장음표시 사용
benefice in England many is no ali ignorant of thelangvago an habit of the eople'. an frequently ulteri unfit by education, age, and habit os sis for thosi fuations into hich the were thrust an secondimthe largo sum demande fro the clero a subsidiest ard the expenses of the rusades'. a What an
the had venture t do his against ais distinos
he hau calle hi in by his right
pus ut o profection, ere the resulis, henee, to Sethe orta of the contemporar historian clericalis Bari coi
aster ard a by videlicet adhuc ad vidium epis- tolarum palmam porrigens' ' p. 633. On another occa-
In Leiter Mix., p. 145, he mentions stat sinoe his consecrationis nephew of the Pope a promoted oone of the best prebenos a Lincoln.
Dr. ilman finta a dissiculi here, apparenti fram expectis this tobe a nephew of Innocent TU. Latin Christianity iv. p. 364, note d. But the Leiter Was,rium in 1238 probably, and while Gregor IX.
mention in thes Letters os similis equest a ressedio a prelate hos character an determinatio musthave been Ao mel knom ho many more mus there have been made to thers, in hos case it Was onlyto as an haves Andistili more A in the instinc ossuch relates as ero Italians themserues, and Whose prejudices ould naturali b in avo of theircountrymen Thi Would incline us to sermo ad picture M What, to a rea extent, mus have been the
ma great anger fio some interna cause to tho ist. lix ord ,- uniu hominis effraenata Voluntate occasionem
and the capitular odios of his time. Α artior picturo of the condition of tho eople, Win tolli neglec an even to the example of the clero, can carceJ be ound than has e have frace of both in ome of theso Leuers, an in hos of his hiendatam si Marisco in and though in the case of ammi S conscientious and ames a Grosseteste, his language probabi ratae exaggerates than underrates
the abuses of his diocese, et that an have been nosti hi causo hic calle sorti, uel language a thesello ing the passage mill careel bear translating):
mos tam multiplici mala, tam graria, tam raesermia, tam ceda, tam flagitiosa, tam lacinoroSa, tam scelerata, tam sacrilega populo Christi cruore redempto universaliter inesse et inhaerere e neglectu rectorum, e incuria pastorum, et, quod heu flendum est potius quam scribendum, eae eaeemplo pe88imo sepntote bid et impudenter ubique serpent6, cernimus evidentor 'Capitular ho capitula hodies at this time laime to e independon o the istos, assertis that the poWero visitation ver the hapter a veste in the dean, and that th bishop ad n right o visitation, Xcepti cases here appea Was made to his, or os culpable negligene o the dean' part an no mali portion o Grosseteste' episcopale res pent in vindi