장음표시 사용
no the Lago di Como. He is commoni callei thevounetur linu to distin uishaim rom his unctu theseide Pliny the celebrate author of the Historiuxu fur esse H lost his ather early, and the famous Verginius Rufus, ho three times refused the imperialpurple, ecam his guardian. His uncte by his illinade in his adopted son, and e thsen as a med honam Caius Plinius Caecilius Secundus. His ameli ad previously been Publius Caecilius Secundus Hisboyhood a passe in retirement a Como during the re igns of Nero Galba Otho, and Vitellius Onthe accession o Vespasian e accompani ed his unctuto Romo, herei finished his education and attende illi lecturses of the celebrate rhetoricia Quintilian.
He irs appeare asin pleade ab ulla ear ne his uncte' death, hieli Ooli place on the occasionis theeruptionis Vesuvius in 79 A. D. When Herculaneum and Pompeii Were destroyed. Under Titus Domitian, Nerva, an Trajan, he Ooli an active par in publictiso, holdin various important Ostices an Osten appearin a an advocate efore the Cour of the Centumviri an before the Senate. In 100 A. D. at the eques of the Africans, e prosecute Marius Priscus for misconduci during his proconsul shil in Africa, and ho ook a ea diri par in severat thercelebrate cases. He possesse considerable ealthan made a liberalisse of it He ad severa villason the ak of Como. Wo of these in the sur- roundings of hicli e traced ome resemblance to Baiae, ere a specia solarce of delight to im Oneo the lay on igh round the ther a Dea themater' elige, for hicli re ason he calle them respectivel Traged an Comedy, in allusion to th highbushin o traged and the o socii Orn by comicaetors. He ad also a large state ear Tifernum Tiberinum in Etruria, an villas a Laurentum and Tusculum, an perhapsint Tibur an Praeneste Hebuit an ondowe a public librar at his nativo Comum, an contribute a large sum to provide educatio for th boys and iris of that town Healso est mone to estabiisti ballis at the Same OWD, and fragments are stili extant a Milan o a marble
si ab rom tho buit ling, earin an inscription to his
memory. He bulli a temple a Tifernum, and was generous in helping such of his frientis a stood in nee o mone or influeuce. The time of his eat his uncertain. It probabi too place in Bithynia, Where eoas sent byor an in il A.D. On animportant mission He collecte ani publis ted his letters himself, an in the we have ro the peno a gentieman an schola a valvabie picture of the interestin and venim times in hieli h livsed apietur that, appily, differs ver much Do that give of the fame perio by his contemporary,
composed, and couehed in the mos gracem and potishe Latini ty. . . . An admirer O nature,und with the faciest for observation perhaps earn edfro his uncte, e somelimes describes, an in themost beautim langua e the cenes Or Onder helia visited. . . . As a riter, lin the Oungeris a graces ut fluent, an potished, a the style of the
x ROMA LIFE. Latinit os the episties cannot fati lyae callud inferior
to that o Cicero himself Thero re se indications of the detorioration ' i progress and developmentin a langu age ought so to e callod of th Silvor Ago. That he imitate. Cicero both in his stylo and his eloquene is avowed by himself Tho followin selections illustrate the literary thellega an political, and tho socia an domestic life
o Pliny' time. Some sections are also devoted Odescriptions of the beauties an curiosities of Nature, and to an account of the eruption O Vesuvius in
Tho Vocabular is divided into sections correSpond- in With hos of tho texi and acti Latin or is explaino in the Vocabular on iis firS Occurretice. When the fame ori recur in a later par of the book iis place in tho Vocabular may be Dund by means of the Index. The Notes supplement the Vocabular in the e cases here an Xplanationo the ex is require in a forin Dot uitable or a
Si quando urbs nostra liberalibus studiis floruit,
nunc maXime floret. Multa claraque exempla Sunt.
Sussiceret unum, Euphrate philOSOphus. Hunc ego in Syria, cum adulescentulus militarem, penitus et domi inspeXi, amarique ab eo laboravi. Est plenus humanitate, quam praecipit. Disputat subtiliter, graViter, Ornate. Sermo est copiosus et VariuS. Ad hoc proceritas corporis, decora facies, demissus capillus ingens et cana barba quae licet fortuita et inania putentur, illi tamen plurimum venerationis adquirunt. Nullus horror in cultu nulla tristitia.
Vitae sanctitas Summa comita Par. Insectatur Vitia, non homines, nec caStigat errantes sed emendat.
Studes an piscaris an venaris an simul omnia 'Possunt enim omnia simul fieri ad Larium nostrum. Nam lacus piscem, feras silvae, studia altissimuSiste secessu affatim Suggerunt. Sed sive omnia simul sive aliquid facis, non poSSum dicere invideo. 'Angor tamen non et mihi licere quae Sic concupiscout aegri vinum, balinea, ODteS. Numquamne hos artissimo laqueos, si Solvere negatur, abrumpam Numquam, Uto. Nam veteribus negotiis nova accrescunt, nec tamen priora peraguntur. Tot nexibus, tot quasi catenis maius in dies occupationum agmen Xtenditur.
Ridsibis et licet rideaS. Ego ille, quem nosti, pro tres et eos quidem pulcherrimo cepi.
Ipse non tamen ut omnino ab inertia mea et quiete discederem. Ad retia sedebam. Erat in proXim non venabulum aut lancea Sed stilus et pugillareS. Meditabar aliquid enotabamque, ut Si manUS
vaeuaS, plena tamen cera reportarem.
Non est quod contemnas hoc Studendi genus. Mirum est ut animus agitatione motuque corpori Sexcitetur.
Iam undique silvae et solitudo ipsumque illud silentium, quod venationi datur, magna cogitationis
incitamenta Sunt. Proinde cum Venabere, licebit, auctore me, ut panarium et lagunculam Sic etiam pugillares feras. Experieris non Dianam magis montibus quam Minervam inerrare. Schoo rea Ditis.
Quid a te mihi iucundius potuit iniungi, quam ut praecep rem fratris tui liberis quaererem Nam beneficio tuo in scholam redeo, et illam dulciSsimam aetatem quasi resumo Sede inter iuvenes, ut Solebam. Experior quantum apud illos auctoritatis ex studiis habeam. Nam proxime frequenti auditorio inter se coram multis ordinis nostri clare iocabantur.
IntraVi, conticuerunt quod non referrem, nisi ad illorum magis laudem quam ad meam pertineret.
Quaeris quemadmodum in secessu, quo iam diu frueris, putem te Studere oportere. Utile in primis, et multi praecipiunt, vel ex Graeco in Latinum vel ex Latino vertere in Graecum quo genere exercitationis proprieta Splendorque Verborum, copia figurarunt, Vis explicandi, praeterea imitatione optimorum similia inveniendi facultas paraturi simul quae legentem fefellissent transferentem fugere non
Intellegentia ex hoc et iudicium adquiritur. Nihil offu0rit quae legeris hactenu ut rem argumentumque teneas, quaSi aemulum Scribere lectisque c0nferre ac Sedulo pensitare quid tu, quid ille commodiUS. Magna gratulatio, Si nonnulla tu, magnus pudor, Si cuncta ille melius. Licebit interdum et notissima eligere et certare cum electiS. Audax haec, non tamen improba, quia Secreta Ontentio. Itaque Summi Oratores, summi etiam Viri sic se aut exercebant aut delectabant immo delectabant Xercebantque.