Roberti Grosseteste episcopi quondam lincolniensis Epistolæ: Edited by Henry ...

발행: 1861년

분량: 622페이지


분류: 미분류


, 260.

p. 738. Hist et Antiquit. UniV. Oxon. i. p. 389. Seemearne, Dinistabk Anna , i. p. 299. There seem to have been some


es incesti 'caeston, o hom e me in account Eeelesto of the firsi est lishment os in Franciscans in England P δ' speah in very remarhable term of his influenco verinemn unde his, he Aa inaestimabilit6r in breve tempus, iam in concionibus quam praedicationi con-μ gruis subtilibus moralitatibus, prosecerunt. Hob lyhis commentaries on Aristolle mero ruten af this time,


he contemplated a pilarimage to Rome, and ad ob I23I.tained leavo an made ali arrangement for his depam ture, hic mas t haveri en placein Januar 6, 1232, but tho disturbances against in Italia clerin thenbrohe ut, an femin reprisias i he en to Rome, dum ex reconti injuris servet furens libido vin- dictae, remartis himself the lino sorbadobi going. e ala hel in rector of S. amaret's, Loiosister' ut is this Acheld Wit in archdeaconry, it a resigne at the fame time. Tho est lishment of the om monuersorum sorino Jem in his ea mem to have directe Grosse- teste' thought to thei condition, and to the propertrealmen the ought o meet it frem Christians. One of his etfors, Winton to the Countes of in-chester, grues his sentiment on the subjeci Simon de onflari, is seems, ad expelle the om homLeicester in orde to ut a sto to thei oppressiona Christians by their usurious praefices, and themuntres a incline to allo inem to etile on her



in rom his mentioin uia allinamed Merg vere iste deprived, it appears that here mere stilli a considerabis number of the elemy


severat of them referrinito certain polat o ritualismwhicli are extremes curious. hus the clero are cautione against using inegar so the eucharist the aret fine care that in canonae dul corrected,--etherthis reser to the caretessnes of the scribes h copi edoui the service book sor each hurch cannotae decided. He expressi directa ala the excommuniention pro



Otho, in the snt drs of his

nicate ali iis membres, including the hancellor, Simon de Boville, prior of the Dominicans It wason his occasio stat the chularathreatens to leave Oxsord, ut mere revente by the Ling. CanGrosseteste' leue lxxvi. to Otho, ahout his lia in absolvo aeter Who ad been excommuni


stan in nee o correctio or visitationis much as

os iit , expressinithis to the istio himself, and



attempto fo visit inem. O thei refusing o recallois the lino suspended the dean precentor, and 8 deaurimm enfr into in cathedral church ohe account

do to them, theraean, precentor, hancellor, ire urer, an severat ther canon at nee starte sor Rome They sent also in usual essetiger And


PREFACE. xliii

μ against me as against an injure an a malefactor.

nor Vicar, nor an os the ministrant of the catho-

o scelesiastica discipline. sint Ias decided Mon amiddie comae, to reser the matterito judges chom is the w parties, thoughis seem to have considered