Roberti Grosseteste episcopi quondam lincolniensis Epistolæ: Edited by Henry ...

발행: 1861년

분량: 622페이지


분류: 미분류


Hugo, Cardines, cxv. Hugo de S. Caro, cardina presbyter, fit. S.

says os him In cujus obitu, nos magistrorum obiit monachO- rum; quia sicut abbas abbatum in Anglia extiterat, ita et epis-μ opus episcoporum coruscinit. Innocent IV. POpe, XI. CXVII.,

cxxVIII. Sinibal de Fiesco; oleoto in I 243 die at aptes 1254.

Sur Loire, LIII. LIV. CVIII. Abbat

Jordanus, L. This is B. Jordanos Saxony, secon prior generalos in Dominicans raro ne in stor nea Satalia in 1237. Vir eximiae sanctitatis et Prae- dicator egregius,' ait Par.

p. 438. Se his is in uotis


hille in Deland in I234.

him, regis fidelissimus cancel- larius, et inconcusSa columna veritatis, singulis sua jur praecipue pauperibus singulis juste reddens et indilato.' Thisis one os Paris' addition to

Notingliam, William do CXIV. Proin vincia minister of the Franciscans in England 1239. See Eecleston p. 59 A. de arisco p. 303. Ossinton, Johide, cxx. Chaplain tothe ope ; canon os Salisbur ;rocior o Earrs Barion, I 260;dio in 125 1. Quo non erat In Anglia clericus celebrior.'Μati. Par. p. 8I7.


CIV. CV. CN. Otho Candidus, orto Blan cardina deacon tit.

S. Niceolo in Careero Tulliano in 1227 legato in England 1225 recassed by the POp in 1226;returne 1237, and est again Jan. 7, 1241 dio 125 I. Oxsord, tho regent in theolog nt,


dean o Yor 1228 rector of Boston, I 228 oreasurer of ork1249 archdeacon o Richmοnd; dio in 1256. ait Par. Who tWice mentions his deuth pp. 918, 92I, spesis of him avarus et cavillosus, dives Valde et senex, and says that he iri- mus vel de primis fuit, qui quasi explorator impiissimus arcana Anglia roseravit et prο- Vocavit Romanos, ut redditibus Anglis solito avidius et the- auris per fas et nefas inhi-


Thomas, o Thomasius, Cardinal; ALIV. LXVIII. This is istor Thomas, cardinia presbyter tit. S. Balbina, ho was cardinat in 1218, or homas de Capua, R dinia presbyter fit. S. Sabina, o die in I 243. Tovina' illium de III., XΣΠ.,



Wallensis, Thomas, LI. Archdeacon


Abiugdon, dean, .e abbatis I 03. Adam de Latebury, abbatis Reading, 25. Adam de Marisco seeruariSco. Adam os Oxsord, about to leave me Franciscans o reain to the Saracens, 18, 21. Adam Rufus, 1 has intercourae it mise

Aristoti philosophus , quoted 292, 306, 315. Amullas see Emultus. Arvernus, William Ninopi Paris, 250. Atto Acton , a ter of Cardinat Otho, preserred by him to a rebendist Lincoln 144, 241. Augustine S. Mesed, I, 3, 4, 6 8, 10, 16, 24, 2, I, 7, 4, 79 80, 83 99, 154, 25 I, 280, 291, 362 420. Augustine, pseud. quoted 10.

Bedsordinire, justices itinerant in 105. Beleth, michael, actines Grosseteste's

striciness, 50.

Benedici, S., quoted 124. his rute, I 77, 209. Beninstorin, Walter de abbat a Bardney, 308. Bernard S., quoted, I, 53 I89, 190, 206, 378. Bernard one of the parites in tho assur of


Buckinghaminire, justices itinerant in iob. C. Cambrium, chancellor and deamo I 02. canons, Molad 89, 107, 1I0 III, 10,

Vince sede vacante 295, 324.

Chrysostom S., quoted 38 I36. Cistercia abbais, thei right os visitation, 366, 377. Citeaux, abbat and conventis 321. Clero, bad example os 440. Cierk, a luxurious, 48. Clive Geome de Grosseteste destres ohave missi him 60, 6 I. Complan, William de Mardian of the temporalities of Barinen My 308. Commali, Richard os recommende byCardinal Giles, and presente to the ebend of St. Martin sint Lincoln,



Cr hali, Johide, canon es Lincoln I 03, 245 283. Croyland abbatis see Baroney, Richard. Curteoche. S., a burgher of Leicester harses used by Simon de Montsori,143. D. D. an illiterate nephemissu Romanus, nominateito Sisinsordon Mon 204. Daventry R. de Minham at 300. prioris see Ely, icholas de. Deans cannotae visitore os cathedral G ters, 376. Dionysius, Areop., Pseud. quote G26. Dominicans se Marsi actera. Dorchester abbat and conventis, I6s. bat os se minard.

absolve the in and baron in Stissatharine' chape at es insterhoin excommunication, 234. Summons Grosseteste on urgenti iness, 254.

dispute missi theatinopis Londo onvisitation 257. di no suppori Grosseteste agaInstoletasaeing made justices itinerant,


urge to resis eorrupi elections andespeciali that to the bis priccos Hereford, 265. Edmund Walter de S., abbatis Peter-horough, I 3. Egeblanke o Algueblanche , Peterrae, bishopis Hereford, 276. Egidius see Giles. Eleanor, Queen 272, 306, 3I0. Elections ecclesiasticia, Miber an intimidation at, 264. Uy, Nicholas de prior of DaVenisy, 312. bisho of se Northmold, Huo de. England chuc os offences against iis liberties 2I4, 25, 227. oppresse conditionis, 327 443. depend on the archbish f ante bury, 336. Emuinis the Pope' penitentiary, requested



ter 121.

resi s his emolumenis, exceptri pre-



corresponded missi Cardines siles about his nephew P. I28. on the place of his consecration, 54. request is haves de St tales and G. de Clive missi iam 59 61, 132. siunmons Isin de S. Giles to Enoand,

his affection sors de Raleio, 63 97. his obiections o putring out livingsto sarm 65.

dinal Giles, I27.

predecessor 135.

presseda Cardinal Giles, I 37. gives R. de Commal a mali prehenda Lincola, an a place at his tableat first 138 I40. Waras Simon de Monis i against excessive severity, 14I. Willincto go to reac among the Saracens, I44. bres Cardinia Ostorio reces his presentationis his oler Atto 145. intene to reae to his item in thei demines 146. requires hurches to e consecrared mitian tuo eam 146. Want advice acto procurations andineontinent clerks I47. endemοursao bring Thomas Wallensis stom Paris, by giving him the arch-deaconry of Lincola I47. his constitutions sortineola diocese, 15 166.



regulations the consecration ofRamser oey, 190. resers suc matters a that of the vicaro Maxento Cardinia Raymund I94. hopes in cardinia mill restore Castorehurch, ib. defended by J. de Ferentino a Rome, 195. quareel mit theraean and chapter of Lincolu, I99, 235, 248, 2r 0, 263, 277, 285, 287, 29 I, 297, 299, 300, 357. ealis o the ripe sor his assistance,

excommunicates thei procis Nicholas 293. threatens to excommunicate them is the have reco se to the monk of Cantecturn 295. invites thei assistance against the

his enueriles that R. de Κiaham maynot be absent fro his triaI, 297, 299. decision in his favo by the Pope, 335. gratesit for the kitanes Osa Roma

hesitates to ove a reben to Atto, Otho' clerk, 241. promises'. demonisor support,iththe Ling and comsor to his Muso- id 244. ordera a cler sentenoed by Otho tobe absolved 245. affectionis William isto o Paris soraim, 250. ain sor Otho' intersereno against the abbat of mylan actin as ustiee itinerant 262. his anxiet about corrupi elections, especiali to the tishoprie os

Hereford, 265. his rebis to R. de Lexinton andoster justices sor punishing the ruraldeamat Lincoln, Who had denouncediheir trying capita crimes in Sun-day, 266. his invice to the convent of Μissen- deni electing a head 269. congratulates archbisho Bonisaee onhis election, 27 I. urges litari use the queen' influence

advisos in t he autious in institutions 273.sendibae in him the person presentedio Castor 274.

in his cause 298.