장음표시 사용
in in aucti a connection mustae rendere U OVer. '
Indirect Dis urSe. 4. 12. Nam a . . . interituriun thera ech of iltiades asis impliod by hortllina eat henco the uso of mooda. Frequently. iere, quotation are introduce Without tho ver of saying, etc. being expressed the contexi and the constructionis indirect discourae making the meantng sufficienti clear. 13. tra portarat, bein an explanator remarcof epos', an no par of the quotation is in tho indicativo instea of tho subjunctiVΘ.aI intoriasot tho classis condition to hicli his icto boassigne icto bo learno from the ense of fore. In generat, When there is doubi about classi ying a conditional sentenco the conclusion apodosishmili fumis the means os determinincit. 15. GraecI in apposition it VI. genero ablative os specification. 17. Ponto roaelaad the ablativo absolute hould ardIreverbo translatea litorally Here emplora conditionat clauso.
orati and oligarchic states of Greece Were it en emies.
m. para ho sat nobis ) defino byritia tenerant an in contrast Wit multitudini. Both aro datives alter Uoduo. A. 227 B. 187, ΙΙ, a G. 346 H. 385 sqq.
21. -msia imperii: supremo authori ty. 23. quo se noto on Ponte, LIII, 4 l. 17. MII, an notremo, is it antecedent, eoauserat Was o his alet an notmeret that of the Persia empire that tho tyranta' o ordepended. The fame hin is prove by the relativo positionos Darmandaggno. 6. 28. oonaossa notico the derivation. Translate, since omany Were in the secret.' PAGR 7. - 2 cuina ratio taI translato a though GaIai ratio. IV. I. 6. hortantinua macis: at the earnest solicit tionis his friends. ' Compare the notes III, 4,l. 17, and 6, l. 28. religaret: se note on muBrent, LI s,l. 2.9. Peditum . . . equitum A. 98, e B. 80, 5 G. 95,3 H.
I, l. s. 6. . tanto uia . . . Humini A. 250 B. 223 G. 403; H. 423 Nere so much superior in tho enomyi in alaur.' 'VI. 1. 12 cuina translato by a demonstratiVo. victoriae limit praemium. 13. quo ut eo. noto on LV, 4,l. 2 eo).14. Quem emphatici position. s. 20. talia translate foras to bring out theride os quality, no quantity This is the kin os honour Whic Wassaid. Poecile Gree ποικίλη), lainted, ' the nam applied tothat great hallis Athens hic mas adorned by the ainter Polygnotus With frescoes of the batile osmarathon. It was in this bulldin that tho schoolis philosophors et callo StoicS,from tho factis thei assembling in his atoa Gree στοά), orcolonnade. 21. ligna Marathonia Latin usually, as here, reser an adjective, heu possibie, to a limitin genitiis.
7. OI ara: eomparemuris ot solvont 'anx insolvont 'in financiat mattera. VIII. I. 10. crimine Parili instrumentia ablative. Pros cute unde the chargo concerning Paros. V Comparo tho notB
adulFacentiae. The pronoun Ie regularly achere, refers Otho principat person or thing of the preceding senteneo. 6. anteferfitur clausos of rosul tollo Oxpressiona os attaim ment those of purmae, expressiona Whic aim ut attaining that which the purpos clauso describes. s. 7. ordiendus Nepos say he must e, ' instea of tholes condensed, ahe stor of his lito mustio, ' etc. s. duxit ac in mEtrimonium. 10. Qui cum henio'; never, ,ho, When he.
parentibua thia dative os agentisho A that tho disapproValsol by the parent of Alcibiades, Involuntary, resulting romthei interest in hat he id, a though, should translato did not commen himself in the yes of his parenta V .hilotho ablativo ol agent Would impi that the deliberatot passed Judgmen on his conduci - Wa no approVed by his parenta. 11. Uberius A. 93, a B. 240, 1 G. 297, 2 Η. 444, 1.
PAGE 13 - s. 1. - rofors to eontum ua. 3. eoiana notio that aeruing . Would no describo thoactionis Themistoclea, Mea erit ma dono voluntarit an forhisim benent. 4. contionem tho Ecclesia, o Publio Assembly, at Athens; .hic Was ita mos poWertu legislative ody, and composed nolit electe representativea, but os allisltigens Tho right of spearing in ita meetinga Wa ope to ali iis members. . . quae A. 243, e remark B. 218 2, a G. 406 H. 414, note 4. 7. gerendis: contrasto Wlt exobgitantua l. 5.10. Quo motum eat ut a favourite modo os introducta a clauae of result. II. I. 2. RPBaaonusto A. 296 B. 339 G. 428 H. 543 544xoI publicae heremo A the state, AEut iublici tueas. 13. bono coronaeo: an historicia error. Praetor A. 176, b B. 168 G. 205 and 206 Η. 362 and II. 15. reliquo tempore: for at timerio come . s. 16. metiana: Athenia money the standar throughout Greec on account of ita puri ty, a coine from silver obtaine at Laurium, in Southern Attica The mines ero very rich, and o ne by the state. 17. Iargitione magiatrfituum: se note onmiltiades VI, 4,
18. Popum A. 227 B. 187 G. 346 Η. 385.
The dativo is use With this classis verba to hoW that their locis aremo meret actedispo in the manne describo by the verb. ut hau some intereat in the action.
an IV. 21. ob relera, as osten, to tho actionis the procedin sen
8. facerent A. 334 B. 300 G. 467 H. 519. Deliberantibua translate, to tho queationers V no thos question in g, ' a formis expression toto avoided).9. munirent a the ansWer of the oraclo as racticali a command respondit ahes alter it the purpose-subjunctive. 7. 10. quo alaret literalty in What direction his oraclo had strength. Translate A What the force of the oracle Was.' 12 eum . . . ligneum orde for translation, eum enim mitrum 1igneum a deo ignino iis olim enim aso H1um murum 1igneum qui si deo ignificaretur. 8. 14. superiores those hicli the had besore. 16. arcem the Acropolis, hic besides ein tho citadeIbore severat of the principat temples. 17. Procuranta cf. notem tuendR,miltiades III. 2, t. 6.18. reliquum: A. 193 B. 241 G. 291, remar 2 Η. 40, notea 1 and 2. m. I. 19. Ivitatibus cf. note on populo Ι, 2, t. 17.20 dimicari verba uae impersonalty have thei sub eo in themselves Translate, for the batilo toto fought. 22. qui in ut ei. Dis generali more idiomati to introduce Purpos clauses sinapi mitti to. 23. vim usuali mean force in the singular, ant strength of Ody), a me a Upomers, ' in the plurat. 24 auatinuerunt: in Englis me liould say could not
Leonidas an his me occupie a narro pass, hic theyheld against the erstans, unti a ratior hoWed the enem apath by hic the coulduas around an attac the Gree
2. 25. communia: Greeco as madoramo aisnmber of ino pendent an osten hostilo statos. The combinod hoWeVer fordolance against tho Persian. PAGE 15 - 2. ἔ. y What partieles Would a negativo clauso os resulti introducet 2 3. 4. Ioco: Iocus is very frequently used in the locative ablati v Without a preposition). Such expression are relica of the oldor usage of the language. IV. I. 11. nimis . . . Mordotibus ablatives absolute. s. 13. niua . . . Rudorent translate in the fosso ingorder:
nεre non auderent.14. domos: Egularly as here, omit preposition it the accusative os limit. 16. unus - 161us. uni Braos translato so acto mali a prope contrast With disper o .Pares malchrior.
s. 19. Quem translate alter moVeret, and a though hunc.