesar praemittit Quo consilio 2. Qui interim ad Caesarem venerunt 3 Quid polliciti sunt 3 3. Quem Caesarina cum iis in Britanniam insit 8 4. Quid facere Commius imperatus est 3XXII. 1. Clis Caesar in his locis morabatur 2. Qui eo tempore ad eum sinerunt Quo consilio 3. Nonne Caesareos in fidem recepit Qua conditione 4. Quomodo legiones ad Britanniam transportlitae sunt 3 5. Quis portum tenere iussus est r
set sad 2. Neapons couldae throwndro the tops os the mountians pon ille hore. 3. Caesar commande that at things edone o the instant.
Ablativo of Accompaniment. ride Pensum α. D. Ablativo Absolute.
DE BELLO GALLICO, LIB. IV. 101XXVII. 1. Commius, the trebatian ha been elae and thrown into chain by the Britonia . The aised that Caesar Would pardon this actis account of their ignorance. 3. Hostages Were immediates summone hom the more remote localities. LATl NE SCRIBE. III. Caesar reachin Britain a a ut en 'cloch, ut re- malae a anchor untii three, Minus this a is no means a fit place so disembarring Aster he had shom to the lieuienanis and tribunes Whatae Vishe to e done heriound both Win and tide favorabie at the fame time. Since the orces of the enemymere dram the hirae places, he eighed anchor and proce in about seve miles surther. XXIV. When ine barbarians leamin the designis Caesar, theysent omard thei cavato an charioteerario prevent our soldierstro disembarring soldiem could statio their hips onbi dee Water, the localities ere strange, and the armor Was ery heava moreove the had inde the hips, get a Motin in the water, and vht Wit the enem at the fame time so that theymere dismayed by these circumstances. XXV. When Caesar ordere in galleyctoae stationed omine in flan os the enemy, he ho bore the e te os the tentii legionenco Vediu men and thre himsel into the ea. Sine theenem hiared, and soon reueate a litue, ou soldiers havin supplicatin the gods, at leape hom the hips an performe ineladut to the genera and ais to the commonwealth. XXVI. When the enem noticed that ou men could not et a firma ting noraee thei ranks, some attached thos comini romine hipsisne by one oster surrounde thos solioWing the standatas me this a noticed soldier filled the hae an soboata, and wentis a relie to those homine in in distress.
VII. M oon a the enem remuere aster thei flicti, the sent ambassadorario see Mace. ogether Wit in ambas-sMors the sent ac Commius, the Atrebatim, hom the had thrown into hians, although he came to them in the characteros an enuoy. he iam os this ac Was thrown po the multitude, and the ambasindor asked that Caesar ould pardo their imprudence. e complaine Minus the had Mought on arWithout cause, an demande hostages, a pari os homoere
LATl NE RESPONDE. XXIII. 1. Quid Caesar equites sacere iussit 3 2. Quando Caesar Britanniam attigit a. Quamdiu in ancoris exspectavi, XXIV. 1. Quos barbari praeissirunt ρ Quo consilio 8 2. Quaemnitibus simul facienda erant 3 3. Quomodo quibus rebus affecti Sunt ρXXV. 1. Quae barbaros permoverunt ρ Quid Eeεrunt
2. Quid ille, qui decimae legionis aquilam serebat, dixit 8 Quidsdeit I. Quid Romani liniversi fecerunt
XXVI. I. Quid Romani sacere non poterant ρ Quomodo assiciebantur 2. Quae militibus complεri Caesar iussit 3. Quae nostri, simul in arido constitεrunt, fecerunt ρXXVII. 1. Qui ad Caesarem sinerunt Quare 2. Quis una cum iis venit Cur antea reversus erat 3 3. Nonne Caesar imprudentiae ignovit Unde pars obsidum arcessIta est 3
DE BELLO GALiaco, LIB. IV. 103
104 IN LATINUM.LATl NE SORlBE. XXVΙΙΙ. XXIX. In Mur Mys after Caesar came into Britain, a violent stom Mose, hic Move ome os the hips to the lowerpartis thesisland an othersiae to aut That the time os suilmoon cause ver hiis ides as unknown in Caesar, o he had dram the gallus o the beata, an anchored the transportsh s. Because any os the hips ere rected, and there Wasa lactis ali things hic Were os service sor repatring them, thesoldiere Were greatly disturbed. XXX. XXXI. Bemus the legion hin been transportia With-οut aggage, the eam os Caesar a quite narroW. When the Briton perceived this, and ascertainin the confusion os ou amy on account of the lossis their ships, the made a conspiracy and gradually Withdre homine eamp bemus the trusted that th could cut o the Roman hom supplies Caesar, suspecting that the barbarians ere conferring together. began to repat the hipsandrio bring grain hom in counto into the camp. so, sinceste soldiere carried ut his directions it in greatest eal hebrono it about that he was prepare sor Ver emergen . XXXII. Whil a pari os the Briton Were remianing in thecountry, and the event legio ha been sent ut o sorage, it Was announctario Caesar stat hos Who ere a guar hin Men agreater dust stan was usual in that direction here the legion hinproceiaed. Η immediates marche in stat direction it ivo cohoris, and observed that the legion a croWde together, and
was it dissiculi holdiniit ground. XXXIII. t appene hom dias practice stat the Britons
ere able to chea thei horae When a sui speed, and mage and turn them. When the had ridden about in very directionandarohen the ranks the woae themselves among the quad-rons and te in hom thei chariois. Sine the charioteres locatinthe chariot at aditu distanee hom the baule, so that the oldiera