Selected lives

발행: 1895년

분량: 249페이지


분류: 미분류


in ruinis the state. VIII. When the are arraime on his charge, he allom his colleagues toria ali insitam on him. Nomne supposes that Epaminondas caestie himselffrom tanger. ut he dares no oesy non modo toden non of his opponenta charges, but even sed etiam to spe so that everybo. begius to laugh.


domo dare totast thei vote against him. IX. Is Epaminondas hin no attached the enemyat antinea too bolesy, he ould not have received a mortal Wound But When in Spartana recogniZedhim, the madeo unite attach on him. Rer Epaminondas sard that in Spartans ere commered, e sal that he had live long nouis. Thenos pulle out tho iron, that he mira die. X. Pelopidas found favit it hi in booaus hohad never married But Epaminondas sal that his stoc could not die oui, because the batile of Leuctra Was his child. Nomne mill deo that Epaminondas, runWillingio imbruo his handa in the blood of his omipeopleJ But he was Willincto fight vith the Lacedaemonians, andri stand in the first an at tho Cadmoa. fas had notioe at in head of the state, Thebes mouidhavs alWay been subjectri a foreim poWer. I anyons hould en that Epaminondas asreatly vere greater than in state, do ou Ut



I. Nomne doubted that Hannibal surpasse all


io ne he conquere ali mith Whom he camo into conflict. In ordo that he mira bring his foross

Tiborius Longus, and had defeMed them, he set octior Etruria. Being roubio mith a serious a Giton of the eyes, he a carried on a litter. Neve ineleas tamen Gaius Centenius, ho a holdingines S, a surrounde an Aliani his army. V. No ne resiste Hannibal When he lingeretamong the mountians. Ηρ Would have retumed in Capua ha no the Roman dictator ut himself in his M. Although etsi Fabius Was a cleVe mmmander, he Wasmo at med is Hannibal thatas dilnes set Dot ouiside of his οὐ fortifications. When Phine sal that no one Withstood hi in Italy, you know ho meat Hannibal Was. VI. Though his means ere exhausted, and ΘWished a temporary eam to e concluderi ho intendedd figlit strat periphrastic later at a

umu, a batile had to e fouist impersonia then eo tempore). When he had come toruadrumetum arier sin defeMed, and tho Numidians plouea


against him, themthemsolves ore destroyed by thoone against Who the haddaid their plot. VII. Hannibal di no than tho Carthaginians

Was monent pantho Romans, and eis a surptuato belut in the reas y, he thought that tho Romanconsula ho ad come o Carthago ere goin todomand his extradition an fled into Syria. is properi Was confiscared by tho Carthaginians, and hs himseli doctared an exile. VIII. Inlis can, Hannibal mill persuade Antiochus to invance into Ital Wit his armies. ut Whon the Carthaginian lsam that he has madethis attemptosis attempto this V), the Willinctio the fame penalty on Mago as o Hannibal. Man havo leti it eoordo that Antiochus didno fosso Hannibat' advico in carrying on the War, althoughoe is di no forsis him in any of his attemPtS. IX. Hannibal fearod that the Cretatis Would mise a Wit his money, of hic he had rough a


Sars it lead the o of hic he covere mithgold an silver me he had madeo his mindWhere ho ould go, he oo Wit his the bro ostatues hic he had mle Wit his money, Whilo the ars of lea more in de in the templo by tho Gortynii ignorant here quo loco the money RS. X. The Carthaginian was anxious to pudith hingos Pergamum out of the Way, forci thought that homas friendi to the Romana. When the fouist,

mand periphrastic in Aialor to collect ver manypoisonous serpenta. On the da on hic tho battis macto e fouist, at Would bo directe to unito thei attachin the hinjs hip. o sal that this mustiori en, and the hingratain. XI. Bosor the fleet mere brought into action,


ported thought thermus capture Hannibal, becinaehe was thei bitterest enemy. Prusia objecto toactis contrar to the la os hospitali , ut stadinat is the found him the mouid' able tori ohim. ut When Hannibal sin that his casti Wasboset on ali fides, he endod his life is inhin pesson. XIII. Is Hannibal ad no been a brme man, Would he have passe throuo uch great struν gles His exploit in Warrare recomted is Sosilus, ominannibal ad emptos as his eacher of Gros literature. Letos compare the deed of both Roman and Gree generias that me ma judge hic of them