Roberti Grosseteste episcopi quondam lincolniensis Epistolæ: Edited by Henry ...

발행: 1861년

분량: 622페이지


분류: 미분류



matti Par. p. 956, hos Mordsare Ver remata te Archiepi- scopus, exemplo B. horrida mar- tyris et exemplo ac doctrina . Edmundi, quondam magistri sui, insorinatus, necnon est B. Roberti' episeopi lincolniensis fidelitate


beestus ths ope rutos here, and tho rivor Tiber scis sciscet pardone hecause it passes by Rome. Later in the sam century, Brown in the Appendix totae Fasciculus Rerum Eaepetendiarum, made publich

his correspondem an his sermons, and the lose

in three solio Volumes. Nor has e been neglected by the historians and biographer o literature; eland, Bale, Oudin, anner, Fabricius, ali devote elaborate paragram to the lisis of his Voluminous WorkS. Homuniversia Wa his genius these list mill amplyprous; ut O shο-h- extraordinar his pomer Were thought y his W age,-- age, e it remembered,

Episcopi nomen, per saecula suriis agitati ut Italiam sere ip- augustum, ipsique religioni Christiauae coaevum, ampridem

sorduit quicquid Romanum est, etiam ipsa lingua Romana, Super- stitionis damnatur eo usque, ut non desint monnulli ade suis sam exterminandam putent, quia Papae subsit, et vix amni Tiberi ignoscant, quia Romam praete luat.' Presaeerio Grosseteste's De Cessatione Legalium Lond. 1658,



that ne Thomas quiuus and Albertus agnus in, it a b et to produce Some se contemporaryRoger opinions Le iis firs fine Roger Bacon, himsol probabi secon in uniVersalis to nono. e sus os him, Soliis unus civit scientias, ut Lincolniensis epis- opus '' Θει Tertioὶ ed BreWer, p. 33y o again, Solus dominus obertus, propter longitudinem vitre et vias mirabiles quibus usus est, prae aliis homi-

incolniensis, cujus comparatio ad omnes doctores modernos est elut comparatio solis ad uuam

quando Eclipsatur.' An indeed, though his life as

variet of the works attribute to in mali it dimouit to conceive ho a mn os sueti active habiis

an in suo constant occupatio could avo found time o master, far more to rite, o much. Doubflessinan book and tracts have been fathered pon him; a is o continuatly the case Wit voluminous riters


Polycam Leyser Historia me amιm etPoematum Medii Eru, p. 996, attributes to him the Disputatio Metrica inter Corpus et Animam, whieli is publiAhod amota the eius attribute to ulter Mupes,

set exte, P. 362.



sam has lues resfod on a singlo letter, resistin an potnimen to a canonr at inces attempte to bomado by the ripo an his character has suffere orgians Dominis in the estimation Os many moderas,aceo in a thei laesing hine te them to consider

one riter Apeah of the leuer hic Grosseteste roteon his occasion asinining made his nam immortia, a ther Asty that in consequenco the tor of his

lis has ecome a mythi embo in of the principie' o opposition to the se of t. eter.' But his

character mill e more truly underatoo aster eriem

in his life an times, and seein What a the
