Selected lives

발행: 1895년

분량: 249페이지


분류: 미분류


3. tuendo A. 299 and 234 B. 338, 2, a, and 192 G. 429 ano 359 Η. 541, II, and 391.5 taeerant in the indirect dis urso, command Rr Expressed by the subjunctive.1oeo se note onso Io, V, 2, 1. 17.

VII. I. 12. quam A. 93, b B. 240, 3 G. 303 H. 170, 2, 2 .


os the matter.

aud auua like ab generali referario tho subjectis the lead-




10. Padmun: sed here, a frequently Rarandirect reflexivo, to refer in a subjectisther tha that of the principia clauso aB,on tho contrary ina. 10, retem to the main subjeci, Themistoclea. 12. Misere: no receive, V Whichris generalino remed by Recipere, Whil recipere has the idea os recoverino fomething

12. F. refers to Themistocles. 13. Mo1oallum: . 40, e B. 25, 6 G. 33, 4 Η. 52, 3. Thoriolossiana ero the stronges of tho tribes hic inhabitod Epiriis, or orthmostem Graece One of thei lator hinga, Pyrrhus, ho made Warin the Romans.14. hospitium in early times, When ali strangera more t hedo as nemies, travellers in foreim landa mere no sat unleas protocto by the hospitalit of aome native of the country. Tosecure this protectio or hospitium themtia toto recommendodio thei hostisitherin the scor of previous acquaintanc o bya mutua friend. hemistocles, notiaring this right too thomeasuros in ensuro his Aasely describe in the text.





PAGA 23. - 1. Pinari re uae in amo aenae in VIII, 4, 1. 20. 6. 2. EePulin cf. p. 22 l. 21. Hic dy Would avo been interre a Magnesia, immediatoly after his death, thon disim terred, and taken to Athona. 3. Proditionia tho crimo of Whle onoris condemne mando put oithor in the gonitive or tho ablative. 4 memoriae prodidit has informedia.

I. I. . Themiatoin somnoto on Neoin Themistocles, I, I,

Principalli a position nearly akln to that of the Ioador os a dominant politicaliartyrin Englanxor Canada only from thooxtremo democrac of tho Athenia constitution it di notist necessi Involve holding an particular public office.



5. . ragitimam so noto on Ostraciam, Themistocles, HILI, I. 3. s. quam tor Post m. II. I. 11. Pugnae dativo after intransitivo commund of inter Salamina is tho Groe formis tho hir doclension


PAGE 26. - Ι. I. 3. Bonum so themistorical Introduetion. s. 5. id objectis eo ac lina ait. 6. virilito stud this mord. In l. 2 it meant V merit V or Worthi; horo, bravery, ' that is, mantvlness, Ita originalmeaning CT also raefatio 1 in tua virilitibua, V Wheroicis equivalent to ioint of excellence. immodoatia moueatua means observin a modus, Himit. Honce immodeati is applicabie to the laxityi discipline herodescribed. 7. Moto: hen audio means obey, It takes the dative. imperMoris , ein lem closely connecte Wit audie gathan dicto, may be classine as dative os reference ranslato lilio a genitive. s. Quo moto soatquam igitur id factum eat. 3. 12. in insirimam odium Graeciae Pervenerint: on forthemselves the mos bitteriatre o Greeco. 4. 15 impotentam . . . Tetringerint: irea in pisces thoonfeebled poWer of the Atheniana. 'ohe batile of Aegospotami practicali ende Athenia supremacy but the folloWing meas-ures of Lysander ere intende to proveu any oasibilit os

Athena reviving. 18. Ivitato the member of the Delian Linguo. 19. cum . . . simularet: although heuretended. V Thoobject of the Spartans acto crus tho pomor of Athens, notnecessariinto acquire her territory.



futurum ut . . . an erontur: his poriphrasis for the futuro infinitive passive is far more commoti than the supine With ITI. The lalter Would properi mean movement Wa o Ioo toruin him, 'thoras of Iri correspondin totur Aloing to. The last par of this hapter has been lost; ut homothoraources meano that the Spartans annoyed by Lysander' mi rute, decide to tak away his poWor over the subject cities. m. I. 18. ii the ephors. 10. Quo dolore translato, Achagri at this. m. tolloro the expression inutio ilicis equivalent to comatituit, sor instance, hic Would take a complementam infinitive. ut it ould have been more usual o say, Gnauis to11onae. 23. Primum se note o Themistocles VI, 6, l. 2. s. 24 Dodonaeum ac ora 1- : a famous oracle of Zeus in Epirus, though nolino reno ne a that o Apollo a Delphi. The petesta of the oracles Wore in a position to have extrao dinar knowledge of evenis in ali paris of the Worid, and thus exercise a pomorsu politica a mel a mora an religious influenos. The part therplayed in tho planting of oesontes iube recalle from thorator o Miltiades. m. solveret direct aorum.