장음표시 사용
Northumberland's rebellion, an fled withaim into Scottan in 1 405 andae remaine true t Omen' cause for the est of his life Wylle, Henry the Fourth, ij. 10). The date of his deat is uncertain. Anepitaph in the hape of the infirmar of the abbenos St. Victor of Paris is sal to mar the place of his burial But accordinito Bromne illis L Neve Fasti, i. 70ὶ the ord of the inscriptionare Iohannes episcopus Hereford, in Wallia, qui obiit anno Domini 1410 dio Veneris, 10 mensis Aprilis.' his reading, hoWever, is differenti given by Bradley, Owen Glynd- 299, hora oes nos quote his authority Johannes episcopus Asaphensis in Wallia, qui obiit A. D. 1410 die secundo mensis Aprilis V The eo a filio in 1411 by tho appotniment of Rober of Lancaster, ho a probabi theabbot of Vallo Crucis mentioned by Adam, sorte seem to have been connecte mit that housse, an existin charier of his einidatod there L Neve i. 1). Adam a no doub personali aequainted mitharovaur, and heris curiousty precise in his statument of the placeand dat of his death. ut Whateve the res of the statemen maybe orth, the fac that the se mas fille in 1411 and nos fili honsuem to substantiate the date of 1410 as the ear of Trouaur' death; and 1412 in tho texi may be oni a clerical error. Tho monaster of St. Bartholomemos Eeckhout an early found tion, hic mas demolished in 1798.
But at last through the prayers of aint Thomas of