Selected lives

발행: 1895년

분량: 249페이지


분류: 미분류



mistocles Wil underio an embassy at his oWn persona rish, that our cit ma be fortifiod. VII. The Lacedaemonians complain that Themistocles is stragon out the time a longos Ossibis, and that tho Wor is non the less Oing n. Th ohis authorit is in the haud of the ephor These sendos ambassadors to thens men hohavs hel si hictos ossicos Tho Athonians have lance in their god Wit Walis, the more asil todefend them rom an enomy. his the have donei accordance Wit internationes la . VIII. is follo citigens anished him by ostr cism. Whon he Was living at Argos, he Was accused by the Lacedaemonians because, fas the stad, he had made an alliance With the Persianain for tho conquest o Greece Both Athenians and Lacedaemoniana demanded his extradition, but lis embarhedon arahi and Aailedri Ephesus.

IX. Ii Thucydides is to e belleve serundive), Whon Themistocles hau comedo Artaxerxes, he asked that ho miret havs his trioniship. II said that he had inhen refuge With him ecauso he was huntedout of Greece. iter a e 'a time had passed the hin permitted Alcibiades o comerio him.


126 CORNELI NEPOTIS X. Because the in admiro Alcibiados hio

lasa, Aristides rought it about essedit that the



I Lysander' renom,as duerio good luch foris ins Athonians hadisen obedient to the command of thei generias, the Would nos have been subdus is him. Whon he had ast ut hos Who favo ed the Athenia fide, he gave in supreme command to ten me in eata individua stato Thisma done alter the Athenians had surrendered themselves o him. All of these assure him is apisdge that the Wouldio his creatures. ΙΙ. Η sa that Thasos as speciali faithiulto Athens. I he hadiso destre to corrupi his state, he Would notam returne fro Asia. sconoealed his purpos in his matter justis ii hemere not looking out for his oWn interesis. III. The decaroh Whichas has est lished hasbeen Mohon The Lacedaemonians say that he


which, have found in his hinse serves as eride e. IV. I has been reporte to Lysander a fello citigens that he has dono many cruel doeta in his War Pham agus, hos influenc in his ab terris great, has promise to bear testimon to the scrupulousnes With Whic he has troatin the allios. When Lysander himself read tho book Whio hehas ove the ephors to examine, o Wil Wishthat ho ad not ashod the satra to rite to thegovemment concerning him. E Rcis VI


I. and ΙΙ ΑΗ are agreed that in Alcibiades naturo triodito seeJ What sh could accomptish. Isis hinnot stood in the first an os orators, and shilfullyavassed himself of his opportunities, e inould not


could resis him, very one ondere that he Wasfound tot so dissolute an fel indulgent. III. The thenians are sal to have declared maris the Syracusans is his advice They suPposed that it Was he ho ore domu the statues-ofinermes,aecause he had celebrated the mysteries at his W house Many ero fille mit terrortes this should belonito a conspiracy. From thisit happene that heirrisar a greater tha theirhope. f Alcibiades could e of great service to Athens, he could also or the stat great harm.

been declare milty ho illisai from hurii to Elis, o moid the impendin storm. he hears that his properi has se confiscaled, and that he has heen cursed by the Hesta, he Will agema against his οὐ comtrymenJ Throuo his advice the Lacedaemonians illisain the per

han in the War.

V. Alcibiades cannot be hept ignorant that tho Spartans hol aloo fromota throuo thei Dar



hilled. t is said that he has bocomo the fas Dionios issaphernes. When hocis ahen ac by thoarm of the Athenians, he Will e restored in his rightsyis a decree of the eople. ΗΘ has decidet

to eo an opportunit os recovering the cities of Ionia, that he ma retum to thens after haringaccomptished reat deeds.

VI Alcibiades is persuading the peopte that thoirgood fortune comes throuo his efforis It Will seem to them that the have lost the arm in Sicily throughtheirim fauit me the have give bach his


it came a ut that he en to Thrace, an gremrich on in ptunder of the barbarians.

VIII. Alcibiades sal that i Philocles hould

station his fleet ne Aegospotami Lysander ould no letisti suo an opportunit os destroyin the my. Although tho Atheniana hin no money, in had thoi arm an Ahipas ut sinc Lysander hin in money au men milites , he Wi exto exhausttho Athenian is domin out the War a longos possibie Philocles Was unWillincto as forseace, bocausea fel that is hs Ahould domo, he ould beos no account amon in Athenians. I an pieceos good fortune elati, he Wishod o have a harein it. IX. It is sal that arier Alcibiades en intohidin in Thrace, ali his thought mere turne tolli liberationis his count . o di not doubtinat he hould e able so to captivat the Persian hin hy his inning manners that he ould helphim to mine aris the Spartans me ho ad an opportunit of meetin the hing, he revealed tohim ha his brotho Cyrus a doing. An so he

X. The tyrant ain the satraprio deliver up Mobbiades Pharnabazus is informed by them that is


amon offences Therefore, in porcivin his likωness, o ought to init nothing hic mines it vivid. What Was his aruit 2 ho mero his Machers In has branches Was he educated 3Theso ars the ining Whichoo must oll. II. I Epaminondas devotes himself to philo opis, he id surpas ali his fello pupiis. In Wrosiliniit is aid that he oves more attention tonimbienes than to excessis strength, ecauso hethiis that tho latior elongs specialis m--ε)to tho trianing of Oxers. Dionysius is te hinghim to in to the accompaniment of stringod instruments so that no Theban mill e belle ed cate than he. Since ali thes things ars ighlyhonour te in Greece, e mustio despis them. III. Whon me hear that Epaminondas Was Ahilledi Wariare, a good liatener, conscientioustyaeepingsecreis, and Wisel improVin his opportunities, ethin that s have leaine many of his good qualities of soul. I he had nos renounce thehespis his friend in carinisor himself, he ould not have been ablo oos thei confide e forhelping thers ne might have supposed that


184 CORNELI NEPONShe possessed ali ining in common Min them honhe Was directing hominuo each one Ahould ove. IV. It is stad that Diomedon tris to bribo him, and offere iam an immenso eight of old in orderio mouid hi to his purpose But Epaminondas stadinat he was readyto do Whatever ea quaeyWas for theaduantage of the Thebans ithout money, and thath Would not accepi tho gold for the whole orid. Is Wo ero no including in his ne Volum thelives of many men, e s ut be able o ove fumine instances of his integrity. V. I sosmet to the Thebans that Epaminondas vas mos happy in repartee. When a certain et quont rival urge in Thebans o ch se eacerather hau War, Epaminondas sal that he Wasmislsining his fello citigens, and that eace Waath ohil of War: heresore, inine Thebana ishodio enio the former ille), the ought o practisethomsolves in tho alter hιc). o those hothought that he was iamin at Agamemnon' militar fame, he stad that Agamemnon hin talis a single ity but he se autem hin liberate Greece. VI. Thoathonian ambassator has asserted that Hyo notice What his of men eao,of4he-tW states produces, from theseao Willae ablerio pas judν