Roberti Grosseteste episcopi quondam lincolniensis Epistolæ: Edited by Henry ...

발행: 1861년

분량: 622페이지


분류: 미분류


ine monasteries pran Dom his cauSe. Nor mas e les strenuous in the case of themnast mon teries, ahing them the subjects of his visis '' fation quin Wiι the ther pars of his diocese. In many instance the rule as hept in nyining but a stringent manner; and though ther is tutis evido es of mors than genera laxit an ease hereinere hould have been stricines an clos attention


an ut capitula hodies of his time. A dartior picturo of the condition os the eople, Win tolli neglect an even to the example of the clero, can careel be ound than has e me traces of both in me of theso effers, an in hos of his hiend Adam de Mariseoy and though in the case flamav S conscientious and ames a Gr0Aseleste, his language probabi ruther X gerate thun underrates in abuses of his diocose, et that an me been no

Nos tam multiplicia mala, tam graVia tam deformia, tam foeda, tam flagitiosa, tam facinorosa, tam scelerata, tam sacrilega populo Christi cruore redempto universaliter inesse et inhaerere ex neglectu rectorum, ex incuria pastorum, et, quod heu flendum' est potius quam scribendum, eae exemplo pe88imo et serniote rabid et impudenter ubique serpente, cernimus evidenter '


of the poWer o visitation, heu se cely one an be

the monasteries pranchom hisca e. Nor mas e les strenum in the me of the Μonast monasteries, ahing them the subjects of his visi- ''

talion equali mitti the ther part of his diocese. In many instances in xule mas est in nythingbut a stringent mander and though therocis filo

evidences of more than genera laxit an ease herethere hould have been stricines an clos attention

a non sequitur. An indeo lator

in his life ho Joine the offer hishops in resistin an attemptissctis ver description Dom Arch-bishop Boniface. Seebeio , P. IXXV. In imo letters in the presentvolume pp. 68 319 mention is made os in immoralit os certain monk of inting. ut o saynothing of theses Mini stom asoraim monastery the va in Whie the are spolienis mould incline scio belleve the case Wasan exceptiones ne Indein theparochial clero seem to have been far more mili in this respect inanthe regulars. Se Grosseteste's


expecte is an active relato tho Grosseteste Thosac thatis many benefices ero in the and of the

monasteries, ho receiVed the rectoria tythes, and appotnte a Vicis to serve in parish, ad constant inspectio stili more neceSSMy.

t millistand the romin infidelit of the age han

Grosseteste me mith considerabio opposition in his endemour toinoreas the alues of the vicarages. at mustae remembered that thechancellor mas almys resident,


som years during that interva is certain. An afte Wards, hen a Bisto of Lincia ho mas in diocosanto the rior scholars me fin many Xamples aliis confimae interest in them disputes an quareelsmere referre t hi a the final arbiter, and the directio of thei studies a stili in a great meas e


emper .

relegatos, persecutionibus et tribulationibus undique coangustatos,' in a Iether ritte While heiopo massissi a Lyona, after the excommunicationis the emperorand When in Waraad penlyarohenius G SSeleste, ho-Ver, ridenti embraee in papa causo mitheagemes' and it a be thus determinedi carriud

head. his is in true e to the eel in respecting


in laesing respecting the conversio os in Saracens, me a se in the histor of S. Francis himself and later, at the Councit of Lyons, a numher of hiara Were selected fora at once and preach to in Saracens.

more legitimas by the canon laW. Grosseteste, in Ver elaborate series os arguments addresse to . do

endeavo A to convince his correspondent of their legitimac and the consequent,ron a the civit a On his potat. e rite in very ames term to




move in the maueri e rite o one occasio iotho archusho on his potat, evidenti determine notio is Way though e noWs the offence ho miligis in Eng, and the ris he personali runs. hecompellin cleas o submitrio the la tribunias, honi is doubues holhor in causo b ecclesiasticia Orlay, and his do tos effled by the lay couris, sanother moance of hic he complain heavij. Umali an Uggia furesfh amius to the ing, of ich e mines continua uso ris dissiculi ofgetling agna Charta carris out in spite os pro Aeson the πώ ride and threatene excommunication onthat os in bishops, is ut too rident hom many passages in these letters.


causarum decisionibus, quam in corporis Vestri con- serendae sanitatis et conservandae curis ' is intro

m in Sinost. Pauper,' Gas- coigno' Theol Die V. Peccatum. Genere quidem infimus,' Chron. Lanere L p. 43. Simplici pro- genie orius,' Id. p. 44. In modern times an attemptisa made by r.

in saying bonam natura indolem praeceptis Scripturarum exercenS, produxit animum generosum,' P. 243.