장음표시 사용
Very frequent use is made of the gerundive or participie indus. Whatever dotibi may exist as to iis grammatical form, asregards a Latin prescription it is always a passive participle, and trealed as an adjective. No word seems leSs underStOOd by a student. Heiace the solio ving samiliar illustrations are subjoined:- I. M. R. pil. ij. hora Somni sumend. Misce fiant pillita driae hora somni sumendae. Mix and male mo silis, Io te falen at bessime. 2. M. st. gargar. Saepe in die appl. Misce fiat gargarisma, saepe . in die appli Candum. A and maὰe a gurgite, O be a lied oseu daib. 3. M. it. ung. quotidie appl. Misce fiat unguentum quotidie applIcandum.' MLX and male an Oin mat, Io be applied i ii
6. Pulv. O. m. repetend. Pulvss omni mane repetenduS.
The ingredient in a prescription is put in the genitive be- cause it depends on the substantive whicli states the quantity.
stood by the Englisti term possessive.' When tivo Substantives Come together having a relation to each other, that whichmariis ille relation or possession is put in the genitive; as, Tinctura gingIberis, tincture regi er. SpirItus camphorae, spirit os camphor. The Words tinctura and spiritus might occur in an indefinite series ; but the words gingIberis and camphorae stio v the Substances by whicli they then happen to be possessed, and in relation to whicli they stand; heiace they are both genitive. An adjective may or in V not agree with the genitive, as thecase may be, and when the adjective is in a contracted sortia it must caresully be added to iis right noun. Hence, Sp. ammon.
arom. m Spiritus ammonsae aromatscus : it is the aromatic spiritos ammonia, not the spirit of aromatic ammonia.
This is best seen in an old preparation the SpirItiis am-m6nIse laudus. Ammonia could not be described as setid. The spirit is rendered so by asaselida.
flavae: sor it is the tincture os yello v bark, not the yello intincture os barii.
The ablative case is most frequently translated by tu, H ormith. Many preposition S goveria this case, as e used besorea consonant), ex sused besore a Vo vel), de, Cum, and pro. Some verbs as utor LusH, langor I perform), fruor I ens F), vescor I ea ), potior Iget possession of)-goveria the ablative, and the Englisti idiom must be used in translation. Opiis and usus, denoting necesSity or Convenience, take the ablative. The ablative absolute constantly occurs in preScriptions. It is reatly the absolutus ablativus absolvere, to ut fre), andis so called because it stands by itself, and is releas ed stom alirule but iis OWn. In iis firsi and ordinary sorm it is a substantive combinedwith a participie in the ablative; as, Urgente dolore, mrien sain is Iroublesonae. Vomstu sinito, pomi ing bring iste id his case seems constantly to prove a dissiculty in Caesar's Commentaries; but iis construction may be Sho vn by the sol lowing method. Tahe a Chapter in De Bello GallIco, an linark out every ablative absolute in a sentence, So as not toobscure the print, and the passage Will beco me intelligibie. The ablative absolute in one sense is an interpolation, or aremarii that may be put in bracheis. It adds to the sorce, theexactness, and the explanatory character of the sentence, butfeldom interseres With the generat Sense. I. st. Pulv. o. m. absente febri repetend. Misce fiat pulvIs, omni mane, abSente labri repetenduS. Mix and nia ea pota der, to be repealta epery mo ling, δεῖ rbeing absens; or, m/en ferrer is absen . Absente febri is in the ablative absolute Case.
LATIN PRESCRIPTION S. Another substantive or an adjective may be substituted sorthe participle; as, Auctore Herodot6, Herodorus heing the aut mr on the auiliori ty os Herodotus). Vivis fratrIbus, .hile his trothers mere alive. D. V., Deo volente, a phrase constantly used by the devovi, is a true ablative absolute. Caeteris paribus, a colloquial expression other things being equal), is another. NOTE.-LI, meaning in,' governs the ablative; but is, meaning into, governs the accusati Ve. ThuS,In partibus tribsis, IN Gree paris. In partes tres, INTO Gree sarti. In chartis tribus, IN Grees 'S. In pIlulas tres dissidenda maSSa. 2 e mass Io be dipi fed ΙΝΤΟ three 'ED. In prsorem risis partem multa retulimus.
me have put bara manF Mings into tu fissi par . EXPRESSION OF TIME.
Time when V is put in the ablative Case ; as, A. U. C., anno
ci ty); hora somni, at bestime; nocte maneque, ni hi and Inorm C. Time how long, V or duration os time, is put in the accusative : Quadraginta annos vixIt, he Iised for9 1ears. The differetice belween time When V and duration os time V is distinctly marhed in prescriptions : Sumat partem sextam omni quarta hJra, tale a statis part-When Z At vhat time Θ ' Answer: mery furta kour: thereire omni quarta lidra is in the ablative. Sometimes this rule is disregarded in medicat prescriptions, but an error iS in Consequence Committed. Ve meet with: CapIat cochleare amplum sariem honequartam. -Wheu is the fabi goonsul Io te faleni Answer:
Ihis nigri' and D-morrois at Me fame flour ; singulis noctibus hora somni, merF nigni at beae me. Time when ' is also expressed in the ablative with a preposition; as, Saepe in die, osen, OUFI so, bis vel ter in dIe, mice or urice a d . Ρersistat dIes tres in usu pilularum, continue De use of the pilis. How long Θ sor What duration os time Θ Answer: Three dux Theresore, dIes tres must be in the accusative. Per, through, mean ing during, takes an accusative: Ρeraisquod tempus sepositum, lata aside for Some time; per duas horas, for imo hours; per nychila emerum, for Men F urhours sa nigrat and a du). .
The adjective agrees With iis substantive in gender, number, and case. Ali Wordy used as adjectives folloW the Same rule.
I ATIN PRESCRIPTIONS. Parti dat.) assectae, Io the asinuessari. Partibus affectis, Io the a ected faris. In the translation of prescriptions a certain amount os elegance should be cultivaled, but never at the expense of CorrecineSS. Thus, bIs vel ter dIe, should be rendered, ix aceor uree Ilmes a di or, Imice or thrice a da I. Alvo adstricta, should be translate J, heu Me bomeis are conflueri In practice the present of the Conjunctive is elegantly translated by the imperative. ThUS,-
is best translated, not, Let him, or, let the salien tale, but, Tu e Those Who would supplement grammatical rules by exerci Ses, cannot do beller than tahe the Latin Pharmacopoeia I,ondinensis,' together With Philli ps' translation of the fame. Bytranslating stom one to the other, and comparing the Workdone, With the originals, great progress may be Obtain ed. The dissiculty experienced in deciphering autograph pr scriptions Can only be Surmounted by practice. Grammaralone is not a sum cient guide to the mysteries os indistincthandreri ting.
Mittg-veri, active, imperative Inood, Secolad person singular, With accusative of the objeci. Sp. ether. Chlor. enitive Case, being described and translated by the word os. VPj. must be the accusative go verned by MPI S. git. XXX. may be rendered in t vo ways, either Sumat
guttas XXX. , Or Sumantur guttae XXX.
LATIN PRESCRIPTION S. IOIt woti id stand ira stili grammatical construction thias, Mitte GuttaS
Triginta Then ive haVe, Mitte, Spiritus etheris Chlorici, uncias duas;
mund in the Prescriptions. For rules of agreement, gOverninent, and ConStruction, consuli the Granimar, sanim. Englisti Translation at page a16.
R Sarsa parillae JamaicenSis radicis Concisae et ContUSM, 3ijSS. Aquae destillatae, LXXV. Misce et macera per horaS xij., deinde coque leni calorg ad
R Ext. opli, gr. l partes. Pil. hydrargyri, gr. iv. EXt. Cascarillae, gr. iij. Contunde sImul et divIde in pil. no duas. Sumantur prodosi hora ix'' vesperi haC nocte atque CraS eadem hora. Mitte Ν' iv. R Potasui carbonatIs, 5j.